The city of Sokyriany on the Sokyryanka River is located 20 kilometers south of Novodnistrovsk, near the Moldovan border.
Known since 1666. According to legend, it was founded by refugees from Moldavia and Bukovyna captured by the Turks, who came here with axes to clear a place for a new settlement from the forest.
Before the First World War, Sokyriany had the status of the parish center of the Khotyn District.
Until the early 1990s, a large Jewish community lived in Sokyriany, which made up a significant part of the population and played a significant role in the formation of the city and its development.
There are 2 Orthodox churches in the city.
A stone quarry with a length of hundr ...
The city of Sokyriany on the Sokyryanka River is located 20 kilometers south of Novodnistrovsk, near the Moldovan border.
Known since 1666. According to legend, it was founded by refugees from Moldavia and Bukovyna captured by the Turks, who came here with axes to clear a place for a new settlement from the forest.
Before the First World War, Sokyriany had the status of the parish center of the Khotyn District.
Until the early 1990s, a large Jewish community lived in Sokyriany, which made up a significant part of the population and played a significant role in the formation of the city and its development.
There are 2 Orthodox churches in the city.
A stone quarry with a length of hundreds of kilometers is considered a landmark.
Місто Сокиряни на річці Сокирянці розташоване в 20 кілометрах на південь від Новодністровська, поблизу молдовського кордону.
Відоме з 1666 року. За легендою, засноване біженцями із захоплених турками Молдавії та Буковини, які прийшли сюди з сокирами, щоб розчистити від лісу місце для нового поселення.
До Першої світової війни Сокиряни мали статус волосного центру Хотинського повіту.
До початку 1990-х років в Сокирянах проживала велика єврейська громада, яка становила значну частину населення й відігравала значну роль в становленні міста та його розвитку.
В місті діють 2 православні церкви.
Визначною пам'яткою вважається кам'яний кар'єр протяжністю сотні кілометрів.
Sokyriany Historical Museum
Museum / gallery
The Historical Museum of the Sokyriany City Council of the Chernivtsi Region was opened in 2015.
The exposition in four halls tells about the history of Sokyrianshchyna and the whole Bessarabian-Bukovynian region from ancient times to the present day.
Among the exhibits are archeological artifacts and finds, icons, books and photographs, household items, utensils, clothes, household items. In particular, an adult mammoth tusk 1.6 m long and weighing 60 kg, found in 2008 on the banks of the Dniester near the village of Voloshkove, is presented. You can also see the flint products of primitive people from excavations of a Paleolithic site on the outskirts of the village of Molodove.
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