Novodnistrovsk is the city of the builders of the Dnistrovsk Hydroelectric Unit and the maintenance staff of the Dnistrovsk HPP, one of the youngest cities in Ukraine.
The construction of Novodnistrovsk began simultaneously with the construction of the hydroelectric power station on the Dniester.
On the banks of the reservoir, which stretches for 80 kilometers along the upper course of the river, there are recreation centers with small houses. This is the final point of the tourist route on boats along the Dniester, which begins in the village of Kadubivtsi.
Новодністровськ - місто будівельників Дністровського гідровузла та обслуговуючого персоналу Дністровської ГАЕС, одне з наймолодших міст України.
Будівництво Новодністровська почалося одночасно зі спорудженням гідроелектростанції на Дністрі.
На березі водосховища, яке тягнеться на 80 кілометрів по верхній течії річки, працюють бази відпочинку з будиночками. Це кінцевий пункт туристського маршруту на катерах уздовж Дністра, який починається в селі Кадубівці.
Dniester HPP
Dniester HPP is one of the most modern hydroelectric power plants of Ukraine, unique in its complex purpose and design features.
The construction of the hydroelectric station on the Dniester began in 1973. Nearby, on the right bank of the river, the city of energy workers was under construction. In 1981, the first two hydro units were put into operation, and in 1983 the station reached the installed capacity of 702 MW.
In 2008, the first hydro unit of the Dniester hydro-accumulating power plant, which became the most powerful in Europe, was launched. The 194-kilometer-long reservoir allows to regulate the seasonal flow of the Dniester.
Novodnistrovsk Historical Museum
Museum / gallery
The Novodnistrovsk Historical Museum was founded in 2007. It is located on the second floor of the secondary school No. 1.
On a total area of almost 300 square meters, there are several exhibition departments: "History of the city and the construction of the Dniester cascade of hydroelectric power plants and hydroelectric power plants", the ethnographic exhibition "Antiquities of the native land", the "Hall of Military Glory", the "Gallery of the History of the Development of Education in Novodnistrovsk" and the exhibition hall "Art and Folk Art".
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