
Travel guide online Kamyanske

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General information about Kamyanske

Kamyanske is an industrial city and port on the two banks of the Dnipro (the longest bridge crossing in Europe - 17 kilometers) 35 kilometers from the regional center of the city of Dnipro.

It was first mentioned in 1750 as the village of Kamyanske, which arose on the site of a Cossack winter camp. Industrial growth began in the middle of the 19th century.

Saint Nicholas Cathedral (1895), decorated with details in the ancient Rus style, has been preserved.

In 1936, the city was renamed Dniprodzerzhinsk. In 1963, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine was built.

CPSU General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev lived and worked in the city, a part of the local museum's exposition ...

Kamyanske is an industrial city and port on the two banks of the Dnipro (the longest bridge crossing in Europe - 17 kilometers) 35 kilometers from the regional center of the city of Dnipro.

It was first mentioned in 1750 as the village of Kamyanske, which arose on the site of a Cossack winter camp. Industrial growth began in the middle of the 19th century.

Saint Nicholas Cathedral (1895), decorated with details in the ancient Rus style, has been preserved.

In 1936, the city was renamed Dniprodzerzhinsk. In 1963, one of the largest hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine was built.

CPSU General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev lived and worked in the city, a part of the local museum's exposition is dedicated to him. The Brezhnev monument next to the bus station was dismantled in 2023 as part of deimmunization.

Recently, the original monuments "Prometheus Unchained", "Prometheus and the Statue of Liberty" appeared in the center.

Since 2016, the historical name of Kamyanske has been returned to the city.

Кам'янське – індустріальне місто і порт на двох берегах Дніпра (найдовший в Європі мостовий перехід – 17 кілометрів) в 35 кілометрах від обласного центру міста Дніпро.

Вперше згадується в 1750 році як село Кам'янське, що виникло на місці козацького зимівника. З середини XIX століття почався промисловий ріст. Зберігся Миколаївський собор (1895 рік), прикрашений деталями в давньоруському стилі. У 1936 році місто перейменовано на Дніпродзержинськ (з 2016 року місту повернуто історичну назву Кам'янське.). У 1963 році побудована одна з найбільших в Україні Середньодніпровська ГЕС.

У місті Кам'янське жив і працював генсек КПРС Леонід Брежнєв, йому присвячена частина експозиції місцевого музею. Пам ...

Кам'янське – індустріальне місто і порт на двох берегах Дніпра (найдовший в Європі мостовий перехід – 17 кілометрів) в 35 кілометрах від обласного центру міста Дніпро.

Вперше згадується в 1750 році як село Кам'янське, що виникло на місці козацького зимівника. З середини XIX століття почався промисловий ріст. Зберігся Миколаївський собор (1895 рік), прикрашений деталями в давньоруському стилі. У 1936 році місто перейменовано на Дніпродзержинськ (з 2016 року місту повернуто історичну назву Кам'янське.). У 1963 році побудована одна з найбільших в Україні Середньодніпровська ГЕС.

У місті Кам'янське жив і працював генсек КПРС Леонід Брежнєв, йому присвячена частина експозиції місцевого музею. Пам'ятник Брежнєву поруч з автовокзалом демонтований 2023 року в межах деомунізації.

Останнім часом в центрі з'явилися оригінальні пам'ятники "Розкутий Прометей", "Прометей і статуя Свободи".

Сплануй своє перебування у Kamyanske

What to see and where to go in Kamyanske

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kamyanske

Kamyanske City History Museum
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Kamyanske City History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kamyanske City History Museum is located in a large constructivist building built in 1985. Before that, it occupied the premises of the Saint Nicholas Church for a long time.

The museum exposition is located in two halls on an area of about 2.5 thousand square meters and reproduces the history of the city from the earliest times to the present day.

Its constituent part is a separate section "Leonid Brezhnyev and his time", dedicated to the life and activities of the statesman and politician Leonid Brezhnyev, who lived and worked in the city for a long time.

The stock collections include more than 90,000 items of preservation, including archaeological and ethnographic collections , numismatics, philately, bonistics, a collection of gifts to Leonid Brezhnyev, etc.

In 2009, the open-air exposition "Kamyanske in signs and symbols" was opened. In particular, there is a sculpture of Prometheus breaking the chains, which is a symbol of the city. Since 1920, the 3.82-meter-tall figure has been standing on a high stele at the corner of Svobody and Gymnazychnnyi avenues. Later, it was replaced by a copy, and the original was exhibited in the courtyard of the historical museum.

Map pin icon Svobody Street, 39


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Museum "Jewish Soul", Kamianske
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Museum "Jewish Soul"

Museum / gallery

The Museum "Jewish Soul" ("A Yiddishe Neshume") in Kamyanske is located in the modern building of the synagogue "Beit Reuven", built in 2008. The architecture and facade of the building are a copy of the synagogue 770 in New York.

The creation of the museum was initiated in 2024 by the Jewish community of the city. She has gathered a considerable collection of valuable exhibits: old photographs from the family archives of the Jews of Kamyanske (formerly Dniprodzerzhynsk) and numerous household items from the past and the century before last. A separate section is devoted to the Holocaust.

Among the unique artifacts are the bricks from which the building of the previous synagogue in Kamiansky was erected. In its place is now the charitable center "Beit Baruch" and the large synagogue "Beit Reuven". The same bricks were laid in the foundation of the modern complex.

Map pin icon Lyubavychskoho Rebe Street, 5


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Museum "Retrogarage Motosvit", Kamyanske
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Museum "Retrogarage Motosvit"

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Rare Motorcycles "Retrogarage Motosvit" ("Motomir") was created in Kamyanske by a private collector and restorer of motorcycles, Oleksandr Frolov, in 2019. His collection of motorcycles is called one of the best in Ukraine.

Oleksandr Frolov began collecting retro machinery in 2011. The first specimen was the Soviet road motorcycle "Izh-49" of 1951.
Currently, about 60 exhibits are presented on two floors of the museum.

The oldest of them is a homemade motorbicycle from 1893 from Hungary, which was manufactured before the production of the first serial motorcycles began.

A whole series of early German and French motorcycles from the beginning of the 20th century is exhibited. Most of the BMW motorcycle model range from the mid-20th century is presented. You can see military motorcycles that were used in World War II on the fronts of Europe and Africa. The American motorbike industry is represented by individual copies of Harley-Davidson bikes.

All the motobikes presented in the museum have been carefully restored. Most of the motorcycles are running. Also presented are old scooters, mopeds, bicycles. Part of the exhibition is the interior of a village hut that stood on the site of the museum before, where various old household items are collected.

Map pin icon Osypenka Street, 23


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DMC History Museum, Kamianske
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People's Museum of Dnipro Metallurgical Combine

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The People's Museum of History of PJSC "Dnipro Metallurgical Combine" is housed in the former Kamyanske engineering club, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

The exposition in four halls tells the history of the enterprise, starting from the moment of the first smelting at the then Dnipro Metallurgical Plant in 1889. The museum funds include more than 15,000 exhibits: archival materials, unique book editions, ancient tools, household items and ethnoculture, rare photographs, fragments of real technological equipment, personal belongings of factory workers.

A special place is occupied by the exposition of the plant's products on the open area in front of the museum. And the main exhibit is the factory horn, which signaled the start and end of the shift for more than 100 years.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 14


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St. Nicholas Cathedral, Kamyanske
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Saint Nicholas Cathedral

Architecture , Temple

The Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Cathedral with a high bell tower in Kamyanske is distinguished by architectural elements in the ancient Rus style.

It was built in 1894 according to the project of the architect Leonid Brodnytskyi at the expense of workers and employees with the participation of the Dnipro Metallurgical Plant.

In Soviet times, the building housed a local history museum.

In 1988, the Saint Nicholas Cathedral was returned to the church, and restoration was carried out. It currently belongs to the UOC community of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Soborna Street, 1


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