
Travel guide online Korosten

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General information about Korosten

The ancient city of Korosten on the banks of the Uzh River was the former capital of the Drevlyans.

The year 705 is recognized as the official date of foundation. It is mentioned in "The Tale of Timeless Years" as the impregnable fortress of Iskorosten. According to legend, the Drevlyan prince Mal refused to pay tribute to Kyiv and killed the Varangian prince Igor. In revenge, Ihor's wife, Princess Olha, burned the city to the ground in 946.

In the picturesque and landscaped Drevlyanskyi Park, a monument to Prince Mal was erected on the site of the hillfort, and on the granite banks of Uzh, where, according to legend, the Kyiv army stood - a monument to Princess Olha. Nearby is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ.

In 1589, the Lithuanian prince Sigism ...

The ancient city of Korosten on the banks of the Uzh River was the former capital of the Drevlyans.

The year 705 is recognized as the official date of foundation. It is mentioned in "The Tale of Timeless Years" as the impregnable fortress of Iskorosten. According to legend, the Drevlyan prince Mal refused to pay tribute to Kyiv and killed the Varangian prince Igor. In revenge, Ihor's wife, Princess Olha, burned the city to the ground in 946.

In the picturesque and landscaped Drevlyanskyi Park, a monument to Prince Mal was erected on the site of the hillfort, and on the granite banks of Uzh, where, according to legend, the Kyiv army stood - a monument to Princess Olha. Nearby is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ.

In 1589, the Lithuanian prince Sigismund III, at the request of Prokop Mrzhevitskyi, who owned the city at that time, granted Korosten the right of Magdeburg (a memorial sign was installed).

By the beginning of the 20th century, the city had turned into a large railway junction (a technical museum operates at the Locomotive Depot). In 1918, at the Korosten railway station, the Presidium of the Central Rada approved the trident as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic (a monument was installed).

On the basis of ancient Rus dungeons, in 1936, on the western border of the USSR, which passed here, a fortified command post "Rock" of the western fortified area was built, in which 200 Red Army soldiers defended themselves against the fascists for a week. In 2005, the seal of secrecy was lifted from the underground object with a length of several hundred meters, irregular excursions are conducted.

The city is also known for the products of the Korosten porcelain factory, you can visit the exhibition of products.

The Day of the city of Korosten is celebrated on the second Saturday of September, during which the International Derun Festival is held.

Стародавнє місто Коростень на березі річки Уж - колишня столиця древлян.

Офіційною датою заснування визнаний 705 рік. Згадується в "Повісті времєнних літ" як неприступна фортеця Іскоростень. За легендою, древлянский князь Мал відмовився платити данину Києву і вбив варязького князя Ігоря. В помсту дружина Ігоря княгиня Ольга в 946 році спалила місто вщент.

У мальовничому й облаштованому "Древлянському парку" місці городища встановлено пам'ятник князю Малу, а на гранітних берегах Ужа, де, за переказами, стояло київське військо - пам'ятник княгині Ользі. Поруч - собор Різдва Христового.

В 1589 році литовський князь Сигізмунд III на прохання Прокопа Мржевіцького, який володів тоді містом, надав Коростеню Магдебурзьке право (встановлено пам'я ...

Стародавнє місто Коростень на березі річки Уж - колишня столиця древлян.

Офіційною датою заснування визнаний 705 рік. Згадується в "Повісті времєнних літ" як неприступна фортеця Іскоростень. За легендою, древлянский князь Мал відмовився платити данину Києву і вбив варязького князя Ігоря. В помсту дружина Ігоря княгиня Ольга в 946 році спалила місто вщент.

У мальовничому й облаштованому "Древлянському парку" місці городища встановлено пам'ятник князю Малу, а на гранітних берегах Ужа, де, за переказами, стояло київське військо - пам'ятник княгині Ользі. Поруч - собор Різдва Христового.

В 1589 році литовський князь Сигізмунд III на прохання Прокопа Мржевіцького, який володів тоді містом, надав Коростеню Магдебурзьке право (встановлено пам'ятний знак).

До початку XX століття місто перетворилося на великий залізничний вузол (при Локомотивному депо діє технічний музей). В 1918 році на залізничній станції Коростень Президія Центральної Ради затвердила тризуб як герб УНР (встановлений пам'ятник).

На основі давньоруських підземель в 1936 році на західному кордоні СРСР, що проходив тут, був побудований укріплений командний пункт "Скеля" західного укріпрайону, в якому 200 бійців Червоної армії тиждень оборонялися від фашистів. В 2005 році з підземного об'єкта протяжністю кілька сот метрів знято гриф секретності, проводять нерегулярні екскурсії.

Також місто відоме продукцією Коростенського фарфорового заводу, можна відвідати виставку продукції.

День міста Коростеня відзначають у другу суботу вересня, під час якого проводиться Міжнародний фестиваль дерунів.

Сплануй своє перебування у Korosten

What to see and where to go in Korosten

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Tourist attractions and museums of Korosten

Porcelain Exhibition, Korosten
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Korosten Porcelain Exhibition

Museum / gallery

The room-museum of the history of the Korosten porcelain factory has been operating in the city's cultural center since 2012.

Here is a part of the exposition, which was previously located in the lobby of the main building of the enterprise, which is now closed.

Local residents also helped in creating the exposition. Today, the number of unique items in the museum room is about 500 items.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 3


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Object Rock, Korosten
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Military-Historical Complex "Object "Rock"

Castle / fortress , Museum / gallery

The "Rock" facility in Korosten is a former secret underground command post of the Korosten fortified area №5, which was part of the so-called "Stalin Line".

It was built in 1936 on the basis of a system of natural and artificial caves in the granite rock, on which the ancient Rus city Iskorosten stood in the 8th-13th centuries. Also known as "Stalin's Bunker".

Also known as "Stalin's Bunker". In case of war, it was planned to command the South-Western Front. The object was not used for its intended purpose. In 1941, a detachment of 200 Red Army soldiers defended themselves against the Nazis for a week.

In Soviet times, the facility remained under the control of the military, then was transferred to the civil defense system. All this time the equipment (ventilation system, water supply, autonomous power supply, communication) remains in working order. The seal of secrecy was lifted in 2005, and the efforts of enthusiasts began the creation of the military-historical museum complex "Rock", dedicated to the initial period of the Second World War. One of the probable three levels of corridors and caves has been investigated.

Excursions are by prior arrangement.

Map pin icon 1 Travnya Street, 2A


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Park Drevlyanskyi, Korosten
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Park "Drevlyanskyi"

Park / garden

"Drevlyanskyi" Central Park in Korosten is a well-organized recreation area on the slopes of a granite rock, on the top of which in the VIII-XIII centuries the chronicle Iskorosten was located.

A model of the wooden fortifications of the ancient city was erected on the site of the hillfort, a monument to Prince Mal of Drevlyany was erected, and a monument to Princess Olha, who, according to legend, spent the last years of her life in Iskorosten, destroyed by her, on the river bank at the foot of the rock. The deep place on the Uzh River, where, according to legend, the princess loved to bathe, is marked with the sign "Princess Olha's Bath".

On the opposite bank, there is a monument to Dobrynya Mykytovych, who is considered a native of Korosten, as well as a monument to Princess Malusha of Drevlyany and her son, the future Prince Volodymyr the Great. In 2015, opposite the central entrance to the park, a monument to Prince Volodymyr was erected (sculptors Vitaly Rozhik and Vasyl Feshchenko).

Drevlyanskyi Park is a favorite place for walks of Korosten residents.

Until 2016, the park was named after Ostrovsky.

In September, the International Derun Festival takes place here every year. At the entrance to the park, you can see a monument to the Derun.

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Trident Monument, Korosten
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Trident Monument


A monument to the Trident, the coat of arms of Ukraine, was installed in a small square at the Korosten railway station.

It was here in 1918, in the headquarters car of the government train of the heads of the Ukrainian People's Republic, that the trident - the coat of arms of Prince Volodymyr the Great - was approved as the national emblem of the country.

The author of the trident project was the artist and architect Vasyl Krychevskyi, who was commissioned by the Chairman of the Central Council, Mykhaylo Hrushevskyi, to develop the state symbols.

The monument was built at the expense of local businessman Volodymyr Kozarenko. On the granite ceiling is a plaque with the inscription: "Here on February 12, 1918, the Small Council (Presidium of the Central Council of Ukraine) in the city of Korosten approved the trident as the coat of arms of the Ukrainian People's Republic, the basis of the modern coat of arms of Ukraine."

Map pin icon Heroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni Street (railway station)


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Korosten Local Lore Museum
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Korosten Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The modern exposition of the Korosten Museum of Local Lore was opened in 1987 in the premises of the former headquarters of the Korosten Fortress.

Here is a history of the region from ancient times based on the results of archaeological research conducted in the 1990s.

The most valuable exhibits are samples of minerals, weapons of the XIII-XIX centuries, tools of Polishchuks, objects of folk decorative and applied art.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by the canvas-diorama "Princess Olha near the walls of ancient Iskorosten" (artist Oleksandr Turansky, 1982), which recreates the picture of the arrival of the widowed princess of Kyiv to the walls of the rebellious city.

Map pin icon Mykhayla Hrushevskoho Street, 6


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