
Travel guide online Oleksandro-Shultyne

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General information about Oleksandro-Shultyne

The small village of Oleksandro-Shultyne is located 10 kilometers southeast of Kostiantynivka.

It has been known since the 18th century as Oleksandrove. In 1814, the estate was bought by Lieutenant General Petro Kotlyarevskyi, a hero of the Russo-Persian War, celebrated by Pushkin. In 1822-1829, Kotlyarevskyi built the Saint George's Church, where the father of General Stepan Kotlyarevskyi served as a priest until the end of his life.

The village of Oleksandro-Shultyne was named after the name of the next owner, Yosyp Shulten.

The Kotlyarevsky manor was not preserved.

Маленьке село Олександро-Шультине розташоване в 10 кілометрах на південний схід від Костянтинівки.

Відоме з XVIII сторіччя як Олександрове. В 1814 році маєток купив генерал-лейтенант Петро Котляревський, герой російсько-перської війни, оспіваний Пушкіним. В 1822-1829 роках Котляревський побудував Свято-Георгіївську церкву, в якій до кінця життя служив священиком батько генерала Степан Котляревський.

Назву Олександро-Шультине село отримало на прізвище наступного власника Йосипа Шультена.

Садиба Котляревських не збереглася.

Сплануй своє перебування у Oleksandro-Shultyne

What to see and where to go in Oleksandro-Shultyne

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Tourist attractions and museums of Oleksandro-Shultyne

Saint George Church, Oleksandro-Shultyne
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Saint George Church

Temple , Architecture

Saint George's Church was built in the village of Oleksandro-Shultyne in 1822-1829 by the owner of the village, Lieutenant General Petro Kotlyarevskyi. Stepan Kotlyarevskyi, the father of the general, served as a priest in the church until the end of his life.

During the Second World War, the church was not damaged, but in 1963 the Soviet authorities closed it, the bell tower was destroyed, and the premises were used as an agricultural warehouse. For some time the temple was empty.

In 1991, the temple was handed over to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

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