
Travel guide online Druzhkivka

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General information about Druzhkivka

The city of Druzhkivka is located at the confluence of two rivers - Kryvy Torets and Kazenny Torets, on the Donetsk-Slovyansk highway. It is included in the Kramatorsk agglomeration.

Druzhkivka was first mentioned in 1781. During the construction of the Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov railway in the second half of the 19th century, there was a working settlement here, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the first metallurgical plants that produced railway equipment appeared. The Saint Nicholas Church (1898-1900) has been preserved.

Half a kilometer from the village of Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka, which is part of Druzhkivka, there is a quarry with exits to the surface of the limestone rock, in which fossilized Araucaria trees 250 million years old were found. Since 1975, the petrified tr ...

The city of Druzhkivka is located at the confluence of two rivers - Kryvy Torets and Kazenny Torets, on the Donetsk-Slovyansk highway. It is included in the Kramatorsk agglomeration.

Druzhkivka was first mentioned in 1781. During the construction of the Kursk-Kharkiv-Azov railway in the second half of the 19th century, there was a working settlement here, and by the beginning of the 20th century, the first metallurgical plants that produced railway equipment appeared. The Saint Nicholas Church (1898-1900) has been preserved.

Half a kilometer from the village of Oleksiyevo-Druzhkivka, which is part of Druzhkivka, there is a quarry with exits to the surface of the limestone rock, in which fossilized Araucaria trees 250 million years old were found. Since 1975, the petrified trees of Druzhkivka have been a geological monument of nature.

Місто Дружківка розташоване у місці злиття двох річок - Кривий Торець та Казенний Торець, на автотрасі Донецьк-Слов'янськ. Входить в Краматорську агломерацію.

Вперше Дружківка згадується в 1781 році. При будівництві Курсько-Харківсько-Азовської залізниці у другій половині XIX століття тут було робоче поселення, а до початку XX століття з'явилися перші металургійні заводи, які виробляли обладнання для залізниць. Збереглася Свято-Миколаївська церква (1898-1900 роки).

За півкілометра від селища Олексієво-Дружківка, що входить до складу Дружківки, знаходиться кар'єр з виходами на поверхню вапнякової породи, в якій виявлені скам'янілі дерева араукарії віком 250 мільйонів років. З 1975 року дружківські скам'янілі дерева є геологічною пам'яткою природи.

Сплануй своє перебування у Druzhkivka

What to see and where to go in Druzhkivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Druzhkivka

Druzhkivka History and Art Museum
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Druzhkivka History and Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Druzhkivka History and Art Museum was created in 1984 as a branch of the Donetsk Art Museum.

The basis of his collection was the art collection of the Druzhkivka Tretyakivska Gallery, which operated since 1951 at the Fine Arts Studio of the House of Culture of the Machine-Building Plant in Druzhkivka.

Now the Druzhkivka History and Art Museum is located on the second floor of the Lesya Ukrayinka Central City Library. A special place in the exposition is occupied by artistic works of masters of the Druzhkivka porcelain factory.

The historical and local history exhibition presents fragments of Druzhkivka petrified trees, objects of an ethnographic nature, objects of urban life of the XIX-XX centuries.

Separate expositions highlight the events of the Holodomor, the Second World War, the Russian-Ukrainian war, etc.

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St. Nicholas Church, Druzhkivka
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Nicholas Church

Temple , Architecture

The Saint Nicholas Church was built in Druzhkivka in 1900 by the French-Belgian Joint Stock Company, which was the owner of the Druzhkivka Machine-Building Plant. The construction of the church was one of the conditions on which the tsarist government granted foreigners land for use.

The church was designed and built by French specialists. White silicate bricks for the temple were made in France, and the interior was decorated with local red bricks. The temple is built in the shape of a cross. The author of the project of the Saint Nicholas Church is unknown.

During the Soviet rule, the church was closed and converted into a club and cinema, the priest was arrested and shot.

During the Second World War, a shell hit the building of the Saint Nicholas Church, as a result of which a breach was formed in the western wall of the church. During the occupation of the city by German-fascist troops, services were resumed in the church building and renewed cross on the dome. Paintings and the iconostasis were redone, the hole in the wall was closed with a board shield. In 1962, the temple was closed again and a cinema was placed in its building. In 1984, the city art museum was opened in the church building.

In 1988, the temple was returned to the religious community. In 1993, the Saint Nicholas Church became a Cathedral. Active revival of the temple took place in the 2000s.

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Stone Sculptures Park, Druzhkivka
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Stone Sculptures Park "Svyatohir"

Park / garden

The Druzhkivka park of stone sculptures "Svyatohir" was created in Druzhkivka on the initiative of the famous athlete Yuriy Artemov, the director of the "Svyatohir" sports and environmental public organization, the head of the "Svyatohir" sports club.

About 50 sandstone sculptures depicting fairy-tale heroes and real historical characters have already been collected here. The heroes of the Rus epic are mainly presented. There is the hero Peresvit, Princess Olha, Volodymyr Monomakh and many others. All paths converge to the center - a mound with the figure of Mother Rus.

The authors of the project set a goal to awaken patriotism, love for history and art in the residents and guests of the city.

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