
Travel guide online Kramatorsk

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General information about Kramatorsk

The industrial city of Kramatorsk is located in the northern part of the Donetsk region on the Kazenny Torets river (a tributary of the Siverskyi Donets). It arose from a village near a small railway station built in 1868. Advanced heavy engineering.

The former villa of the plant engineer of the Kramatorsk Metallurgical Society, Emiliy Prottse, a private house with an observatory in Tychy Lane (1926), and some other buildings have been preserved from the historical buildings.

Промислове місто Краматорськ розташоване в північній частині Донецької області на річці Казенний Торець (притока Сіверського Донця). Виникло з селища при маленькій залізничній станції, побудованій в 1868 році. Розвинене важке машинобудування.

З історичної забудови збереглася колишня вілла інженера заводу Краматорського металургійного товариства Емілія Протце, приватний будинок з обсерваторією в Тихому провулку (1926 рік), деякі інші будівлі.

Сплануй своє перебування у Kramatorsk

What to see and where to go in Kramatorsk

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Tourist attractions and museums of Kramatorsk

Autoclub Samokhid Museum, Kramatorsk
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Autoclub Samokhid Museum

Museum / gallery

The museum of retro cars "Samokhid" named after Zhemov in Kramatorsk operates on the basis of the restoration factory of the "Samokhid" technical club.

The restoration factory-museum has a unique collection of old cars. It has about 200 exhibits of such well-known companies as Horch, DKW, BMW, Wanderer, Steyr, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Packard, Buick, ZIS, GAZ. Some cars are not only works of engineering art, but also have historical value.

The collection also includes rare examples of motorcycles from the period 1900-1950 - more than 80 units in total.

Map pin icon Parkova Street, 74


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City History Museum, Kramatorsk
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City History Museum

Museum / gallery

The Kramatorsk City History Museum tells about the historical path of the industrial city, in particular about the establishment of the first enterprises in the XIX century, as well as the construction of Novokramatorsk Machine-Building Plant (NKMZ), thanks to which in 1932 Kramatorsk gained city status.

An interesting collection of Ukrainian folk costumes and towels.

A separate exhibition is dedicated to the Ukrainian actor Leonid Bykov, who spent his childhood in Kramatorsk.

The Kramatorsk Art Museum is located in the same building, where, in particular, works by famous Ukrainian artists Hlushchenko, Trokhimenko, Yablonska and others are presented.

Map pin icon Akademichna Street, 60


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Donetsk Regional Art Museum
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Donetsk Regional Art Museum

Museum / gallery

The Donetsk Regional Art Museum (DRAM) is one of the largest art museums in Ukraine and an important cultural center of the Donetsk region.

His collection was formed at the expense of income from art exhibitions, from the funds of state museums of Ukraine and Russia, acquisitions from private collections. The collection includes 16,500 works of painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art.

In particular, the works of artists from Italy, Holland, France, and Germany are presented. Among them are "Still Life with Fish" by Pieter van Noort and "Landscape with Ruins" by Johannes Glauber. The dominant genre in the collection of Russian paintings of the 19th and 20th centuries - landscape - is represented by such canvases as "Koktebel. Seascape" by Ivan Aivazovsky, "Evening" by Ivan Shyshkin, "View of Venice. Doge's Palace" by Oleksiy Boholyubovv.

Of particular interest is the collection of ancient applied art of Greece and Rome: vases, dishes of various shapes and purposes, lamps, terracotta plastic, as well as glass and bronze products.

In connection with the occupation of Donetsk by the Russian invaders, the institution is temporarily located in Kramatorsk - the Contemporary Art Sector of the Donetsk Regional Art Museum has been opened here.

Map pin icon Triumfalna Street, 8


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Donetsk Museum of Local Lore
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Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore (DOKM) was founded in 1924 on the initiative of local historians.

As of 2014, the museum's funds numbered about 150,000 items. Among them are the remains of fossil animals, prints of fossil plants, samples of stone trees, a large archaeological collection of tools, weapons, dishes, jewelry and amulets, a numismatic collection (copper and silver coins of the 15th-18th centuries), an ethnographic collection.

Rare early printed editions, including geographical and botanical atlases of the 17th century, were of the greatest value. Due to the Russian occupation of Donetsk, almost all the funds of the museum were lost, remaining in the occupied territory.

Now the Donetsk Regional Museum of Local Lore is temporarily located in Kramatorsk. There are temporary exhibitions here: "A Man in the Space of the Steppe: Time of Stone, Time of Bronze", "Medicine of the First Half of the 20th Century. History of a Medical Dynasty", "Gene of Disobedience: Chronicles of Ukrainian Resistance in the Donetsk Region from the First Half of the 20th Century to 1991" , expositions of products of arts and crafts, as well as exhibitions dedicated to the events of the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

In addition, three departments of the museum operate on the territory controlled by Ukraine: the Memorial Manor Museum Nemyrovych-Danchenko, Serhiy Prokofyev Museum and the Velykoanadolsky Forest Museum.

Map pin icon Akademichna Street, 84


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German Pillbox, Kramatorsk
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German Pillbox

Castle / fortress

The German Pillbox (DOT) on Dmytra Mazura Street in Kramatorsk is one of a chain of long-term firing points created by the Germans for the defense of a strategically important settlement for them.

It is located in the western part of the city, near the village of Sofiivka.

This Pillbox of an atypical design with loopholes on four sides covered the Mayachka River valley.

Currently, the object is cleared by enthusiasts, open access for tourists. It is planned to create a museum.

Map pin icon Dmytra Mazura Street, 166


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