
Travel guide online Donetsk

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General information about Donetsk

The city of Donetsk is the mining capital of Ukraine, one of the largest financial and industrial centers of the country.

The beginning of the city was laid by the village of Oleksandrivka, founded in the 17th century in the headwaters of the Kalmius River by Zaporozhian Cossacks, who mined coal for household needs.

Donetsk was founded in April 1869, when the Englishman Dzhon Yuz began the construction of a metallurgical plant. Later, the village was renamed Yuzivka. By 1917, the city had become a center of metallurgy and a major railway hub.

In 1924-1961, it was named Stalino in honor of the leader of the country, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Yosyf Stalin. During Soviet rule, it was one of the largest centers of coal mining in the USSR, a ...

The city of Donetsk is the mining capital of Ukraine, one of the largest financial and industrial centers of the country.

The beginning of the city was laid by the village of Oleksandrivka, founded in the 17th century in the headwaters of the Kalmius River by Zaporozhian Cossacks, who mined coal for household needs.

Donetsk was founded in April 1869, when the Englishman Dzhon Yuz began the construction of a metallurgical plant. Later, the village was renamed Yuzivka. By 1917, the city had become a center of metallurgy and a major railway hub.

In 1924-1961, it was named Stalino in honor of the leader of the country, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Yosyf Stalin. During Soviet rule, it was one of the largest centers of coal mining in the USSR, and was considered the "greenest" industrial city in the world (the city of "a million roses").

As part of independent Ukraine, Donetsk began to claim the place of the second most important city in the country, the informal capital of the eastern regions. Stalinist and modern architecture prevails, there are many unusual sights. Donetsk City Day is celebrated simultaneously with Miner's Day on the last Sunday of August.

It has been under Russian occupation since 2014.

Місто Донецьк - шахтарська столиця України, один з найбільших фінансово-промислових центрів країни.

Початок місту поклав хутір Олександрівка, заснований в XVII столітті в верхів'ях ріки Кальміус запорозькими козаками, які добували тут вугілля для побутових потреб.

Датою заснування Донецька вважається квітень 1869 року, коли англієць Джон Юз почав будівництво металургійного заводу. Згодом селище перейменовано в Юзівку. До 1917 року місто стало центром металургії та великим залізничним вузлом.

В 1924-1961 роках носило ім'я Сталіно на честь керівника країни, генерального секретаря ЦК ВКП (б) Йосифа Сталіна. За радянської влади було одним з найбільших центрів вуглевидобутку в СРСР, вважалося "найзеленішим" індустріальним містом світу (містом "мільйон ...

Місто Донецьк - шахтарська столиця України, один з найбільших фінансово-промислових центрів країни.

Початок місту поклав хутір Олександрівка, заснований в XVII столітті в верхів'ях ріки Кальміус запорозькими козаками, які добували тут вугілля для побутових потреб.

Датою заснування Донецька вважається квітень 1869 року, коли англієць Джон Юз почав будівництво металургійного заводу. Згодом селище перейменовано в Юзівку. До 1917 року місто стало центром металургії та великим залізничним вузлом.

В 1924-1961 роках носило ім'я Сталіно на честь керівника країни, генерального секретаря ЦК ВКП (б) Йосифа Сталіна. За радянської влади було одним з найбільших центрів вуглевидобутку в СРСР, вважалося "найзеленішим" індустріальним містом світу (містом "мільйона троянд").

У складі незалежної України Донецьк став претендувати на місце другого за значимістю міста країни, неформальної столиці східних областей. Переважає сталінська та сучасна архітектура, є багато незвичайних пам'яток. День міста Донецька відзначається одночасно з Днем шахтаря в останню неділю серпня.

З 2014 року перебуває під окупацією росії.

Сплануй своє перебування у Donetsk

What to see and where to go in Donetsk

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Tourist attractions and museums of Donetsk

Beatles Monument, Donetsk
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Beatles Monument


A monument to the British rock group "The Beatles" in Donetsk has been installed at the entrance to the "Liverpool" entertainment complex, which is decorated in the "Beatles" style.

Figures of musicians are made of plastic and painted in bronze by Kharkiv sculptor Volodymyr Antipov.

The sculpture depicts the legendary foursome of Liverpool during the concert - in characteristic poses and with musical instruments in their hands. The band's clothing and hairstyles correspond to 1963-1964, except for John Lennon, who is shown wearing round glasses, which he began to wear later.

The wall with figures of the "Beatles" is covered with a mosaic in the form of the British flag.

Map pin icon Artema Street, 131A


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Donbas Arena, Donetsk
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Donbas Arena

Stadium / sports complex

The 50,000-seat Donbas Arena is the first stadium in Ukraine built for the 2012 European Football Championship in accordance with UEFA Elite (five-star) standards.

The design was developed by ArupSport, which at one time created the Manchester City (England), Allianz (Germany), Valencia (Barcelona) and Sydney (Australia) stadiums. Thanks to an unusual design solution, the Donetsk arena resembles a "flying saucer". The main difference of the stadium is its oval shape, as well as a completely glazed facade.

A ball-fountain was installed in the square in front of the Donbas Arena - a 28-ton ball with a diameter of 2.7 meters, spinning under the pressure of two water jets. It was considered the largest rotating granite ball in the world.

A park with fountains, man-made ponds and a 2.5-hectare rock garden was built next to the stadium.

In 2014, the Donbas Arena suffered serious damage as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Since then, matches have not been held at the stadium.

Map pin icon Chelyuskintsiv Street, 189E


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Dzhon Yuz House, Donetsk
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Dzhon Yuz House


The house of the family of Dzhon Yuz, the founder of Donetsk (Yuzivka), was built in 1873 southwest of the Yuzivka Metallurgical Plant.

Initially, the Hughes house was one-story, with a garden. When the industrialist's family moved to Yuzivka from England, they decided to rebuild the house for their convenience. Two years after the reconstruction began, Dzhon Yuz died, but his sons continued the construction, which was completed in 1891.

The red brick building, standing on a hill, was made in the Neo-Renaissance style - with a terrace and an openwork balcony. After the Yuzs left for England in 1903, the managers and directors of the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant lived in their house.

The building was damaged during World War II, but was used for various purposes until the 1990s. Currently, the Hughes house is located on the territory of a private enterprise. Access to it is difficult.

Map pin icon Klinichna Street, 1


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Forged sculptures park, Donetsk
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Forged Sculptures Park

Park / garden

The park of forged figures and carved sculptures is located in Donetsk in the square behind the City Council building.

The works of the best blacksmiths of Donbas are collected here.

Before the Russian occupation of Donetsk in 2014, an international blacksmithing festival was held annually. The best works remain in the park as a gift to the city.

Next to the park of forged sculptures is the Fairy Tale Glade with wooden sculptures of fairy tale characters.

Map pin icon Universytetska Street, 61


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Insurance Agent Monument, Donetsk
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Insurance Agent Monument


A monument to the insurance agent was erected in the center of Donetsk for the 10th anniversary of the ASKA insurance company.

The bronze sculpture of the "Derzhstrakh" agent, who is preparing to enter the office to the insured, depicts the popular movie hero Yuriy Detochkin from the movie "Beware of the car", embodied on the screen by the talented actor Inokentiy Smoktunovsky. According to the initiators of the installation of the monument, this film very well shows the specifics of the work of an insurance agent - daily, exhausting, but interesting and necessary for people.

The author of the monument is the sculptor Ihor Makohon.

Map pin icon Artema Street, 129B


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