
Travel guide online Zhmerynka

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General information about Zhmerynka

The colorful district center of Zhmerynka with a large hub railway station is located 50 kilometers northwest of Vinnytsia, on the way to Mohyliv-Podilskyi.

The name Zhmerynka became the nickname of a typical provincial Jewish town. It has the mythical aura of a "world cultural center" thanks to the literary works of satirists Ilf and Petrov (contrary to popular opinion, Ostap Bender's phrase about the "last city" against which "the waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash" refers to Shepetivka).

The working village of Zhmerynka arose in 1868 between the villages of Velika and Mala Zhmerynka (known since the 18th century) on the site of an oak forest cut down during the constr ...

The colorful district center of Zhmerynka with a large hub railway station is located 50 kilometers northwest of Vinnytsia, on the way to Mohyliv-Podilskyi.

The name Zhmerynka became the nickname of a typical provincial Jewish town. It has the mythical aura of a "world cultural center" thanks to the literary works of satirists Ilf and Petrov (contrary to popular opinion, Ostap Bender's phrase about the "last city" against which "the waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash" refers to Shepetivka).

The working village of Zhmerynka arose in 1868 between the villages of Velika and Mala Zhmerynka (known since the 18th century) on the site of an oak forest cut down during the construction of the Kyiv-Odesa railway. This place was chosen by the road builders to create a hub station with branches to Lviv and Moldova. In 1903, Zhmerynka received the status of a city, and a year later a huge railway station was built in the Neo-Renaissance style, which remains the main attraction.

The church of Saint Oleksii, built in 1910, has also been preserved.

Before World War II, more than 4,500 Jews lived in Zhmerynka. Of the three preserved synagogues, one is active, and the other two have a club and the RVVS.

Колоритний райцентр Жмеринка з великою вузловою залізничною станцією розташований в 50 кілометрах на північний захід від Вінниці, на шляху до Могилева-Подільського.

Назва Жмеринки стало ім'ям прозивним типового провінційного єврейського містечка. Вона має міфічний ореол "світового культурного осередку" завдяки літературній творчості сатириків Ільфа і Петрова (всупереч розхожій думці, фраза Остапа Бендера про "останнє місто", об яке "розбиваються хвилі Атлантичного океану", відноситься до Шепетівки).

Робоче селище Жмеринка виникло в 1868 році між селами Велика і Мала Жмеринки (відомі з XVIII століття) на місці вирубаного дубового лісу при будівництві залізниці Київ-Одеса ...

Колоритний райцентр Жмеринка з великою вузловою залізничною станцією розташований в 50 кілометрах на північний захід від Вінниці, на шляху до Могилева-Подільського.

Назва Жмеринки стало ім'ям прозивним типового провінційного єврейського містечка. Вона має міфічний ореол "світового культурного осередку" завдяки літературній творчості сатириків Ільфа і Петрова (всупереч розхожій думці, фраза Остапа Бендера про "останнє місто", об яке "розбиваються хвилі Атлантичного океану", відноситься до Шепетівки).

Робоче селище Жмеринка виникло в 1868 році між селами Велика і Мала Жмеринки (відомі з XVIII століття) на місці вирубаного дубового лісу при будівництві залізниці Київ-Одеса. Це місце було обрано будівельниками дороги для створення вузлової станції з відгалуженнями на Львів і Молдавію. В 1903 році Жмеринка отримала статус міста, а через рік був побудований величезний залізничний вокзал в стилі неоренесансу, який залишається головною визначною пам'яткою.

Також зберігся збудований в 1910 році костел Святого Олексія.

Перед Другою світовою війною в Жмеринці проживало понад 4,5 тисяч євреїв. З трьох збережених синагог одна діюча, а в двох інших - клуб і РВВС.

Сплануй своє перебування у Zhmerynka

What to see and where to go in Zhmerynka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Zhmerynka

Saint Oleksiy Church, Zhmerynka
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Saint Oleksiy Church

Temple , Architecture

The Catholic Church of Saint Oleksiy in Zhmerynka was founded in 1904 at the expense of the emperor in honor of Tsarevich Oleksiy. Consecrated in 1910.

The church was made in the then fashionable neo-gothic style. It was partially destroyed in 1936.

At the end of the 20th century, the church was handed over to the faithful, the community restored its former appearance: the spire was rebuilt according to old drawings and photographs, and the interior was restored.

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Historical Museum, Zhmerynka
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Zhmerynka Historical Museum

Museum / gallery , Architecture

Zhmerynka Historical Museum is located in the former mansion of Count Dmytro Heyden in the center of Zhmerynka.

Here you can get acquainted with the history of the villages of Velyka and Mala Zhmerynka, from which the modern city originates, with the handicrafts of the region, with the history of laying the Central Railway and construction of Zhmerynka railway station and its station.

The exposition tells about the turbulent events in the history of Ukraine in the first half of the twentieth century: the Ukrainian Revolution, industrialization, collectivization, the Holodomor. A separate hall is dedicated to the events of the Second World War.

The exposition concludes with a story about the modern economic and socio-cultural development of the city and its environs.

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Zhmerynka Railway Station
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Zhmerynka Railway Station


The Zhmerynka junction railway station is one of the largest and most beautiful in Ukraine.

Built in 1899-1904 by architects Zynoviy Zhuravsky and Valeriyan Rykov. The architecture of the magnificent building combines modern and renaissance motifs (this style is called Ukrainian modern). The building is often compared to a ship heading from Odesa to Kyiv.

A small but richly decorated Royal Hall with a separate entrance to the platform (now a paid waiting room) was provided.

According to legend, after Emperor Nicholas II saw the station, the architect Zhuravsky shot himself, misinterpreting the tsar's enthusiastic exclamation: "Here you are, son of a bitch!".

In the 1920s, the headquarters of the red commander Hryhoriy Kotovskyi was temporarily located here.

During the Soviet era, the building of the Zhmerynka station lost many decorative elements, but in 2013, the restoration was completed, which returned it to its authentic appearance.

Until 2012, there was a monument to Ostap Bender on the station square, the hero of the satirical novels of Ilf and Petrov, in which Zhmerynka is mentioned as one of the "world centers of culture" (contrary to popular opinion, the more popular catchphrase is about the "last city", about which " the waves of the Atlantic Ocean crash", refers to Shepetivka).

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Saint Nicholas Church, Zhmerynka
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Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Church

Temple , Architecture

The Regimental Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in 1904 for the 9th and 10th Rifle Regiments of the 3rd Rifle Brigade quartered in Zhmerynka.

The military temple was built according to the typical project of the architect Fedir Verzhbytskyi. In total, more than 60 such churches were built in the Russian Empire.

During Soviet times, the Saint Nicolas Church, located on the territory of the military unit, was deprived of domes and a bell tower. In 2005, a new iconostasis was installed in the newly opened and restored church at the expense of local patrons.

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