The ancient Cossack village of Kytaihorod in the Dnipropetrovsk region is located between Tsarychanka and Petrykivka.
It was first mentioned in written sources in 1667. It was on the border of Hetman Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia Sich.
During the Tatar raids, fortifications were built on the banks of the Orel River, surrounded by a palisade and an earthen rampart. Inside there was a town where the population was hiding. In case of danger, the "kytayka" (red cloth), which hovered over the settlement, was removed. According to another version, the name comes from the Turkic word "kitay" - wall. The fortifications that were part of the so-called "Ukrainian Line" have not survived, but the village is still decorated with three fortress Cossack churches o ...
The ancient Cossack village of Kytaihorod in the Dnipropetrovsk region is located between Tsarychanka and Petrykivka.
It was first mentioned in written sources in 1667. It was on the border of Hetman Ukraine and Zaporizhzhia Sich.
During the Tatar raids, fortifications were built on the banks of the Orel River, surrounded by a palisade and an earthen rampart. Inside there was a town where the population was hiding. In case of danger, the "kytayka" (red cloth), which hovered over the settlement, was removed. According to another version, the name comes from the Turkic word "kitay" - wall. The fortifications that were part of the so-called "Ukrainian Line" have not survived, but the village is still decorated with three fortress Cossack churches of the 18th century: Holy Dormition Church (1754), Saint Barbara's Bell Tower Church (1756) and Saint Nicholas Church (1757). They were built on the initiative of the Cossack centurion Pavlo Semenov, who sought to strengthen his authority in front of Zaporizhzhia Sich. Now the church complex is an interesting tourist attraction.
There are several children's health camps in the recreation area on the banks of the Orel. Nearby is the "Hora Kalytva" protected tract.
Старовинне козацьке село Китайгород на Дніпропетровщині розташоване між Царичанкою та Петриківкою.
В письмових джерелах вперше згадується в 1667 році. Перебувало на кордоні Гетьманської України і Запорозької Січі.
За часів татарських набігів на березі річки Орель побудовані укріплення, обгороджені частоколом і земляним валом. Всередині було містечко, де ховалося населення. У разі небезпеки знімали "китайку" (червоне полотнище), яка майоріла над поселенням. За іншою версією, назва походить від тюркського слова "китай" - стіна. Укріплення, що входили до складу так званої "Української лінії", не збереглися, проте окрасою села досі є три фортечні козацькі церкви XVIII століття: ...
Старовинне козацьке село Китайгород на Дніпропетровщині розташоване між Царичанкою та Петриківкою.
В письмових джерелах вперше згадується в 1667 році. Перебувало на кордоні Гетьманської України і Запорозької Січі.
За часів татарських набігів на березі річки Орель побудовані укріплення, обгороджені частоколом і земляним валом. Всередині було містечко, де ховалося населення. У разі небезпеки знімали "китайку" (червоне полотнище), яка майоріла над поселенням. За іншою версією, назва походить від тюркського слова "китай" - стіна. Укріплення, що входили до складу так званої "Української лінії", не збереглися, проте окрасою села досі є три фортечні козацькі церкви XVIII століття: Успенська (1754 рік), Варваринська (1756 рік) та Миколаївська (1757 рік). Побудовані з ініціативи козацького сотника Павла Семенова, який прагнув зміцнити свій авторитет перед Запорозькою Січчю. Зараз церковний комплекс є цікавим туристичним об'єктом.
У рекреаційній зоні на берегах Орелі є кілька дитячих оздоровчих таборів. Поруч знаходиться заповідне урочище "Гора Калитва".
Holy Dormition Church
Temple , Architecture
The Five-Bath Holy Dormition Church in Kytaihorod is one of the three Kytaihorod Cossack churches, built in the 18th century on the initiative of centurion Pavlo Semenov.
The plasticity of the walls of the baroque temple is enriched with unfastened cornices and pilasters, various window frames.
Dormition Church was the burial place of Semenov and his family.
In Soviet times, a school museum was located here. The temple crypt was destroyed during Soviet times, the remains were reburied in the village cemetery.
In 1969-1973, the Holy Dormition church was restored, and it is still active. A commemorative sign in honor of Centurion Semenov has been installed nearby.
Saint Barbara's Bell Tower Church
Temple , Architecture
Saint Barbara's Bell Tower Church in Kytaihorod organically combines the features of a temple, a bell tower, and a defense tower in one building.
It was built in the 18th century at the same time as two other stone churches on the initiative of the Kytaihorod centurion Pavlo Semenov.
A powerful two-story tower dominates the building. At first it served as a belfry, was part of the system of city fortifications, then it was rebuilt into a church.
The Barbara Church was closed in 1954, and remained derelict for a long time. It was consecrated anew in 1996.
Saint Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
Saint Nicholas Church in Kytaihorod is a typical rotunda church in the Baroque style, an example of a tetraconch single-tower church.
It was built in 1757 on the initiative and at the expense of the Kytaihorod centurion Pavlo Semenov.
Wall surfaces are diversified by pilasters, windows are framed by decorative moldings. Paintings in the drum, on the vaults and walls of the Saint Nicholas church have been preserved. In places, an earlier painting of the 18th century can be seen through them.
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