
Travel guide online Mykhailivtsi

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General information about Mykhailivtsi

The village of Mykhailivtsi on the Yalanets River is located 30 kilometers north of Murovani Kurylivtsi. According to legend, it bears the name of the first settler.

Mykhailivtsi has been known since 1403 as the property of the Yazlovetsky family. The owners of the village often changed, until at the beginning of the 19th century it was taken over by Bronyslav Sobansky, who built a palace in the style of classicism, which has survived to this day (now an agricultural technical school). The park, established in the 19th century on the basis of a natural forest massif, has also been preserved.

Село Михайлівці на річці Яланець розташоване в 30 кілометрах на північ від Мурованих Курилівців. За легендою, носить ім'я першого поселенця.

Михайлівці відомі з 1403 року як власність роду Язловецьких. Господарі села часто змінювалися, поки на початку XIX століття ним не заволодів Бронислав Собанський, який побудував палац у стилі класицизму, що зберігся понині (зараз аграрний технікум). Також зберігся парк, закладений в XIX столітті на основі природного лісового масиву.

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What to see and where to go in Mykhailivtsi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Mykhailivtsi

Sobansky Palace, Mykhailivtsi
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Sobansky Palace

Palace / manor , Architecture

The Sobansky Palace in Mykhailivtsi was built at the beginning of the 19th century by the landowner Bronislav Sobansky, who inherited the estate.

The two-story rectangular building is made in the style of classicism. The main facade is decorated with a triangular relief with a portico and columns. Interiors in the French Rococo style have not survived.

Today, the palace houses an agricultural lyceum.

Palace outbuildings, a system of ponds with dams and bridges, and a stone fence have been preserved in the manor park. Wide avenues radially diverge from the palace. There are many conifers among the trees. About 50 names of tree crops are known: lindens, chestnuts, European larch, silver spruce, black pine, weeping ash. Fruit-bearing relic mountain ash is found only in Podillya. The place of honor is occupied by a 300-year-old oak tree.

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