
Travel guide online Mykolaivka

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General information about Mykolaivka

The village of Mykolaivka is located 20 kilometers northwest of Kropyvnytskyi.

Known since the 18th century as Timofiivka, it belonged to retired captain Karl Tarkovsky. In 1869, Tarkovsky's daughter, Nadiya, married the playwright Ivan Tobilevych (Karpenko-Kariy), receiving two hundred acres of land as a dowry. On this steppe land, Tobilevych created a park, naming it in honor of his wife, who died early.

Now the State Museum-Reserve of Ivan Tobilevych "Khutir Nadiya" is located here.

Село Миколаївка розташоване в 20 кілометрах на північний захід від Кропивницького.

Відоме з XVIII сторіччя як Тимофіївка, належало відставному ротмістру Карлу Тарковському. В 1869 році донька Тарковського Надія вийшла заміж за драматурга Івана Тобілевича (Карпенка-Карого), отримавши в придане двісті десятин землі. На цій степовій землі Тобілевич створив парк, назвавши його на честь рано померлої дружини.

Зараз тут розташований Державний музей-заповідник Івана Тобілевича "Хутір Надія".

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What to see and where to go in Mykolaivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Mykolaivka

Reserve-museum "Khutir Nadiya", Mykolaivka
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Reserve-museum of Ivan Tobilevych (Karpenko-Kary) "Khutir Nadiya"

Palace / manor , Museum / gallery

The Ivan Tobilevych (Karpenko-Kary) State Reserve-Museum "Khutir Nadiya" was created on the territory of the same name estate in Mykolaivka near Kropyvnytskyi that belonged to the playwright in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The estate was named after Tobilevych's wife, Nadiya from the Tarkovsky family. The founder of the Ukrainian theater settled here in 1887 after being exiled, turning the estate into a creative oasis in the middle of the Ukrainian countryside. Rehearsals of the first Ukrainian theater troupe under the leadership of Marko Kropyvnytskyi were held here, many luminaries of the Ukrainian theater were there, and Karpenko-Kary himself wrote his best works: "One Hundred Thousand", "The Master" and others.

The Tobilevych house, outbuildings, a summer theater, a park with a pond, and a Chumak well have been preserved.

Theatrical-literary and memorial exposition includes more than 7,000 items, a significant part of which was handed over by the Tobilevych-Tarkovsky family. In the rooms, the interior of those times has been restored, in the halls you can familiarize yourself with the life path of the luminaries of the Ukrainian theater.

Now the Ivan Tobilevych State Reserve-Museum "Khutir Nadiya" is a branch of the Central Ukrainian Regional Museum of Local Lore. The theater festival "September Gems" is held here every year.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, Nadiya Hamlet


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