
Travel guide online Bohdanivka

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Bohdanivka

The village of Bohdanivka is a railway junction 10 kilometers west of Znamianka.

The village was founded in 1909 on the site of farms, next to which in 1876 the "Znamianka - Fastiv" railway was laid and the "Bohdanivka" station was built.

In 1944, the 62nd arsenal of the Ground Forces was located in the Bohdanivka area - one of the largest ammunition depots in the country.

Near the village is the tract "Black Forest" - a large massif of native hornbeam-oak forest, in the center of which is the Black (Berestuvate) lake. A complete complex of glacial relief has been preserved here.

Село Богданівка - залізничний вузол в 10 кілометрах на захід від Знам'янки.

Село засноване в 1909 році на місці хуторів, поруч з якими в 1876 році була прокладена залізниця "Знам'янка - Фастів" та побудовано станцію "Богданівка".

В 1944 році в районі Богданівки було розміщено 62-й арсенал Сухопутних військ - один з найбільших в країні складів боєприпасів.

Поруч із селом знаходиться урочище "Чорний ліс" - великий масив корінного грабово-дубового лісу, в центрі якого розташоване Чорне (Берестувате) озеро. Тут зберігся повний комплекс льодовикового рельєфу.

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What to see and where to go in Bohdanivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Bohdanivka

Black (Berestuvate) Lake, Bohdanivka
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Black (Berestuvate) Lake

Natural object

Black (Berestuvate) lake is located near the highway "Znamyanka - Oleksandrivka", near the village of Bohdanivka. This reservoir is the southernmost sphagnum bog on the territory of Ukraine.

The origin of the lake is connected with the accumulation of warm water in the glacial and post-glacial periods. Its depth has not been fully explored (according to legend, it is bottomless). Different types of algae grow in the lake at different depths, and the debris that settles on them forms a multi-layered bottom, making it difficult to measure the depth.

Another feature of Black Lake is floating islands, so-called rafts. They are formed by overgrowing the surface of the water with sphagnum, reeds, ferns and trees. In some places, the distance between the rafts and the lake shore reaches 10-15 meters.

In addition, several species of rare orchids and several huge oaks 400-600 years old grow in the vicinity of Black Lake. In April, flowers bloom around the lake, many of which are listed in the Red Book.

Near Lake Berestuvate (towards Znamyanka) you can find excavation sites of Scythian settlements.

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