
Travel guide online Onufriivka

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General information about Onufriivka

The urban-type settlement of Onufriivka on the Omelnyk River is located 25 kilometers south of Kremenchuk. Administratively, it is a part of Oleksandriysky district of Kirovohrad region.

It was founded in the 17th century as a wintering place for Cossack Onufriyenko. Then these lands belonged to Mykhaylo Korumbley. His daughter Kateryna married Count Mykhaylo Tolstoy, who lived in Odesa. They went to Onufriivka for a summer vacation. Their son Mykhaylo built a park in Onufriivka (51.7 hectares, 150 species of trees and shrubs) with ponds connected by locks and dams lined with granite slabs. The ponds are lined with willows and poplars. Many old trees have been preserved in the park: oaks, lindens, maples. ...

The urban-type settlement of Onufriivka on the Omelnyk River is located 25 kilometers south of Kremenchuk. Administratively, it is a part of Oleksandriysky district of Kirovohrad region.

It was founded in the 17th century as a wintering place for Cossack Onufriyenko. Then these lands belonged to Mykhaylo Korumbley. His daughter Kateryna married Count Mykhaylo Tolstoy, who lived in Odesa. They went to Onufriivka for a summer vacation. Their son Mykhaylo built a park in Onufriivka (51.7 hectares, 150 species of trees and shrubs) with ponds connected by locks and dams lined with granite slabs. The ponds are lined with willows and poplars. Many old trees have been preserved in the park: oaks, lindens, maples. There is a juniper grove and the Island of Love.

The county dining room, which now houses the park administration, has survived from the manor. Another attraction is the pediment of the county stable, where thoroughbred English horses are still being bred.

The school in which the outstanding teacher Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi worked has been preserved. The local history museum is located in the premises of the former Zemstvo administration.

Селище міського типу Онуфріївка на річці Омельник розташоване за 25 кілометрів на південь від Кременчука. Адміністративно входить до складу Олександрійського району Кіровоградської області.

Засноване в XVII сторіччі як зимівник козака Онуфрієнка. Потім ці землі належали Михайлу Комбурлею. Його донька Катерина вийшла заміж за графа Михайла Толстого, який проживав в Одесі. До Онуфріївки вони їздили на літній відпочинок. Їхній син Михайло розбив в Онуфріївці парк (51,7 гектарів, 150 видів дерев і чагарників) зі ставками, з'єднаними між собою шлюзами та дамбами, облицьованими гранітними плитами. Ставки обсаджені вербами й тополями. В парку збереглося багато старих дерев: дуби, липи, клени. Є ялівцевий гай ...

Селище міського типу Онуфріївка на річці Омельник розташоване за 25 кілометрів на південь від Кременчука. Адміністративно входить до складу Олександрійського району Кіровоградської області.

Засноване в XVII сторіччі як зимівник козака Онуфрієнка. Потім ці землі належали Михайлу Комбурлею. Його донька Катерина вийшла заміж за графа Михайла Толстого, який проживав в Одесі. До Онуфріївки вони їздили на літній відпочинок. Їхній син Михайло розбив в Онуфріївці парк (51,7 гектарів, 150 видів дерев і чагарників) зі ставками, з'єднаними між собою шлюзами та дамбами, облицьованими гранітними плитами. Ставки обсаджені вербами й тополями. В парку збереглося багато старих дерев: дуби, липи, клени. Є ялівцевий гай і Острів кохання.

Від садиби збереглася графська їдальня, в якій зараз розміщується адміністрація парку. Інша визначна пам'ятка – фронтон графської стайні, де і зараз розводять чистокровних англійських скакунів.

Збереглася школа, в якій працював видатний педагог Василь Сухомлинський. В приміщенні колишньої земської управи розташовується краєзнавчий музей.

Сплануй своє перебування у Onufriivka

What to see and where to go in Onufriivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Onufriivka

Old school, Onufriivka
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Old School


The historical building of the Onufriivka Lyceum (former school No. 1) is an architectural monument of local importance. This is one of the few architectural monuments of Onufriivka, preserved from the beginning of the 20th century.

The large two-story school was built in 1906-1911 at his own expense by Count Mykhaylo Tolstoy, who lived with his family in Onufriivka. The red brick building is made in an eclectic style with elements of classicism and modernism, decorated with forged elements. The granite stairs, wrought iron railings, ancient tiles on the floor, original relief decor have been preserved.

From September 1939 to June 1941, the outstanding teacher Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi worked as a teacher in this school (the Sukhomlynsky Museum was opened in nearby Pavlysh). During the Second World War, the German commandant's office was located in the school building.

After a new three-story school building was built nearby in 1974, the old school housed a school library with a reading room and some classrooms.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 24


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Onufriivka Local Lore Museum, Zemstvo house
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Onufriivka Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Onufriivka Local Lore Museum opened in 1994 in the building of the former Zemstvo administration, built by Count Mykhailo Tolstoy at the beginning of the 20th century. The exposition in 15 halls introduces various stages of the history of the Onufriivka region and the culture of its inhabitants.

The historical expositions present tools of the Stone Age, things from the Scythian period, materials about the foundation of the village in the 18th century and its stay as part of New Serbia. The exhibition "Ukrainian House" demonstrates the daily life and customs of the Ukrainian people - the biggest attention here is a huge needle about a meter long, intended for sewing the roof.

The history of the Tolstoy family - the largest landowners in the Onufriivka region - is revealed in the exhibition "To multiply, protect, love, grateful memory calls." In the chapter on the period of the First World War and three revolutions, the panorama "Battle of Denikinites with a detachment of Red Army men" is presented. The expositions "Swinging bells of memory: times of repression", "Onufriivka region in the Second World War", "The era of socialism in the territory of Onufriivka region", "Russian-Ukrainian war" tell about difficult pages of history.

An exhibition of works of decorative and applied art and a gallery of famous people of Onufriivka region are also presented.

Map pin icon Nazarenko Street, 3


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Onufriivskyi Park
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Onufriivskyi Park

Park / garden

The ancient Onufriivskyi Park with a cascade of ponds is a monument of garden and park art of the second half of the 19th century. This is one of the most attractive objects of natural tourism in the Kirovohrad region.

The landscape park with an area of 51.7 hectares is located in the floodplain of two rivers Omelnyk and Omelnychok, on the territory of the former count estate Tolstoy in Onufriivka. The Tolstoy family founded the park in the early 1820s. In the 1880s, the construction of a new part of the park was completed, a greenhouse, a greenhouse, a stable, a water tower, a boat station, a summer dance floor, a wine cellar, original gazebos, and bridges were built. An embankment island with a gazebo and a swimming pool (now known as the "Island of Love") was arranged. The main entrance, the White dining room and the ruins of some other buildings have been preserved.

About 50 exotic and rare species of plants have been preserved in the Onufriivskyi park: Japanese pagoda tree, Virginian juniper, Common hackberr, Crimean pine, European larch, etc. Bicentennial willows grow along the banks.

Map pin icon Hrafa Tolstoho Street, 55


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