
Travel guide online Makedony

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General information about Makedony

The village of Makedony on the Shevelukha River is located 15 kilometers south of Rzhyshchiv.

Known since 1640. It was in Makedony in 1673 that the legendary Cossack Vernyhora was born, a lyre-prophet who, according to legend, predicted the collapse and revival of Poland, the Napoleonic wars and the happy fate of the Ukrainian people after many difficult trials.

From the beginning of the 18th century, the village of Makedony belonged to the Kaniv Starostvo, was owned by Stanislav Ponyatovsky, then passed to the Holovinsky nobles.

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin was founded in 1729. At the beginning of the 20th century, the present stone Intercession Church was built on the site of the wooden temple.

Село Македони на річці Шевелуха розташоване в 15 кілометрах на південь від Ржищева.

Відоме з 1640 року. Саме в Македонах в 1673 році народився легендарний козак Вернигора, лірник-пророк, який, згідно з легендою, передбачив крах і відродження Польщі, наполеонівські війни та щасливу долю українського народу після багатьох важких випробувань.

З початку XVIII століття село Македони відносилося до Канівського староства, входило у володіння Станіслава Понятовського, потім перейшло до шляхтичів Головінських.

Церкву Покрови Пресвятої Богородиці засновано в 1729 році. На початку XX століття на місці дерев'яного храму була побудована нинішня кам'яна Покровська церква.

Сплануй своє перебування у Makedony

What to see and where to go in Makedony

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Tourist attractions and museums of Makedony

Holy Intercession Church, Makedony
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Makedony was founded in 1729.

At first it was wooden. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was dismantled, and a new stone Intercession Church was built on the same place. The church was built with the assistance of priest Victor Solukha, who was a member of the State Duma for a while. In 1911, the church was consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. The temple was built in the then fashionable "brick" style.

Services were held until 1964, after which the church was closed and turned into a warehouse. In the 1970s, the dome collapsed and was never restored. The temple is still in poor condition, but restoration has begun.

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