
Travel guide online Yurivka

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General information about Yurivka

The village of Yurivka on the river Siverka (Vita) is located on the southwestern outskirts of Kyiv, next to Vita-Poshtova.

It was first mentioned in 1552.

During the Second World War, the "Stalin Line", a complex of long-term fortifications of the Kyiv fortified district, passed through Yurivka. Two of the most famous long-term firing points of KyUR have been preserved: DOT 205 of Lieutenant Viktor Vetrov and command and observation DOT 204 of the commander of the 28th separate machine gun battalion, Captain Ivan Kyparenko.

Село Юрівка на річці Сіверка (Віта) розташоване на південно-західній околиці Києва, поруч з Вітою-Поштовою.

Вперше згадується в 1552 році.

В роки Другої світової війни через Юрівку проходила "Лінія Сталіна", комплекс довготривалих фортифікаційних споруд Київського укріпрайону. Збереглися дві найвідоміші довготривалі вогневі точки КиУРа: ДОТ 205 лейтенанта Віктора Вєтрова та командно-спостережний ДОТ 204 командира 28-го окремого кулеметного батальйону капітана Івана Кипаренка.

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What to see and where to go in Yurivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Yurivka

Pillbox 204, Yurivka
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Pillbox 204

Castle / fortress

"Captain Kiparenko's Pillbox" is called Pillbox 204 of battalion district No. 6 of the southern sector of the Kyiv fortified area (KFA) - the artillery command and observation post (AOP) of the circular observation sector.

Underground reinforced concrete structure of type "B", single-story, with two armored caps of the GAU and an entrance defense embrasure. In August 1941, Pillbox 204 served as the command post of the 28th separate machine gun battalion of Captain Ivan Kiparenko of the "Crimea" base of the KFA.

In 2010, Pillbox 204 was cleared and prepared for the placement of the exposition as the first stage of the museum complex "Defense of Kyiv - Belt of Glory" by the enthusiasts of VO "Patriot" and IAF "Citadel". However, later the object was destroyed by vandals. Now access is free.

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Pillbox 205, Yurivka
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Pillbox 205

Castle / fortress

"Vyetrov Pillbox" is the unofficial name of the legendary Pillbox205 of battalion district No. 6 of the southern sector of the Kyiv fortified area (KFA).

This six-embrasure machine gun mine group, built according to an individual project, is considered the most powerful and most impregnable structure of the entire fortified area. 5 casemates were connected to each other by underground passages with a length of 375 meters.

In August 1941, the garrison of Pillbox 205 from the 28th separate machine-gun battalion under the command of Lieutenant Heorhiy Vyetrov , contrary to the order, refused to leave the combat positions and fought heroically with the Germans for 10 days in complete encirclement, independently extracting ammunition and food during eye raids. It was later unblocked by Soviet troops and the garrison nevertheless retreated.

Pillbox 205 was cleared by the forces of the Kyiv "Search" club, it is planned to be included in the "Defense of Kyiv - Belt of Glory" museum complex.

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