Brody is an ancient trading town, a transport hub.
Known since the times of Ancient Rus, it was first mentioned in 1096. In the 16th century. under the governor Stanislav Zholkevsky he bore the name Lyubych, received the Magdeburg rights, a fortress was erected. In 1630-1635 Stanislav Konetspolsky turned the city fortifications into a powerful citadel.
The defensive rampart, the remains of the bastions, the casemates of the fortress, as well as the palace built in the 18th century have survived. Stanislav Pototsky. Saint George's Church of the 17th century, restored in 1867, is an outstanding monument of Galician folk architecture. Also preserved are the Paraphial Church (1596) in the Renaissance style, the defensive church of the Virgin (1600), the Trinity Church (1726) ...
Brody is an ancient trading town, a transport hub.
Known since the times of Ancient Rus, it was first mentioned in 1096. In the 16th century. under the governor Stanislav Zholkevsky he bore the name Lyubych, received the Magdeburg rights, a fortress was erected. In 1630-1635 Stanislav Konetspolsky turned the city fortifications into a powerful citadel.
The defensive rampart, the remains of the bastions, the casemates of the fortress, as well as the palace built in the 18th century have survived. Stanislav Pototsky. Saint George's Church of the 17th century, restored in 1867, is an outstanding monument of Galician folk architecture. Also preserved are the Paraphial Church (1596) in the Renaissance style, the defensive church of the Virgin (1600), the Trinity Church (1726), the ruins of the defensive synagogue (1742). The old buildings of the historical center, several manor houses have been preserved.
The clock tower has been restored on the central square, and an interesting local history museum is located in one of the ancient buildings.
Броди - стародавнє торгове місто, транспортний вузол.
Відоме з часів Стародавньої Русі, перша згадка - в 1096 році. В XVI столітті при воєводі Станіславові Жолкевському носило ім'я Любич, отримало Магдебурзьке право, була зведена фортеця. В 1630-1635 роках Станіслав Конєцпольський перетворив міські укріплення на потужну цитадель.
Зберігся оборонний вал, залишки бастіонів, каземати фортеці, а також палац, побудований в XVIII сторіччі Станіславом Потоцьким. Юр'ївська церква XVII столітті, реставрована в 1867 році, є видатною пам'яткою галицької народної архітектури. Також зберігся Парафіяльний костел (1596 рік) в стилі ренесансу, оборонна церква Богородиці (1600 рік), Троїцька церква (1726 рік), руїни оборонної синагоги (1742 рік). Збереглася стара забудова історич ...
Броди - стародавнє торгове місто, транспортний вузол.
Відоме з часів Стародавньої Русі, перша згадка - в 1096 році. В XVI столітті при воєводі Станіславові Жолкевському носило ім'я Любич, отримало Магдебурзьке право, була зведена фортеця. В 1630-1635 роках Станіслав Конєцпольський перетворив міські укріплення на потужну цитадель.
Зберігся оборонний вал, залишки бастіонів, каземати фортеці, а також палац, побудований в XVIII сторіччі Станіславом Потоцьким. Юр'ївська церква XVII столітті, реставрована в 1867 році, є видатною пам'яткою галицької народної архітектури. Також зберігся Парафіяльний костел (1596 рік) в стилі ренесансу, оборонна церква Богородиці (1600 рік), Троїцька церква (1726 рік), руїни оборонної синагоги (1742 рік). Збереглася стара забудова історичного центру, кілька садибних будинків.
На центральній площі відновлена годинникова вежа, а в одній із старовинних будівель розміщений цікавий краєзнавчий музей.
Brody Local History Museum
Museum / gallery
The Brody Museum of Local History is located in an old tenement house on the central square of the city. The building was built in the 18th century for a Catholic monastery, then various administrative institutions were located here. A branch of the Brody Historical and Local Lore Museum is the Fedun family estate-museum in the village of Klekotiv.
The museum exposition in seven halls highlights the history of the region from the earliest times to the middle of the 20th century. Also presented is a photo gallery of attractions of the district, a panorama of "Brody of the XVII-XVIII centuries".
Of particular interest are materials devoted to the struggle for Ukraine's independence during the ZUNR period, as well as the activities of the OUN-UPA.
Employees of the Brody Historical and Local Lore Museum conduct tours of the city and Brody Castle.
Brody Castle
Castle / fortress
A powerful citadel was built in Brody by Crown Hetman Stanislav Konetspolsky in 1630-1635 on the site of the old castle.
The complex with a defensive rampart and a system of casemates in the shape of an octagon was designed by Hiyom de Boplan based on the bastions of Dutch and Italian fortresses. The construction work of Brody Castle was supervised by the Italian architect Andrea del Akva. In 1648, the fortress withstood a siege by the troops of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.
In the middle of the 18th century, Stanislav Potoski reconstructed the fortress, which had lost its strategic importance, into his own residence. The Rococo-style Potoski Palace has been preserved in the courtyard.
Until recently, Brody Castle was in the hands of the military, as a result of which it fell into serious disrepair. Now the palace houses a boarding school, tours of the castle are conducted by employees of the Brody Museum of Local History.
Brody Gymnasium
The Brody Gymnasium was founded in 1865. The construction of the current building in the style of classicism began in 1881, and the first classes were held in 1883.
During both world wars, the building was used as a barracks and a hospital. In the post-war period, it was returned to its main purpose - secondary school No. 1 was opened here.
In 1997, a gymnasium was revived on the basis of the school, which was named after a former graduate, the outstanding Ukrainian artist Ivan Trush. The classic of Austrian literature Yozef Rot, General of the UGA Myron Tarnavskyi also studied here.
The museum of the Brody Grammar School operates in five sections: "Austrian Grammar School named after Archduke Rudolf", "Polish Grammar School named after Yuzef Kozhenevsky", "Secondary School No. 1", "Revived Grammar School named after Ivan Trush", "Faces in the History of the Grammar School".
Great Synagogue
Temple , Architecture
A large defense-type choral synagogue was built in Brody in 1742 instead of a wooden temple that burned down. The large brick building of the synagogue is crowned with a two-story attic.
During the Second World War, the synagogue was badly damaged and was not restored during the Soviet era. It is currently in a dilapidated state. In March 2021, one of the columns fell and part of the roof collapsed.
Nativity of Most Holy Virgin Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Virgin (the so-called "Great Church") was the main Orthodox church of Brody for several centuries.
It was probably founded in the 16th century. It is believed that the first wooden temple was built in 1600. The stone church was rebuilt in 1749, and in the 19th century a clock was installed in the bell tower.
Paintings were made in the first half of the 20th century (Anatol Yablonskyi, Mykhaylo Osinchuk, Mykola Fedyuk).
During both world wars, the Nativity of Most Holy Virgin Church was not damaged, and in Soviet times it was the only functioning church in the city. It currently belongs to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.
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