
Travel guide online Vasylivka

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General information about Vasylivka

The city of Vasylivka is located on the banks of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, on the Zaporizhzhia-Melitopol highway.

It was founded in the 18th century by Zaporozhzhian Cossacks as a winter camp. In 1784, these lands became the property of Major General Vasyl Popov, who was in charge of the office of Prince Hryhoriy Potomkin. Popov founded the village, naming it after himself, built a railway station, a cloth factory, leather and brick factories, hospitals, schools.

At the end of the 19th century, his grandson Vasyl Popov launched a grand manor construction, inviting the famous architect Mykola Benois. The palace complex in the style of neo-romanticism is called "Popov's castle" for its successful stylization under medieval defensive architecture. During the Soviet ...

The city of Vasylivka is located on the banks of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, on the Zaporizhzhia-Melitopol highway.

It was founded in the 18th century by Zaporozhzhian Cossacks as a winter camp. In 1784, these lands became the property of Major General Vasyl Popov, who was in charge of the office of Prince Hryhoriy Potomkin. Popov founded the village, naming it after himself, built a railway station, a cloth factory, leather and brick factories, hospitals, schools.

At the end of the 19th century, his grandson Vasyl Popov launched a grand manor construction, inviting the famous architect Mykola Benois. The palace complex in the style of neo-romanticism is called "Popov's castle" for its successful stylization under medieval defensive architecture. During the Soviet years, most buildings were dismantled for building materials. A museum has been opened in the preserved buildings.

Місто Василівка розташоване на березі Каховського водосховища, на трасі Запоріжжя-Мелітополь.

Засноване в ХVIII столітті запорозькими козаками як зимівник. В 1784 році ці землі перейшли у власність генерал-майора Василя Попова, керуючого канцелярією князя Григорія Потьомкіна. Попов заснував село, назвавши його своїм ім'ям, побудував залізничну станцію, суконну фабрику, шкіряний і цегельний заводи, лікарні, школи.

Його онук Василь Попов в кінці XIX століття розгорнув грандіозне садибне будівництво, запросивши відомого зодчого Миколу Бенуа. Палацовий комплекс в стилі неоромантизму називають "замком Попова" за вдалу стилізацію під середньовічну оборонну архітектуру. В радянські роки більшість споруд була розібрана на будматеріали. В збережених будівлях відкрито му ...

Місто Василівка розташоване на березі Каховського водосховища, на трасі Запоріжжя-Мелітополь.

Засноване в ХVIII столітті запорозькими козаками як зимівник. В 1784 році ці землі перейшли у власність генерал-майора Василя Попова, керуючого канцелярією князя Григорія Потьомкіна. Попов заснував село, назвавши його своїм ім'ям, побудував залізничну станцію, суконну фабрику, шкіряний і цегельний заводи, лікарні, школи.

Його онук Василь Попов в кінці XIX століття розгорнув грандіозне садибне будівництво, запросивши відомого зодчого Миколу Бенуа. Палацовий комплекс в стилі неоромантизму називають "замком Попова" за вдалу стилізацію під середньовічну оборонну архітектуру. В радянські роки більшість споруд була розібрана на будматеріали. В збережених будівлях відкрито музей.

Сплануй своє перебування у Vasylivka

What to see and where to go in Vasylivka

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Tourist attractions and museums of Vasylivka

Popov Manor Museum, Vasylivka
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Popov Manor Museum-Reserve (Castle)

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The palace and park complex in Vasylivka, on the basis of which the historical and architectural museum-reserve "Popov's Manor" was created, received the popular name "Popov's Castle".

The grandiose palace was built in 1894 (probably according to the project of the architect Mykola Benois) in the style of neo-romanticism with elements of Gothic and Baroque and was reminiscent of medieval European castles in architecture. The main building had a ballroom, mirror rooms, a library with rare books, a picture gallery with originals by Titsian, Goya and Rembrandt.

In Soviet times, most buildings were dismantled for building materials. The crenellated walls with a gate, two outbuildings, a carriage house, a stable, and a watch tower have been preserved. The monument is in a state of disrepair, a residential building and a boarding school are located on its territory.

A museum of the manor's history has been opened in the western wing, where, in particular, Bryullov's paintings are presented. Recently, the clearing of the palace basements and other dungeons, where tours began, was completed.

During the large-scale Russian invasion in 2022, the buildings of the Popov estate were damaged, and the museum exhibits were looted by the Russian occupiers.

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Bald Hill, Vasylivka
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Bald Hill

Historic area , Natural object , Archaeological site

A high hill on the bank of the Dnieper near Vasylivka has long been called a Bald Hill (Lysa Hora).

Since 1972, Bald Hill in Vasylivka has been a nature reserve. Multi-meter-high coastal cliffs are interesting for exposure of layers of various rocks. The local forest plantations date back to the 80s of the 19th century and include more than 60 types of tree species.

The Bald Hill hillfort of the Scythian period was discovered.

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Vasylivka Home Zoo
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Vasylivka Home Zoo


The private zoo in Vasylivka belongs to a local resident, blacksmith, artist Oleksandr Pylyshenko.

His first pet was the lioness Katya from the Yalta Zoo. After some time, she was found a mate - the lion Samson from the Rivne Zoo. He belongs to a rare species of Barbary lions, which are practically absent in the wild. In 2011, the lioness gave birth to two lion cubs. This happened at a time when Pylyshenko was setting a 36-day record for the duration of a person's stay in an enclosure with lions.

Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vasylivka has been under the control of the Russian occupation forces. Those who go to the territory controlled by Ukraine leave their pets here. Currently, more than 500 large and small animals and birds live in the Oleksandr Pylyshenko Animal Rehabilitation Center. Including very large ones, such as lions, tigers, bears - about 70. Animals are rescued here after difficult life circumstances - they are fed, treated and given shelter.

At the beginning of the full-scale war, there were situations when the animals did not eat for eight days, there was no electricity, heating and gas for weeks. Currently, the Vasylivka Zoo is supported by charitable assistance from caring people.

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