
Travel guide online Chetfalva

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General information about Chetfalva

The village of Chetfalva is located on the banks of the Tisza near the Hungarian border, on the Uzhhorod-Rakhiv highway.

Known since 1260 (according to other data - from 1341). The name comes from the Hungarian landowner Chet. Later, Chetfalva was owned by the Budoi family.

In the 15th century, a stone Reformed church was built, which in 1753 was supplemented with an expressive Gothic wooden bell tower. Its high pointed spire is clearly visible from the road that passes near the village. Next to the old church is the spectacular Church of the Holy Spirit (1998-2001), built by local craftsmen in the Art Nouveau style.

The village has suffered from floods since ancient times. Back in the 19th century, count Istvan Szechenyi took care of shore fortification works on the T ...

Село Четфалва розташоване на березі Тиси поблизу угорського кордону, на трасі Ужгород-Рахів.

Відоме з 1260 року (за іншими даними - з 1341 року). Назва походить від імені угорського землевласника Чета.

Пізніше Четфалвою володіла родина Будої. В XV сторіччі був споруджений кам'яний реформаторський костел, який у 1753 році був доповнений виразною готичною дерев'яною дзвіницею. Її високий гостроверхий шпиль добре видно з траси, яка проходить біля села. Поруч зі старим храмом знаходиться ефектний костел Святого Духа (1998-2001 роки), побудований місцевими майстрами в стилі модерну.

З давніх-давен село страждало від повеней. Ще в XIX столітті про берегоукріплювальні роботи на Тисі в цих місцях дбав граф Іштван Сечені. Після руйнівних паводків 1998 та 2001 років в Че ...

What to see and where to go in Chetfalva

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Tourist attractions and museums of Chetfalva

Reformation Church, Chetfalva
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Reformation Church

Temple , Architecture

The ancient Reformation Church, founded in Chetfalva in the 15th century, is distinguished by a tall Gothic bell tower in the style of Czech defensive towers.

A modest one-nave stone temple with one window is strengthened from the southwest corner by a buttress. The ceiling is decorated with 60 square wooden caissons with a bright floral ornament. The name of the author Shandor Ferents is written in one of the squares.

A wooden belfry was added to the western side of the church during the reconstruction in 1753. The two-story tower, square in plan, stands directly on the ground on 16 wooden supports (without foundations and piles). The belfry is crowned by a sharp octagonal spire, the height of which is half of the total height of the belfry (about 30 meters).

Next to the Reformation Church is the Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit (1998-2001) in the Art Nouveau style.

Map pin icon Shandora Petefi Street


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Geographical information about Chetfalva

Administrative status village
Founded / first mentioned 1260
Latitude 48.12439
Longitude 22.792
Area, sq. km 1.26
Population 755
Postal codes 90262
