
Travel guide online Berezan

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General information about Berezan

The city of Berezan on the Nadra River is located 75 kilometers from Kyiv in the direction of Poltava.

The name is probably related to the fact that there are many birch groves in the district. It was first mentioned in the 17th century as the property of the princes Ostrozki.

Since 1648, the hundredth town of the Pereyaslav regiment. In 1843, Taras Shevchenko wrote the poem "The Plundered Grave" here. In 1897, entrepreneur Ivan Kanskyi built a brewery, the tallest building of which has been preserved and is currently being reconstructed.

Місто Березань на річці Надра розташоване в 75 кілометрах від Києва в бік Полтави.

Назва, ймовірно, пов'язана з тим, що в окрузі багато березових гаїв. Вперше згадується в XVII столітті як власність князів Острозьких.

З 1648 року сотенне містечко Переяславського полку. В 1843 році Тарас Шевченко написав тут вірш "Розрита могила". В 1897 році підприємець Іван Канський побудував пивоварний завод, найвища будівля якого збереглася і в даний час реконструюється.

Сплануй своє перебування у Berezan

What to see and where to go in Berezan

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Tourist attractions and museums of Berezan

Berezan Museum of Local Lore
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Berezan Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Berezan Museum of Local Lore is located in an original building with elements of folk architecture in the center of the town of Berezan in the Kyiv region. It was founded in 1975 on the initiative of local historian Halyna Ryh.

Today, the exposition of the Berezan Museum of Local Lore has nine sections: nature, traditional life, Cossacks, history of the Second World War, numismatics, folk art, etc.

The exhibition "Shevchenko's Room" is dedicated to Taras Shevchenko's stay in the city, in particular, a facsimile edition of his work "The Plundered Grave" is presented , written in 1843 in Berezan.

In the hall of the 1930s, you can learn about the tragic events of collectivization and the Holodomor in the Berezan region.

A bust of Taras Shevchenko is installed in front of the museum building.

Map pin icon Heroyiv Nebesnoyi Sotni Street, 22


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Kansky Brewery, Berezan
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Kansky Brewery


"Yosyp Kansky's Slavic Brewery" in Berezan is a unique brewery building with a malt house built in 1879.

The brewery was built according to a German project by the entrepreneur Ilarion Butovych, and after his death it was sold to the Czech entrepreneur Yosyp Kansky. The enterprise produced high-quality malt (100 pods per day) and brewed beer and kvass (about 120,000 buckets per year). But despite such a large number of products, the brewery was served by only six workers.

The Kansky brewery operated until the Bolshevik coup of 1917, and then, during the nationalization of lands and enterprises, the entire Kansky family was destroyed by the Bolsheviks.

During the Second World War, the premises of the brewery housed a hospital, then the building was converted into a grain storage warehouse.

Currently, the building of the Slavic Brewery is in private ownership, a project is underway to restore beer production with the opening of a pub and a motel.

Map pin icon Bohdana Khmelnytskoho Lane, 2A


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Mound "Plundered Grave", Berezan
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Mound "Plundered Grave"

Monument , Archaeological site

The ancient burial mound of the Cossack times, described by Taras Shevchenko in the poem "The Plundered Grave", was restored on the outskirts of the city of Berezan in 2007 on the initiative of the modern Cossacks of the Berezan hundred.

The poem "The Plundered Grave" was written by Shevchenko on October 9, 1843 in Berezan, when he was visiting the local landowner Platon Lukashevych. The poet saw a picture of the excavations of the burial mound by Russian soldiers in the fields near Berezan. This metaphorical image of uprooting the historical memory and national self-awareness of the Ukrainian people became the leading one in Shevchenko's most famous anti-imperial poem.

Local expert Halyna Ryh was able to establish the location of the excavated mound in the landing near the railway track based on the stories of old residents. In 1989, on the initiative of the local branch of the People's Movement, the first memorial sign with a memorial plaque was installed here, and later the local Cossacks restored the destroyed mound and installed a stone figure of the Cossack Mamai on it.

The mound "Plundered Grave" (Rozryta Mohyla, Diggered Grave) is located on the eastern outskirts of the city of Berezan, at the exit towards Yagotyn, in the area of the railway crossing, 500 meters to the right of the highway along the railway track.

Map pin icon Shevchenkiv Slyah Street


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