Velyki Berezhtsi

Travel guide online Velyki Berezhtsi

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General information about Velyki Berezhtsi

The village of Velyki Berezhtsi is located among pine forests on the slopes of Medobory 10 kilometers west of Kremenets.

Known since 1545 as Podberezhtsi, the property of the Podberezhsky princes. Later it belonged to the Zbarazskyi, Losyatynskyi, Hoyskyi, and Tarnovskyi. In the 18th century, Podberezhtsi received Magdeburg rights, but they never became a significant settlement.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Colonel Martyn Tarnovskyi built a palace in Velyki Berezhtsi according to the project of the architect Yakub Kubytskyi. During the First World War, the manor was completely burned down. Only the palace chapel has survived.

The Introduction Church, built in 1918 on the site of the old wo ...

The village of Velyki Berezhtsi is located among pine forests on the slopes of Medobory 10 kilometers west of Kremenets.

Known since 1545 as Podberezhtsi, the property of the Podberezhsky princes. Later it belonged to the Zbarazskyi, Losyatynskyi, Hoyskyi, and Tarnovskyi. In the 18th century, Podberezhtsi received Magdeburg rights, but they never became a significant settlement.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Colonel Martyn Tarnovskyi built a palace in Velyki Berezhtsi according to the project of the architect Yakub Kubytskyi. During the First World War, the manor was completely burned down. Only the palace chapel has survived.

The Introduction Church, built in 1918 on the site of the old wooden church, has also been preserved.

The picturesque surroundings of the village of Velyki Berezhtsi are part of the "Medobory" nature reserve. Among the low mountains, the most notable is God`s Mountain on the northwestern outskirts of the village. In ancient times, there was a pagan temple on its top, then an Orthodox monastery. A cave church and a spring have been preserved, and a wooden chapel has been built.

Село Великі Бережці розташоване серед соснових лісів на схилах Медоборів в 10 кілометрах на захід від Кременця.

Відоме з 1545 року як Подбережці, власність князів Подбережських. Пізніше належало Збаразьким, Лосятинським, Гойським, Тарновським. В XVIII сторіччі Подбережці отримали Магдебурзьке право, але значним населеним пунктом так і не стали.

На початку XIX століття полковник Мартин Тарновський заклав в Великих Бережцях палац за проєктом архітектора Якуба Кубицького. Під час Першої світової війни садиба повністю згоріла. Збереглася лише палацова каплиця.

Також збереглася Введенська церква, побудована в 1918 році на місці старого дерев'яного храму.

Мальовничі околиці села Великі Бережці ...

Село Великі Бережці розташоване серед соснових лісів на схилах Медоборів в 10 кілометрах на захід від Кременця.

Відоме з 1545 року як Подбережці, власність князів Подбережських. Пізніше належало Збаразьким, Лосятинським, Гойським, Тарновським. В XVIII сторіччі Подбережці отримали Магдебурзьке право, але значним населеним пунктом так і не стали.

На початку XIX століття полковник Мартин Тарновський заклав в Великих Бережцях палац за проєктом архітектора Якуба Кубицького. Під час Першої світової війни садиба повністю згоріла. Збереглася лише палацова каплиця.

Також збереглася Введенська церква, побудована в 1918 році на місці старого дерев'яного храму.

Мальовничі околиці села Великі Бережці - це частина природного заповідника "Медобори". Серед невисоких гір-останців найпримітніша - Божа гора на північно-західній околиці села. В давнину на її вершині знаходилося язичницьке капище, потім православний монастир. Збереглася печерна церква та джерело, споруджена дерев'яна каплиця.

Сплануй своє перебування у Velyki Berezhtsi

What to see and where to go in Velyki Berezhtsi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Velyki Berezhtsi

God's Mountain, Velyki Berezhtsi
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God's Mountain

Historic area , Temple , Natural object

God's Mountain is called Ostanets Mountain, which is located near the village of Velyki Berezhtsi near Kremenets on the territory of the Medobory Reserve, but is separated from the Kremenets Ridge by the Ikva River.

The height of the mountain above sea level is 366 meters. The mountain is covered with a forest with abundant vegetation. A path of health leads to the mountain, where there are several shrines. Under the very top is the Life-giving Spring, transformed into a well.

According to legend, in ancient times there was a monastery on this place. When the Tatars covered it, and the defenders of the shrine began to suffer from thirst, an image of the Mother of God appeared to them, and a healing spring gushed out of the ground at this place. Near the source is the hermit monk's cave with healing clay, over which the wooden church of the Icon of the Mother of God is built.

At the highest point of God's Mountain, on the site of the chapel with the footprint of the Mother of God, which was destroyed in the 1950s, a wooden church of the Holy Trinity and a platform for viewing the surroundings were recently built. Under the temple there is a system of caves of the 13th century monastic Siktus.

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Neprytsky-Hranovsky Museum, Velyki Berezhtsi
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Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky Literary and Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The Literary and Memorial Museum of the poet, public figure, zoologist-entomologist, scientist, professor of the University of Minnesota Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky was opened in his homeland, in the village of Velyki Berezhtsi, in 1996. The initiator of the creation of the museum was Borys Neprytsky - a cousin of Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky, who lives in the USA.

The museum is located in the premises of the Velyki Berezhtsi comprehensive school in seven rooms with a total area of ​​207 square meters. The museum collection includes about 2,500 exhibits. The museum exposition consists of 9 sections and introduces the life and creative path of Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky in Ukraine and abroad. Among the unique exhibits are a birth certificate, a photocopy of the certificate of graduation from the Bilokrynytsia Agricultural School, photos of members of the Ukrainian club "Rodyna" (Mykola Lysenko, Olena Pchilka, Pavlo Bohatsky, Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky), a diploma of a doctor of philosophy, a congratulatory telegram from US President Dwight Eisenhower to Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Organization of the State Renaissance of Ukraine, the first collections of poems by the poet ("Petals of Hope", "Necklace of Tears" and "Chords", a portrait of Taras Shevchenko made by Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky in pencil in 1907 with his own signature, Easter eggs made according to Oleksandr Neprytsky-Hranovsky's drawings.

In 2009, the museum's funds were replenished with a collection of 202 dolls from almost 60 countries of the world, which the scientist collected over many years years of being in different countries of the world.

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