
Travel guide online Boiaro-Lezhachi

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General information about Boiaro-Lezhachi

The border village of Boiaro-Lezhachi is located on the right bank of the Seim River between Sumy and Putivl near the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Known since 1648. Now there is a local road border crossing in Boiaro-Lezhachi.

The river in the area of the village is winding, forms estuaries, old lakes and marshy lakes. The state landscape reserve "Serednyoseimskyi" was created here.

Прикордонне село Бояро-Лежачі на правому березі річці Сейм розташоване між Сумами та Путивлем поблизу українсько-російського кордону.

Відоме з 1648 року. Зараз в Бояро-Лежачах діє місцевий автомобільний прикордонний перехід.

Річка в районі села звивиста, утворює лимани, стариці та заболочені озера. Тут створено державний ландшафтний заказник "Середньосеймський".

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What to see and where to go in Boiaro-Lezhachi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Boiaro-Lezhachi

Serednoseimskyi Reserve, Boiaro-Lezhachi
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Serednoseimskyi Landscape Reserve


The state landscape reserve "Serednoseimskyi" with an area of ​​693 hectares protects a unique floodplain natural complex in the headwaters of the Seim River with mainly meadow vegetation, floodplain deciduous forests and numerous water bodies.

The massif located near the village of Boiaro-Lezhachi has great water protection value. "Serednoseimskyi" nature reserve - a place where the common vulture is preserved - a species listed in the international Red Book. The relict ostrich feather fern and broad-leaved sedge grow here - a species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

The territory of the reserve and its adjacent forests, meadows and swamps is promising for the creation of nature-reserve objects of the highest category - a national nature park.

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