Velyki Sorochyntsi

Travel guide online Velyki Sorochyntsi

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General information about Velyki Sorochyntsi

The village of Velyki Sorochyntsi on the Psel River is located 25 kilometers east of Myrhorod.

It has been known since the beginning of the 17th century as Krasnopil, but from the 1620s, when it was owned by Prince Yarema Vyshnevetskyi, it was called Sorochyntsi.

During the War of Liberation, Sorochyntsi was the hundredth town of the Myrhorod Regiment. Here was the estate of Myrhorod colonel Pavlo Apostol. His son Danylo Apostol, becoming the hetman of the Zaporizhzhia Army in 1727, made Sorochyntsi his residence.

The hetman's tomb has been preserved - the Transfiguration Church (1732) with a unique carved iconostasis, in which Mykola Hohol was baptized in 1809. A literary memorial museum was created in the doctor's house, where the future writer was born.

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The village of Velyki Sorochyntsi on the Psel River is located 25 kilometers east of Myrhorod.

It has been known since the beginning of the 17th century as Krasnopil, but from the 1620s, when it was owned by Prince Yarema Vyshnevetskyi, it was called Sorochyntsi.

During the War of Liberation, Sorochyntsi was the hundredth town of the Myrhorod Regiment. Here was the estate of Myrhorod colonel Pavlo Apostol. His son Danylo Apostol, becoming the hetman of the Zaporizhzhia Army in 1727, made Sorochyntsi his residence.

The hetman's tomb has been preserved - the Transfiguration Church (1732) with a unique carved iconostasis, in which Mykola Hohol was baptized in 1809. A literary memorial museum was created in the doctor's house, where the future writer was born.

In 1904, a teacher's seminary was opened in Sorochyntsy (now - Velyki Sorochyntsi sanatorium-boarding school).

Every year, on the penultimate weekend of August, the famous Sorochyntskyi Fair is held in Velyki Sorochyntsi, where traders from all over Ukraine gather. Back in the 19th century, it was considered the largest in Ukraine, and it became the most famous thanks to the works of Hohol. It was revived in 1966, becoming one of the most colorful and popular tourist events in Ukraine.

Село Великі Сорочинці на річці Псел розташоване в 25 кілометрах на схід від Миргорода.

Відоме з початку XVII століття як Краснопіль, але з 1620-х років, коли опинилося у власності князя Яреми Вишневецького, стало називатися Сорочинцями.

Під час Визвольної війни Сорочинці були сотенним містечком Миргородського полку. Тут знаходилася садиба миргородського полковника Павло Апостола. Його син Данило Апостол, ставши в 1727 році гетьманом Війська Запорозького, зробив Сорочинці своєю резиденцією.

Збереглася гетьманська усипальниця - Спасо-Преображенська церква (1732 рік) з унікальним різьбленим іконостасом, в якій в 1809 році був хрещений Микола Гоголь. У будинку лікаря, де народився майбутній письменник, створено літературно-меморіальний музей. В

1904 році в Сорочинцях ...

Село Великі Сорочинці на річці Псел розташоване в 25 кілометрах на схід від Миргорода.

Відоме з початку XVII століття як Краснопіль, але з 1620-х років, коли опинилося у власності князя Яреми Вишневецького, стало називатися Сорочинцями.

Під час Визвольної війни Сорочинці були сотенним містечком Миргородського полку. Тут знаходилася садиба миргородського полковника Павло Апостола. Його син Данило Апостол, ставши в 1727 році гетьманом Війська Запорозького, зробив Сорочинці своєю резиденцією.

Збереглася гетьманська усипальниця - Спасо-Преображенська церква (1732 рік) з унікальним різьбленим іконостасом, в якій в 1809 році був хрещений Микола Гоголь. У будинку лікаря, де народився майбутній письменник, створено літературно-меморіальний музей. В

1904 році в Сорочинцях була відкрита вчительська семінарія (зараз - Великосорочинська санаторна школа-ітнтернат).

Щороку в передостанні вихідні серпня в Великих Сорочинцях проходить знаменитий Сорочинський ярмарок, на який з'їжджаються торговці з усієї України. Ще в XIX століття вона вважалася найбільшою в Україні, а найвідомішою стала завдяки творам Гоголя. Відроджена в 1966 році, ставши однією з найколоритніших і популярних туристичних подій України.

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What to see and where to go in Velyki Sorochyntsi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Velyki Sorochyntsi

Museum of Local Lore, Velyki Sorochyntsi
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Museum of Local Lore

Museum / gallery

The Museum of Local History in Velyki Sorochyntsi was created in 2008 on the basis of the people's Museum.

Located in a two-story building of the former children's library, to which a carved wooden veranda is attached.

The museum covers the history of the entire Myrhorod region from ancient times to the present day. In particular, tools of the 18th-19th centuries, Ukrainian clothing and household items, a model of a Ukrainian peasant's house of the 19th century, as well as a unique model of the Velyki Sorochyntsi Savior and Transfiguration Church of the 18th century, the family tomb of the Hetman of the Left Bank of Ukraine Danylo Apostol, which is located nearby, are presented.

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Hohol Museum, Velyki Sorochyntsi
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Mykola Hohol Literary Memorial Museum

Museum / gallery

The first Literary and Memorial Museum of Mykola Hohol in the country was opened in Velyki Sorochyntsi in the restored house of the Sorochyntsi doctor Trokhimovskyi, where the future writer was born in 1809.

The museum was initiated by the artist Amvrosiy Buchma, who in 1929 took part in the filming of the film "Sorochynsky Fair".

During the Second World War the building was destroyed, reconstructed in 1951 without preserving the original layout. The interiors of the 19th century have been restored.

The exposition includes the writer's personal belongings, the first editions of his books, documents, a portrait of Illya Repin's work, and others.

Map pin icon Mykoly Hoholya Street, 34


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Mykola Hohol Monument, Velyki Sorochyntsi
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Mykola Hohol Monument


The monument to Mykola Hohol in Velyki Sorochyntsi is one of the first monuments to the writer in Ukraine. It is also considered one of the best in the world.

The residents of Sorochyntsi decided to perpetuate the memory of a great compatriot in 1909, when they celebrated the centenary of his birth. The author of the monument project is St. Petersburg sculptor Illya Hintsburh.

The monument was inaugurated in 1911 near the house of doctor Mykhaylo Trochymovskyi, where Hohol was born in 1809. The bronze sculpture depicts a writer sitting in deep thought.

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Transfiguration Church, Velyki Sorochyntsi
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Savior and Transfiguration Church

Temple , Architecture

The Savior and Transfiguration Church in Velyki Sorochyntsi is the temple-tomb of Hetman Danylo Apostol.

It was built in 1732 in the Ukrainian Baroque style popular on the Left Bank. According to one of the versions, the project of the temple was developed by the outstanding Ukrainian architect of the 18th century, Stepan Kovnir, the author of several buildings of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and the Klovsky Palace in Kyiv. It was built by local masons. Initially, the Sorochynskyi temple had nine baths, but after one of the fires, four baths had to be removed.

The Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior is distinguished by the richness of the decoration of its facades. Its interior is decorated with a unique seven-tiered filigree carved linden iconostasis with dimensions of 17 by 20 meters and more than a hundred icons, crowned with a double-headed eagle.

In 1809, the future writer Mykola Hohol was baptized in the Transfiguration Church in Velyki Sorochyntsi.

Hetman Danylo Apostol, who died in 1734, is buried in the crypt under the church, as well as his wife Ulyana, his daughters and son, Myrhorod colonel Pavlo Apostol.

A monument to Danylo Apostol was erected near the church.

Map pin icon Leheydy Street, 1


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Sorochyntsi Fair Field, Velyki Sorochyntsi
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Sorochyntsi Fair Field

Historic area

The fair in the village of Velyki Sorochyntsi has been held regularly since the 19th century. The Sorochyntsi Fair (Sorochynsky Yarmarok) became famous thanks to the works of Mykola Hohol.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, the village fair was held five times a year. It was closed in the 20s of the 20th century, but revived in 1966. Currently, representatives of various manufacturing enterprises from all corners of Ukraine gather annually at the National Sorochyntsi Fair, offering their products to visitors. In recent years, a folklore and ethnographic section has been equipped, where souvenirs and handicrafts of the best masters of Ukraine are sold.

The fair takes place in the penultimate week of August every year. In the rest of the time, you can explore the field of the Sorochyntsi Fair with models of houses, windmills and other traditional wooden structures.

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