The village of Vyshnyaki on the Khorol River is the southeastern suburb of Khorol.
Founded in the 16th century. According to legend, the founder was the Cossack Savka Vyshnyak. In 1744, Empress Elizaveta presented Vyshnyaki to Demyan Obolonskyi, the general of the Zaporizhzhia Army.
The Church of the Life-giving Trinity, built by the Obolonskys in 1794-1799, has been preserved.
In 1805, Colonel Rodion Plamenets from Hadyatsk, after marrying Nadiya Obolonska, built a manor with a small two-story manor house in Vyshnyaki. After his death, the manor returned to the Obolonskys, who in 1845 hosted the poet Taras Shevchenko. Later, the estate belonged to the landowner Rodzianko-Kotlyarevska.
A monu ...
The village of Vyshnyaki on the Khorol River is the southeastern suburb of Khorol.
Founded in the 16th century. According to legend, the founder was the Cossack Savka Vyshnyak. In 1744, Empress Elizaveta presented Vyshnyaki to Demyan Obolonskyi, the general of the Zaporizhzhia Army.
The Church of the Life-giving Trinity, built by the Obolonskys in 1794-1799, has been preserved.
In 1805, Colonel Rodion Plamenets from Hadyatsk, after marrying Nadiya Obolonska, built a manor with a small two-story manor house in Vyshnyaki. After his death, the manor returned to the Obolonskys, who in 1845 hosted the poet Taras Shevchenko. Later, the estate belonged to the landowner Rodzianko-Kotlyarevska.
A monument to the SU-100 self-propelled artillery installation was erected in the village to commemorate the events of the Second World War.
Село Вишняки на річці Хорол - південно-східне передмістя Хорола.
Засноване в XVI сторіччі. За легендою, засновником був козак Савка Вишняк. В 1744 році імператриця Єлізавета подарувала Вишняки генеральному бунчужному Війська Запорозького Дем'янові Оболонському.
Збереглася церква Трійці Живоначальної, побудована Оболонськими в 1794-1799 роках.
В 1805 році гадяцький полковник Родіон Пламенець, побравшись з Надією Оболонською, побудував у Вишняках садибу з невеликим двоповерховим садибним будинком. Після його смерті садиба повернулася до Оболонських, які в 1845 році приймали тут в гостях поета Тараса Шевченка. Пізніше садиба належала поміщиці Родзянко-Котляревській.
На згадку про події Друго ...
Село Вишняки на річці Хорол - південно-східне передмістя Хорола.
Засноване в XVI сторіччі. За легендою, засновником був козак Савка Вишняк. В 1744 році імператриця Єлізавета подарувала Вишняки генеральному бунчужному Війська Запорозького Дем'янові Оболонському.
Збереглася церква Трійці Живоначальної, побудована Оболонськими в 1794-1799 роках.
В 1805 році гадяцький полковник Родіон Пламенець, побравшись з Надією Оболонською, побудував у Вишняках садибу з невеликим двоповерховим садибним будинком. Після його смерті садиба повернулася до Оболонських, які в 1845 році приймали тут в гостях поета Тараса Шевченка. Пізніше садиба належала поміщиці Родзянко-Котляревській.
На згадку про події Другої світової війни в селі встановлено пам'ятник - самохідна артилерійська установка СУ-100.
Kotlyarevsky Manor
Palace / manor , Architecture
The manor in Vyshniaky was built in 1805 by Colonel Radion Palaments from Hadyach, probably according to the project of the famous architect Mykola Lviv.
The two-story house in the style of classicism is located on a slope going down to the Khorol River, and was once surrounded by a park and an orchard. The compositional center of the building is an oval hall topped by a dome with a low spire. Above the main entrance is a carved wooden balcony-terrace resting on massive stone pillars. On the park facade, four pillars support a semicircular balcony.
Radion Palamenets was married to Nadiya Obolonska, whose Cossack family owned Vyshniaky since 1744. After the founder's death, the manor was inherited by his wife, and then by her brother, Demyan Obolonskyi. The poet and artist Taras Shevchenko knew his son, the editor and publisher of the magazine "Narodne khednyi" Oleksandr Obolonsky well. In 1845, the Obolonsky hosted Shevchenko at the Vyshniaky estate, which he later mentioned in the story "The Twins" (a commemorative plaque was installed).
Later, the landlady Rodzyanko-Kotlyarevska became the owner of the Vyshniaky, whose name the estate now bears.
Now this is the closed territory of a boarding house for the disabled.
The Kotlyarevsky manor is connected by an underground passage with the Trinity Church located opposite.
Motoball Track
Entertainment / leisure , Active rest
The Motoball Track near Vyshniaky is the home arena of the Niva Motoball club.
Matches of the Ukrainian motorball championship are played here. In 1995, 2007, 2009 matches of the European Championship were held.
Trinity Church
Temple , Architecture
The Trinity church was built in Vyshniaky at the expense of representatives of the Obolonsky Cossack family in 1794-1799.
The single-domed, cruciform church is made in the style of classicism.
According to legend, the Trinity Church used to be connected to the nearby Kotlyarevsky manor by an underground passage, which is now covered up.
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