The resort village of Prymorske is located on the shores of the Zhebriyan Bay of the Black Sea, 15 kilometers north of Vylkove, on the territory of the Danube Biosphere Reserve, between estuarine lakes.
It was founded at the beginning of the 18th century as the Zhebriyans by the Old Believers, Lypovans, who fled from persecution in Russia to the Danube territories then under the control of the Ottoman Empire. The Old Believer Church of the Kazan Mother of God was built in 1905.
The resort part of Prymorske stretches for 3 kilometers along the coastline with sandy beaches. There are many recreation centers here, including several reconstructed ones with a high level of service.
Курортне село Приморське розташоване на березі Жебріянської бухти Чорного моря, в 15 кілометрах на північ від Вилкового, на території Дунайського біосферного заповідника, між лиманними озерами.
Засноване на початку XVIII сторіччя як Жебріяни старовірами-липованами, які втікали від переслідувань в росії на придунайські території, підконтрольні тоді Османській імперії. Старообрядницька церква Казанської Божої Матері побудована в 1905 році.
Курортна частина Приморського розтягнута на 3 кілометри уздовж берегової лінії з піщаними пляжами. Тут безліч баз відпочинку, в тому числі кілька реконструйованих, з високим рівнем сервісу.
Bryndza Dairy "Brynzarnya"
Gastrotourism , Farm / cheese factory
"Brynzarnya" is located on the territory of the Danube Biosphere Reserve, next to the resort area of the village of Prymorske, not far from the town of Vylkove on the canals in the Danube Delta. It is the Bessarabian center of the global Slow Food movement, which encourages the development of regional cuisines, the use of environmentally friendly local products, and most importantly, the attitude to food as a ritual, when the whole family gathers at the table and all the most important matters are discussed over dinner.
"Brynzarnya" has created both the best conditions for the production of high-quality goat cheese, traditional for this place, and relaxation in an ecologically clean place. Goats are kept on free grazing next to protected areas with clean air and soil without chemicals.
Visitors can enjoy a story about the history of Bessarabia, goat farming, and a tour of the Bryndza Dairy. Tastings take place in the Lypovans (Old Believers') house-museum. After the tasting, guests have the opportunity to purchase local products and souvenirs.
"Brynzarnya" is a participant in the project "Wine and Taste Route of Ukrainian Bessarabia".
Kazan Holy Virgin Church
Temple , Architecture
The Old Believer Church of the Kazan Icon of the Holy Virgin was built in Prymorske in 1903 by Old Believers-Lypovans, who form the basis of the village's population.
The church is single-domed, with an attached high bell tower. Much decorated. There is a wonderful iconostasis in the interior.
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