The village of Budyshche is located 20 kilometers north of Zvenyhorodka, near Moryntsi and Shevchenkove. It is part of the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Batkivshchyna of Taras Shevchenko".
It arose in the 18th century around the "buda" - an enterprise for the production of potash, which is where the name came from. In 1828, it became the property of Pavlo Enhelhardt, who built the manor. In 1828-1829, young Taras Shevchenko served as his Cossack.
The last owner of the estate was the landowner Mossakivskyi. According to legend, under him the village was divided into two parts, "Truth" and "Kryvda", where rich and poor peasants lived, respectively. During the Soviet rule, a school was placed in the manor, then a boarding school for th ...
The village of Budyshche is located 20 kilometers north of Zvenyhorodka, near Moryntsi and Shevchenkove. It is part of the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Batkivshchyna of Taras Shevchenko".
It arose in the 18th century around the "buda" - an enterprise for the production of potash, which is where the name came from. In 1828, it became the property of Pavlo Enhelhardt, who built the manor. In 1828-1829, young Taras Shevchenko served as his Cossack.
The last owner of the estate was the landowner Mossakivskyi. According to legend, under him the village was divided into two parts, "Truth" and "Kryvda", where rich and poor peasants lived, respectively. During the Soviet rule, a school was placed in the manor, then a boarding school for the elderly.
Село Будище розташоване в 20 кілометрах на північ від Звенигородки, поруч з Моринцями і Шевченковим. Входить в Історико-культурний заповідник "Батьківщина Тараса Шевченка".
Виникло в XVIII сторіччі навколо буди - підприємства по виробництву поташу, звідки пішла назва. В 1828 році перейшло у власність Павла Енгельгардта, який побудував садибу. В 1828-1829 роках у нього служив козачком юний Тарас Шевченко.
Останнім власником маєтку був поміщик Моссаківський. За легендою, при ньому село було поділено на дві частини "Правда" та "Кривда", де жили, відповідно, багаті і бідні селяни. За радянської влади в садибі розмістили школу, потім інтернат для літніх людей.
Pavlo Enhelhardt Estate
Palace / manor
The estate in Budyshche was built in 1828 by Baron Pavlo Enhelhardt (son of Senator Vasyl Enhelhardt, hero of the Second Turkish War) as his summer home (the Engelhardts' main residence was in Vilshana).
A park with a cascade of ponds and ancient oak trees was laid out nearby. According to legend, the young Taras Shevchenko, who served Enhelhardt as a Cossack in 1828-1829, hid his children's drawings in the hollow of one of the oak trees. This oak is preserved in the territory of the landscape park, it is called Shevchenko`s.
During Soviet times, the manor housed an eight-year school, which occupies the premises even now.
The park was reconstructed, arches, benches, and fountains were built to reproduce the atmosphere of Shevchenko times.
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