The ancient Cossack village of Trakhtemyriv is located on the bank of the Dnipro between Rzhyshchiv and Kaniv.
During the princely era, the ancient Rus city of Zarub stood on this site.
In the 12th century, the Trakhtemyriv Monastery was founded. In Cossack times, a hospital operated under it. In 1578, the Polish king Stefan Batory officially handed it over to the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks. Since that time, Trakhtemyriv became a Cossack residence - here they elected hetmans, received foreign ambassadors, and built ships. During the time of popular uprisings, it served as a base for the rebels, when one of them was suppressed in 1665, it was destroyed. The Cossack cemetery has been preserved.
In Soviet times, there were protected hunting grounds on the Trakhtemyriv Peninsul ...
The ancient Cossack village of Trakhtemyriv is located on the bank of the Dnipro between Rzhyshchiv and Kaniv.
During the princely era, the ancient Rus city of Zarub stood on this site.
In the 12th century, the Trakhtemyriv Monastery was founded. In Cossack times, a hospital operated under it. In 1578, the Polish king Stefan Batory officially handed it over to the Zaporizhzhia Cossacks. Since that time, Trakhtemyriv became a Cossack residence - here they elected hetmans, received foreign ambassadors, and built ships. During the time of popular uprisings, it served as a base for the rebels, when one of them was suppressed in 1665, it was destroyed. The Cossack cemetery has been preserved.
In Soviet times, there were protected hunting grounds on the Trakhtemyriv Peninsula. When the Kaniv Reservoir was created, almost all residents were displaced, and the village actually ceased to exist, but soon some of the residents returned.
In 1994, the creation of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv" was announced, and in 1997, the private reserve of the Agrarian-Ecological Association "Trakhtemyriv" was created.
Старовинне козацьке село Трахтемирів розташоване на березі Дніпра між Ржищевом і Каневом.
За княжої доби на цьому місці стояв літописне давньоруське місто Заруб.
В XII сторіччі був заснований Трахтемирівський монастир. У козацькі часи при ньому діяв шпиталь. В 1578 році польський король Стефан Баторій офіційно передав його у володіння запорозьких козаків. З того часу Трахтемирів став козацької резиденцією - тут вибирали гетьманів, приймали іноземних послів, будували кораблі. За часів народних повстань він служив базою повстанців, при придушенні одного з яких в 1665 році був зруйнований. Зберігся козацький цвинтар.
В радянські часи на Трахтемирівському півострові були заповідні мисливські угіддя. При створенні Канівського водосховища майже всі жителі були відселені, і с ...
Старовинне козацьке село Трахтемирів розташоване на березі Дніпра між Ржищевом і Каневом.
За княжої доби на цьому місці стояв літописне давньоруське місто Заруб.
В XII сторіччі був заснований Трахтемирівський монастир. У козацькі часи при ньому діяв шпиталь. В 1578 році польський король Стефан Баторій офіційно передав його у володіння запорозьких козаків. З того часу Трахтемирів став козацької резиденцією - тут вибирали гетьманів, приймали іноземних послів, будували кораблі. За часів народних повстань він служив базою повстанців, при придушенні одного з яких в 1665 році був зруйнований. Зберігся козацький цвинтар.
В радянські часи на Трахтемирівському півострові були заповідні мисливські угіддя. При створенні Канівського водосховища майже всі жителі були відселені, і село фактично припинило існування, але незабаром частина жителів повернулася.
В 1994 році було оголошено про створення Державного історико-культурного заповідника "Трахтемирів", а в 1997 році створено приватний заповідник Аграрно-екологічного об'єднання "Трахтемирів".
State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemyriv"
Reserve , Historic area
The state historical and cultural reserve "Trakhtemyriv" was created in 1994 on the site of the ancient Cossack village of the same name.
It is located on a picturesque peninsula, formed by a steep bend of the Dnipro opposite Pereyaslav. Scythian and early Slavic settlements were discovered here. In princely times, the ancient Rus city of Zarub stood on this site.
In 1147, the Trakhtemyriv Monastery was mentioned, built on the site of the Zarub monastery destroyed by the Tatars. In 1576, a hospital for old and infirm Cossacks was created at the monastery. Two years later, the Polish king Stefan Batory, having established a registered Cossack army, bequeathed the Trakhtemyriv to the Cossacks.
The Trakhtemyriv fortress was built, which became the informal Cossack capital - hetmans were elected here, ambassadors were received, and supplies were stored here. It was also an outpost of popular uprisings on more than one occasion. In 1665, during the suppression of one of the uprisings, the city and the monastery were destroyed.
A Cossack cemetery has been preserved on the outskirts of the village of Trakhtemyriv, a cross has been erected on the site of the monastery in the Tserkovshchyna tract, the remains of the fortress have not been found.
Currently, most of the territory belongs to the private Agrarian and Ecological Association "Trakhtemyriv", which uses the protected lands as elite hunting grounds. A large castle-style hunting lodge (burned down in 2015) was built in a picturesque location next to a former pioneer camp. A tree in the shape of a trident grows near it, next to which there is a memorial sign.
Several houses have been preserved in the village, in one of which the family of a hermit nicknamed "Scyth" lives permanently.
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