Male Starosillia

Travel guide online Male Starosillia

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General information about Male Starosillia

The village of Male Starosillia on the Balakleyka River is located in the woods 20 kilometers west of Smila.

It was mentioned for the first time in 1656, when Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, with his general, allowed the establishment of the Irdynskyi Vynohradskyi monastery near Male Starosillia.

Since the 18th century, the village belonged to the Bobrynskyi counts. There was a wooden church in the village (the present brick church is modern), in 1909 a four-grade school was opened.

In Soviet times, a psychoneurological boarding school was placed on the site of the monastery.

Село Мале Старосілля на річці Балаклейці розташоване серед лісів в 20 кілометрах на захід від Сміли.

Вперше згадується в 1656 році, коли гетьман Богдан Хмельницький своїм універсалом дозволив заснувати біля Малого Старосілля Ірдинський Виноградський монастир.

З XVIII століття село належало графам Бобринським. В селі була дерев'яна церква (нинішній цегляний храм - сучасний), в 1909 році відкрилася чотирикласна школа.

На місці монастиря в радянські часи розмістили психоневрологічний інтернат.

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What to see and where to go in Male Starosillia

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Tourist attractions and museums of Male Starosillia

Irdynskyi Vinogradskyi Monastery, Male Starosillia
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Irdynskyi Vinogradskyi Holy Assumption Monastery

Historic area , Temple , Archaeological site

Irdynskyi Vynohradskyi Holy Assumption Monastery with a complex of caves is located in the middle of forests and swamps near the village of Male Starosillia to the west of Smila.

It was probably founded in the 16th century, but it was first mentioned in documents in 1656, when Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi issued a license for the construction of a new monastery complex. Khmelnytsky's son Yuriy hid in this monastery and accepted monasticism under the name of monk Gedeon. Haydamaks also hid in the monastery caves.

15 hectares of the large territory of the monastery was the first to be explored by Count Oleksiy Bobrynskyi at the end of the 19th century. The diagram of the underground passageways drawn up by him shows that they ran for hundreds of meters. However, neither the count nor modern local historians managed to reach the end and find out where the tunnels dug by the monks led. Archaeologists discovered an underground church in the caves.

The monastery, which was closed by the Bolsheviks after numerous destructions and fires, was never restored to a psycho-neurological boarding school on its territory. Only surviving caves are open to tourists.

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