
Travel guide online Bazaltove

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General information about Bazaltove

The village of Bazaltove on the Horyn River is located 15 kilometers west of Kostopil.

Back in the 19th century, basalt was mined here, in Yanova Valley. In 1934, the Polish government decided to establish a workers' village according to the project of the Austrian architect Adolf Loos.

During the Second World War, the village was completely destroyed, in Soviet times it was rebuilt.

Basalt quarries are located near the village, where basalt is mined by an open method.

Село Базальтове на річці Горинь розташоване в 15 кілометрах на захід від Костополя.

Ще в XIX столітті тут, в Яновій долині, добували базальт. В 1934 році польським урядом було прийнято рішення заснувати робітниче селище за проєктом австрійського архітектора Адольфа Лооса.

Під час Другої світової війни селище було повністю знищене, в радянські часи відбудоване наново.

Поруч з селом розташовані базальтові кар'єри, де ведеться видобуток базальту відкритим способом.

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What to see and where to go in Bazaltove

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Tourist attractions and museums of Bazaltove

Basalt Pillars, Bazaltove
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Basalt Pillars

Natural object

Reserve "Basalt Pillars" is a geological reserve in the center of the Rivne region, a unique "architectural" work of nature. Dense rows of polyhedron columns impress with their monumentality and geometric perfection.

Basalt Pillars are an igneous rock broken by cracks into basalt-like columnar individualities. In section, the pillars have the shape of tetrahedra or polyhedra, which makes this material convenient for the construction of paving stones. The thickness of the pillars reaches 1.2 meters, the height - up to 30 meters.

The development of large deposits of basalt in the Yanova Dolyna tract near the current village of Bazaltove has been carried out by the open method since the 18th century. One of the quarries is completely flooded, a small island called the "Island of Love" has formed in the middle of it. In combination with the calm surface of the water, the basalt walls look especially beautiful.

Since 1972, the "Basalt Pillars" reserve has the status of a natural monument of local importance, which is used as a recreation area.

Another flooded quarry is located in the village of Berestovets, 15 kilometers from Bazaltove. The road from Bazaltove to Berestovets is broken, a detour through Kostopil is recommended.

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