The village of Bilohirya on the Horyn River is located next to the Lubar-Kremenets highway.
It has been known since 1441 as the village of Lyakhivtsi, owned by the boyar Denys Mokosiyovych.
From the middle of the 16th century, it belonged to the Senyuts, under whom the Lyakhivtsi received Magdeburg rights and a Dominican monastery with the church of Saint Vincent de Paul was founded. Later, a new church was built in its place, which has survived to this day.
The Trinity Church (1869) is also preserved.
Селище Білогір'я на річці Горинь розташоване поруч з трасою Любар-Кременець.
Відоме з 1441 року як село Ляхівці у власності боярина Дениса Мокосійовича.
З середини XVI сторіччя належало Сенютам, за яких Ляхівці отримали Магдебурзьке право і був заснований домініканський монастир з костелом Святого Вікентія де Поля. Пізніше на його місці був побудований новий костел, що зберігся дотепер.
Також збереглася Троїцька церква (1869 рік).
Bilohirya History and Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The Bilohirya History and Local Lore Museum is located in the center of Bilohirya and is the main cultural center of the village, which collects and preserves the history of the region.
The museum's exposition is presented in several spacious exhibition halls and is thematically divided into separate sections: "Nature of the Region", "History from the Most Beautiful Times to the Present", "Ethnography", etc. The new exposition is dedicated to honoring the memory of the heroes of the Russian-Ukrainian War.
Saint Vikentiy de Pol Church
Temple , Architecture
The Dominican monastery with the church of Saint Vikentiy de Pol in Bilohirya was founded in 1612 at the expense of Pavlo-Kshyshtof Senyuta, who owned the city at that time.
The current building was rebuilt in 1789. The monastery existed until 1859, after which the church was rebuilt into an Orthodox church.
In Soviet times, the building was used for various institutions: a prison, a cultural center, a library.
Only in 1991, the church of Saint Vikentiy de Pol was returned to the Catholic community of the village. Currently, the church is being restored by the Pallottine Fathers of the Catholic Apostolic Society.
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