Saint Michael the Archangel Church, Vyshka



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General information about Saint Michael the Archangel Church (Vyshka)

The Church of Saint Archangel Michael in the Transcarpathian village of Vyshka is a monument of wooden architecture of national importance.

It has the features of a classic temple of the Boyko school of architecture: three log cabins made of spruce beams on a stone foundation, placed in a row along a longitudinal line from west to east, covered with tent vaults, each topped with a crown.

Initially, the central log house was higher than the others, but in the second half of the 18th century, the tented top above the babinsek was replaced by a frame belfry, which became higher.

Like many wooden churches in Transcarpathia, Michael's Church was not spared the fate of being buried alive in a metal sarcophagus, which hid the original patterns of wall and roof cladding wi ...

The Church of Saint Archangel Michael in the Transcarpathian village of Vyshka is a monument of wooden architecture of national importance.

It has the features of a classic temple of the Boyko school of architecture: three log cabins made of spruce beams on a stone foundation, placed in a row along a longitudinal line from west to east, covered with tent vaults, each topped with a crown.

Initially, the central log house was higher than the others, but in the second half of the 18th century, the tented top above the babinsek was replaced by a frame belfry, which became higher.

Like many wooden churches in Transcarpathia, Michael's Church was not spared the fate of being buried alive in a metal sarcophagus, which hid the original patterns of wall and roof cladding with shingles.

Церква Святого Архангела Михаїла в закарпатському селі Вишка – пам'ятка дерев'яного зодчества національного значення.

Має риси класичного храму бойківської архітектурної школи: три зруби з ялинових брусів на кам'яному фундаменті, поставлені поспіль по поздовжній лінії із заходу на схід, перекриті шатровими склепіннями, кожен увінчаний маківкою.

Спочатку центральний зруб був вищим за інші, але в другій половині XVIII сторіччя шатровий верх над бабинцем замінили на каркасну дзвіницю, яка стала вище.

Як багато дерев'яних церков на Закарпатті, Михайлівську церкву не оминула доля бути заживо похованою в металевому саркофазі, що приховав під собою оригінальні візерунки обшивки стін та даху гонтом.

Practical information about Saint Michael the Archangel Church (Vyshka)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1700


Coordinates 48.9509399° N, 22.6846578° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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