Drohobych Tower, Drohobych

Castle / fortress


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General information about Drohobych Tower (Drohobych)

The Drohobych Tower is the oldest building of the early medieval period preserved in Drohobych.

Powerful stone and wooden defensive structures were built in the 13th century, during the times of the Galicia-Volyn principality.

In the 16th century, the monumental church of Saint Bartholomew was built on the territory of the castle, and the tower was used as its bell tower. In the 19th century, the rest of the city fortifications were dismantled, defensive ditches were filled in, and a third tier with arched windows was built above the bell tower.

In front of the tower is a monument to the medieval scientist Yuriy Drohobych, who was the rector of the University of Bologna and the teacher of Nicolaus Cop ...

The Drohobych Tower is the oldest building of the early medieval period preserved in Drohobych.

Powerful stone and wooden defensive structures were built in the 13th century, during the times of the Galicia-Volyn principality.

In the 16th century, the monumental church of Saint Bartholomew was built on the territory of the castle, and the tower was used as its bell tower. In the 19th century, the rest of the city fortifications were dismantled, defensive ditches were filled in, and a third tier with arched windows was built above the bell tower.

In front of the tower is a monument to the medieval scientist Yuriy Drohobych, who was the rector of the University of Bologna and the teacher of Nicolaus Copernicus.

Дрогобицька вежа - найдавніша будівля ранньосередньовічного періоду, що збереглася в Дрогобичі.

Потужні кам'яні та дерев'яні оборонні споруди були збудовані в XIII сторіччі, за часів Галицько-Волинського князівства.

В XVI сторіччі на території замку було зведено монументальний костел Святого Варфоломія, а вежа стала використовуватися як його дзвіниця. В ХІХ столітті решту міських укріплень розібрали, оборонні рови засипали, а над вежею-дзвіницею був надбудований третій ярус з арочними вікнами.

Перед вежею встановлено пам'ятник середньовічному вченому Юрію Дрогобичу, який був ректором болонського університету та вчителем Миколая Коперника.

Practical information about Drohobych Tower (Drohobych)

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Categories Castle / fortress, Architecture
Date of foundation XIII-XVI centuries
Address Zamkova Hora Square


Coordinates 49.35194444° N, 23.50444444° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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