Savior and Transfiguration Church, Hlukhiv



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General information about Savior and Transfiguration Church (Hlukhiv)

The stone one-bath Transfiguration Church is one of the architectural landmarks of Hlukhiv.

It was built in 1765 according to the project of Hlukhiv architect Andriy Kvasov on the site of the wooden "Zahrad" church of the 17th century, which was located outside the city fortifications at that time. The Three Saints Church in Lemeshi and the Ascension Church in Korop served as a model.

During Soviet times, the Transfiguration Church was closed, but in the 1980s, restoration was carried out, and in 1989, the church was returned to believers.

On the walls of the altar, a unique painting of the 18th century was discovered - a ...

The stone one-bath Transfiguration Church is one of the architectural landmarks of Hlukhiv.

It was built in 1765 according to the project of Hlukhiv architect Andriy Kvasov on the site of the wooden "Zahrad" church of the 17th century, which was located outside the city fortifications at that time. The Three Saints Church in Lemeshi and the Ascension Church in Korop served as a model.

During Soviet times, the Transfiguration Church was closed, but in the 1980s, restoration was carried out, and in 1989, the church was returned to believers.

On the walls of the altar, a unique painting of the 18th century was discovered - a fragment of the "Last Supper".

Кам'яна однобанна Спасо-Преображенська церква - одна з архітектурних домінант Глухова.

Збудована в 1765 році за проєктом глухівського архітектора Андрія Квасова на місці дерев'яної "Заградської" церкви XVII сторіччя, що знаходилася в ті часи за межами міських укріплень. Зразком послужили Трьохсвятительська церква в Лемешах та Вознесенська церква в Коропі.

За радянських часів Спасо-Преображенська церква була закрита, проте в 1980-х роках проведено реставрацію, і в 1989 році храм повернули віруючим.

На стінах вівтаря виявлено унікальний розпис XVIII сторіччя - фрагмент "Таємної вечері".

Practical information about Savior and Transfiguration Church (Hlukhiv)

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Categories Temple, Architecture
Date of foundation 1765
Address Spaska Street, 4


Coordinates 51.675383° N, 33.913486° E Copy icon Coordinates copied
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