Attractions of Lutsk district

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Хрестовоздвиженська церква, Луцьк
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Ascension of the Cross Church

Temple , Architecture

In the 17th century, the Church of the Ascension of the Cross was part of the complex of buildings of the Lutsk Brotherhood of the Ascension of the Cross, which included a monastery, a hospital and a school.

The Lutsk brotherhood was founded by a group of Volyn noblemen, among whom was the celebrated Ukrainian patroness Halshka Hulevychivna, the founder of the Kyiv brotherhood. The Church of the Ascension of the Cross, built on a donation by a patron, has a pronounced defensive character. In its current form, the temple was rebuilt after the fire of 1888.

Crypts were preserved under the altar of the church, in which brothers, famous noblemen, public, cultural and state figures were buried. Danylo Bratkovskyi, Halshka Hulevychivna, and Lavrentiy Drevinskyi are buried here.

The dungeons are open for visitors. A museum of the history of the Lutsk brotherhood has been opened in the premises of the monastery.

Map pin icon Danyla Halytskoho Street, 2 Lutsk


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Мурований стовп, Берестечко
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Brick Pillar


The "Brick Pillar" on the western edge of the city of Berestechko is an obelisk chapel on the grave of Oleksandr Pronsky, the son of the city's founder.

Pronsky was a Calvinist Protestant. Returning from Rome in 1595, he gave the Catholic church in Berestechka to the Calvinists. His heir Andriy Leshchynsky was also a follower of Calvinism, under him Berestechko became one of the main centers of Socinianism (Arianism) - a radical trend in Protestantism.

The "Brick Pillar" on Pronsky's grave is a unique Socinian landmark that has not been preserved anywhere else in the world. The 16-meter obelisk is built of solid brick on cement masonry. The inscription on the north side is preserved: "Oleksandr Fridrikhovych Pronsky, from Kastelian, died in 1601, the last days of March."

Map pin icon Travneva Street Berestechko


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Костел Петра і Павла, Луцьк
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Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Lutsk is one of the most valuable architectural monuments of the city, which is one of the most important Catholic shrines in Volyn.

It was built in the 17th century at the same time as the Jesuit monastery, designed by architects Dzhakomo Briano and Benedetto Molli. The nearby bell tower has been preserved since the 16th century, when the Catholic bishopric was founded in Lutsk and the first Latin cathedral appeared, which has not survived to this day.

The interior is lavishly decorated with moldings, sculptures, pilasters, as well as paintings by many artists: Mykola Klymkovych, Pavlo Vyshynskyi, Tadeush Konych (Kuntse), Yan Prekhtl, Vilyani, Frantsysk Smuhlevych, Voytsekh Herson and others.

In the XVII-XVIII centuries, the largest religious school in Volyn operated at the monastery. Currently, the building of the Jesuit monastery houses a technical school of food technology.

Peter and Paul Church is the cathedral of the Lutsk Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine.

There are three-level dungeons under the building (entrance to the right of the cathedral, tours are available).

Map pin icon Kafedralna Street, 6 Lutsk


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Покровська церква, Піддубці
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Holy Intercession Church

Temple , Architecture

The Holy Intercession Church in Piddubtsi is a large nine-domed cult building in the late Baroque style with elements characterizing the transition to the style of classicism.

The church was built in 1745 by Lyudvika Lubomyrska, the wife of the Kyiv voivode, according to the project of the outstanding architect Pavlo Hizhytskyi, as a Greek-Catholic church. Later, the great Hetman of Lithuania Mykhaylo Kazymyr Radzyvill decorated the church a lot. In plan, it is a cruciform church inscribed in a rotunda with one large central tower, which is adjoined on four sides by paired towers.

Lightness of forms, organic connection with the landscape and solemnity - all this distinguishes the Church of the Intercession from other churches in Volyn. The architect Hizhytskyi is also credited with the authorship of the baroque altar with columns.

Map pin icon Novokotivska Street, 1 Piddubtsi


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Костел Святої Трійці, Берестечко
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Holy Trinity Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Holy Trinity is part of the monastery complex, founded in the 18th century in honor of the victory of the Poles in the Battle of Berestechko.

The massive and at the same time elegant temple is made in Rococo style. The bell tower and cell building are located nearby.

According to legend, an underground passage from the church led to the estate of Prince Pronsky, which is located nearby, and another passage stretched for 2 kilometers to the estate of Prince Rynchynsky.

Today, the Trinity Church belongs to the Greek Catholics.

Map pin icon Parkova Street, 2 Berestechko


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Троїцький костел, Олика
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Holy Trinity Collegiate Church

Temple , Architecture

The majestic and luxurious collegiate Holy Trinity Church was built in Olyka according to the project of architects Benedetto Molli and Dzhovanni Maliverny in the style of the Jesuit church Il Gesu in Rome.

The construction was financed by Prince Albrekht Stanislav Radzyvill, the great chancellor of Lithuania. The Trinity Church was the ancestral burial place of the Radzyvills. In the 17th century, a collegium operated here - a branch of the theological academy in Zamost.

The Trinity Church in Olyka was considered one of the most beautiful in Poland. It was surrounded by a fortress wall, from which the corner towers-chapels remained. The facade is generously decorated with sculptures and stucco (the sculptor Melchior Erlenberg worked on the exterior decoration).

Despite the destruction that the church suffered during the Soviet era (a warehouse was located here), the church still makes an unforgettable impression.

Restoration has begun. The church is being brought back to life by the efforts of the local parish and the Polish Cultural Heritage Foundation. The facade of the attraction has already been updated. Next is the interior.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 2 Olyka


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Музей сучасного українського мистецтва Корсаків, Луцьк
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Korsaks Museum of Modern Ukrainian Art

Museum / gallery

The Korsaks Museum of Ukrainian Modern Art (KMUMA) was opened in 2018 by Volyn businessman and philanthropist Viktor Korsak.

The 3,000-square-meter museum exposition is located on three floors of the Adrenaline City Cultural and Entertainment Center on the northeastern outskirts of Lutsk.

It is the largest museum of contemporary national art in Ukraine, which presents paintings, graphics, sculptures, video art, installations and other works by more than 100 leading Ukrainian artists from the early twentieth century to the present. In total, more than 800 art objects are presented in several exhibition halls.

The pearl of the collection is the early work of the founder of cubism in sculpture, the world-famous Ukrainian sculptor Oleksandr Arkhypenko "Naked" (1907), which became the prototype of many future works of the artist. The museum is also proud of the works of the luminaries of Lviv modernism: Olena Kulchytska, Roman Selsky, Leopold Levytsky and Yaroslava Muzyka.

Nonconformism of the Soviet times is represented by three schools: north-western - Lviv, Transcarpathia; central and eastern - Kyiv, Kharkiv; southern - Odesa. In particular, the works of Mykola Malyshko, Petro Honchar and others are exhibited. Postmodernism is represented by the works of Vlodko Kaufman, Yuriy Izdryk, Petro Bevza, Petro Antyp and others.

The structural subdivision of KMUMA is the Mykola Kumanovsky Art Memorial Museum, where the artist's memorial items are presented: etching machine, brushes, spatula, old easel, on which is his last unfinished canvas.

The museum also has a variable exposition, which presents the work of the best domestic and foreign artists. Nearby is the street gallery "Polychrome A", which is a platform for the development of modern urban art.

Map pin icon Karbysheva Street, 1, CIC "Adrenaline City" Lutsk


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Музей "Лесина вітальня" (Будинок Косачів), Луцьк
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Lesyna Living Room Museum (Kosachi House)

Architecture , Museum / gallery

A 19th-century building in the center of Lutsk, next to Lubart's Castle, where the Kosach literary family lived in 1890-1891.

This was the last period of her stay in the city of Lesya Ukrayinka, who was already seriously ill at that time. The office apartment of Petro Kosach (Lesya's father) was located on the second floor.

In 2007, the Lesyna Living Room Museum was opened here. You can get to the museum by prior arrangement with the administration.

Here is the office of the Historical and Cultural Reserve "Old Town".

Map pin icon Mykhayla Drahomanova Street, 23 Lutsk


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Луцький замок Любарта, Луцьк
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Lubart's Lutsk Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

Lutsk Castle of Prince Lubart is one of the most powerful fortresses in Volyn, a business card of Lutsk.

The upper castle existed on top of the hill since the time of the Ryurykovychi.

In its present form, a typical European medieval feudal castle was built in 1340-1385 by the Lithuanian-Rus prince Lubart. It became the residence of the Volyn princes, and for some time - the capital of the Galicia-Volyn state. Fortified in 1430-1542 during the reign of Prince Svydryhaylo.

The Lutsk Castle complex includes the Entrance, Styrova and Vladycha Towers, surrounded by walls. Inside are the noble and episcopal houses. The foundations and dungeons of the Cathedral of Saint John the Theologian of the 12th century, in which Prince Lubart and many other Volyn rulers were buried, have been preserved.

Several museums have been opened on the territory of Lutsk Castle: paintings, bells, building ceramics, printing, weapons. The castle is constantly being restored, archeological excavations are being carried out on the territory.

Map pin icon Kafedralna Street, 1A Lutsk


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Лютеранська кірха, Луцьк
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Lutheran Church

Temple , Architecture

The Lutheran church was built on the site of a burned Carmelite church in 1905-1907 as a Protestant church for German colonists who moved to Lutsk at the end of the 19th century.

The church was built in the neo-Gothic style by the architect Khrystyan Boytelspakher at the expense of the German community.

After the Second World War, the damaged church was rebuilt for the needs of the city archive.

In 1991, the restoration began, and since 1994, the Baptist church "House of the Gospel" has held services here. A Sunday school was opened there.

Map pin icon Karayimska Street, 16 Lutsk


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Музей історії Луцького братства, Луцьк
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Lutsk Brotherhood History Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Lutsk Brotherhood History Museum is one of the youngest museums in Lutsk. It opened in 2011 in the former premises of the Orthodox monastery of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-giving Cross of the Lord next to the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross.

The museum is devoted to the history of the Khrestovozdvizhensky Orthodox brotherhood of laymen and clergy, which operated in Lutsk in the 17th-18th and 19th-20th centuries. Among its founders and patrons was, in particular, the founder of the Kyiv Fraternal School Halshka Hulevychivna, and among the prominent brothers - Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky. The purpose of the activity of the brotherhood was the revival of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which fell into disrepair after the Union of Brest in 1596.

The exposition of the museum consists of 12 thematic sections, which present monastery furniture, original items of church use, old prints of the 17th-19th centuries from the library of the Lutsk brotherhood, documents on the financial activities of the brothers, metric books of the Ascension of Cross fraternal Church.

The Museum of the History of the Lutsk Brotherhood is a department of the Volyn Local History Museum. The church has been restored and is used by the Volyn Regional Brotherhood of Andriy the First-Called, which is the successor of the Lutsk Brotherhood of the Holy Cross. Temple crypts are available for inspection.

Map pin icon Yova Kondzelevycha Street, 5 Lutsk


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Музей волинської ікони, Луцьк
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Museum of Volyn Icon

Museum / gallery

The Volyn Icon Museum in Lutsk represents the regional school of Volyn icon painting.

The creation of the collection is associated with the name of art critic Pavlo Zholtovsky, who led the scientific expeditions of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore in the 1980s to study and collect historical and cultural material in the temples of Volyn.

The exhibition presents more than 1.5 thousand works of sacred art, including about 600 icons of the Volyn art school of the XVI-XVIII centuries, works of metal, decorative carvings and sculptures.

One of the most valuable exhibits is the Byzantine icon of the Kholm Mother of God (XI-XII centuries). According to legend, it was written in Jerusalem by the apostle-evangelist Luke. It was the ancestral shrine of Prince Danylo Halytsky.

Map pin icon Serhiya Tymoshenka Street, 5 Lutsk


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Окольний замок (Вежа Чорторийських), Луцьк
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Okolny Castle (Chortoriysky Tower)

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The defense tower of Chortoriysky and a fragment of the fortress wall are the remains of the fortifications of the Okolny Castle, which in the Middle Ages strengthened the Upper Castle from the south and west.

It was surrounded by a stone wall with four towers on the eastern, southern and western sides. The entrance to the territory was carried out with the help of a bridge thrown over a moat that was filled with water (it ran along the current Mykhayla Drahomanova Street).

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the fortifications were gradually dismantled, and the ditches were filled in. Only one tower has survived, named after the Chortoriysky princes who owned Lutsk in the XV-XVI centuries. Currently, the tower is adjacent to the building of the Jesuit monastery by a wall, it can be viewed only from the inner courtyards on the side of Drahomanova Street.

Also, the system of fortifications of the Okolny Castle included a defensive synagogue (33 Danyla Halytskoho Street), nicknamed the "Small Castle". Built in 1622-1629. A square five-level tower with loopholes adjoins it from the southwest. Currently, the building is occupied by the children's sports school "Young Dinamo".

In July 2023, a museum space was opened on the territory of the Okolny Castle, which includes the tower of the Chortoriysky princes, the dungeons of the Jesuit collegium, and a fragment of the defensive wall.

Map pin icon Kafedralna Street, 6 Lutsk


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Замок Радзивіллів, Олика
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Olyka Radzyvill Castle

Castle / fortress , Architecture

The ancestral castle of the Radzyvill princes was built by Mykola Radzyvill "Black" (Cornyi) in 1558. It was one of the first square bastion castles in Ukraine. Its area was 2.7 hectares, the palace had 365 rooms, as well as days in a year.

During the years 1591-1648, the Olyka castle withstood many sieges, but was captured only once - by the Swedes in 1702. By the end of the 18th century, it lost its defensive significance, but until the middle of the 20th century, it remained the residence of the Radzyvills.

In 1737-1755, Mykhaylo Kazymyr "Rybka" Radzyvill carried out reconstruction. A three-story palace appeared on the territory, the northwestern gate was decorated with a two-story tower with a clock.

The last owner of the castle was Yanush Radzyvill, who was arrested in 1939 by the Bolsheviks and sent to Stalinist camps for several years.

During Soviet times, the regional psychiatric hospital No. 2 was located on the territory of the castle.

Today, the Olyka Radzyvill Castle is a department of the Volyn Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Zamkova Street, 24 Olyka


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Петропавлівський костел, Олика
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Saint Peter and Paul Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Olyka is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Volyn.

It was built in 1450 by the Lithuanian hetman Petro Bilyi. In 1560, Prince Mykola Radzyvill Chorny, who converted from Lutheranism to Calvinism, handed over the Olyka church to the evangelists. However, Calvinist teachings, which helped the Polish nobility in their struggle with the clergy for political reform, were soon suppressed, and the Peter and Paul Church was returned to the Catholics.

Reconstructed in 1612, it was used as a chapel. The facade of the small temple is made in early baroque forms.

Located in the old cemetery.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 6 Olyka


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