Attractions of Hoholeve

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Національний музей-заповідник Миколи Гоголя, Гоголеве
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Mykola Hohol National Museum-Reserve

Museum / gallery

The National Museum-Reserve of Mykola Hohol was created in the village of Hoholeve (formerly Vasylivka, Yanivshchyna), where the writer spent his childhood and youth.

The museum was opened for the writer's 175th birthday.

The estate is recreated from photographs, drawings, plans, letters and memories of contemporaries, as the original buildings burned down during World War II. The parents' house and the wing with Hohol's office have been restored, the ponds, the romantic grotto on the shore and the age-old garden have been preserved.

In the recreated interiors of the living room, dining room and bedrooms, there is an exhibition that gives an idea of the Hohol era and tells about the writer's life and work. In particular, the first editions of Hohol's books, original portraits, some interior items, personal belongings of the writer and members of his family are presented.

In the park opposite the museum is the grave of Hohol's parents.

In the warm season, starting from the month of May, night theatrical performances are held.

Map pin icon Zhovtneva Street, 2 Hoholeve


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