Attractions of Chasiv Yar

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Історико-краєзнавчий музей, Часів Яр
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Chasiv Yar History and Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The first historical and local history museum was founded in the city of Chasiv Yar in 1966 by the decision of the Chasiv Yar Refractory Combine as a public museum located in 4 rooms. In the early 1970s, the museum received the status of a "People's Museum" museum.

The new life of the museum began in July 2001, when the Industrial History and Local Lore Museum was opened in the building of the city's Palace of Culture. Famous artists contributed their work to the creation of the new museum. Some of the exhibits were "inherited" from the People's Museum, some were collected anew by citizens who care about their history. In December 2021, the museum became a Communal Cultural Institution.

The museum had an area of ​​more than 500 square meters, consisted of 9 halls: archeology, nature and geology, history of the 19th-early 20th centuries, 1920-1930s, the period of the Second World War, the post-war period, the hall of famous countrymen, conference halls. More than nine thousand exhibits were stored in the museum's collections. At the museum, there was an Exhibition Hall, where art exhibitions were held. Regional and all-Ukrainian conferences, seminars, round tables and other events were held on the basis of the museum. Excursions were held annually for thousands of citizens and guests of the city.

On July 23, 2023, occupying Russian troops destroyed the Palace of Culture in Chasiv Yar, on the territory of which the museum was located. Recently, this building was used as the city's humanitarian headquarters and a place for providing medical assistance.

In October 2023, the Chasiv Yar Historical and Local Lore Museum resumed its work in an online format. Work has begun on the creation of an electronic archive for future museum research and expositions, the development of the museum website, which will detail the history of the city and its inhabitants.

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Водонапірна вежа Шухова, Часів Яр
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Shukhov Water Tower


The mesh hyperboloid water pressure tower was built in Chasiv Yar in 1927 according to the project of engineer Volodymyr Shukhov for the needs of the refractory plant. It is the last surviving tower of this type in eastern Ukraine.

The peculiarity of Shukhov's towers is that they are many times lighter than other water-pressure structures and contain more water than they weigh.

In 2019, the owner of the refractories plant, on whose territory the tower is located, decided to clean up the territory of the enterprise and put it up for sale at the price of scrap metal. Local activists and local historians drew attention to this problem, as a result of which on November 5, 2019, the tower was included in the List of objects of science and technology of national importance. In this way, the public managed to save a unique avant-garde architectural monument of engineering architecture after many years of neglect and oblivion.

Historians have already given Shukhov's tower in Chasiv Yar the unofficial title of "the last hyperboloid tower of eastern Ukraine."

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