Attractions of Mutvytsia

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Embroidery and Weaving Museum

Museum / gallery

The Ethnographic Museum of Embroidery and Weaving of the Village of Mutvytsia, located in a local school, was founded in 2022 on the initiative of Svitlana Sarych.

Embroidered and woven items from all over the district are collected here. The first exhibits were collected by the principals of secondary schools in the district.

The total number of exhibits is over 1 thousand. Some of the exhibits are copies - they were made to display various embroidery ornaments and ceremonial symbols. The collection of towels is divided into separate expositions by embroidery: geometric themes, plant-geometric, plant, ornithomorphic and anthropomorphic. The museum also has many embroidered paintings.

Map pin icon Tsentralna Street, 79 Mutvytsia


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