Attractions of Shostka district

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Музей археології, Глухів
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Archaeological Museum

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Archaeological Museum of the National Reserve "Hlukhiv" was opened in 2008 in the restored manor house of the Kochubeys.

The exposition presents ceramics, work tools, dishes, fragments of clothing, samples of building materials found in Hlukhiv and its surroundings.

The Hall of Ancient History covers the archaeological heritage of the city from the Paleolithic to the 1st millennium AD.

The Hall of the Ancient Rus Era presents the history of Hlukhiv in the 10th-13th centuries and the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 14th-15th centuries. WITH

ala of the late Middle Ages is dedicated to Hlukhiv in the 18th century, when it had the status of the capital of the Hetmanate.

Temporary exhibitions are also held in the archaeological museum. The administration of the National Reserve "Hlukhiv" is also located here. Employees organize tours of the city.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 30 Hlukhiv


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Глухівський краєзнавчий музей, Глухів
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Hlukhiv Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Hlukhiv City Local Lore Museum is located in the two-story building of the Noble Assembly (1811), designed in the style of provincial classicism.

The museum was founded in 1902 as the Hlukhiv Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities. The basis of the exposition was the private collection of Mykola Shuhurov from Hlukhiv.

The exposition highlights the history of the city from the earliest times to the second half of the 20th century. Placed in five halls: nature hall, "Medieval Hlukhiv", Hetman's hall, "History of Hlukhiv XIX century", "Hlukhiv during the Second World War".

The Hlukhiv flag of 1878, the Gospel of 1766, products of the Volokytyn porcelain factory, and others are presented.

Map pin icon Tereshchenkiv Street, 42 Hlukhiv


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Київська брама, Глухів
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Kyiv Gate of Hlukhiv City Fortifications

Castle / fortress , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The Kyiv gate of the Hlukhiv city fortifications is the only building of the Hlukhiv fortress that has survived, one of the four former entrances to the territory of the old city.

The earthen fortress was founded in 1635 on the site of an ancient Rus settlement by Oleksandr Pisochynskyi, the headman of Novhorod-Siverskyi.

Significantly expanded in 1685. When Hlukhiv became the hetman's residence, the fortress was reconstructed, and in 1766-1769, the Kyiv and Moscow entrance gates were built of stone. However, already at the beginning of the 19th century, according to the city redevelopment project, the fortress was liquidated, the Moscow Gate was dismantled. Apart from the Kyiv Gate, only fragments of the defensive line along Valova Street have survived.

An exposition dedicated to Hlukhiv during the German occupation of 1941-1943 has been opened in the Cardiguardia building (contact the administration of the "Hlukhiv" reserve).

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 1 Hlukhiv


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Трьох-Анастасіївський собор, Глухів
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Three Holy Anastasies Cathedral

Temple , Architecture

The ancient Church of the Three Holy Anastasies in Hlukhiv was founded in the 18th century by Hetman Ivan Skoropadskyi as a house church near the Hetman's estate.

Named after his wife Anastasiya. It was revived in 1884-1893 at the expense of the Tereshchenko family of sugar growers, becoming their ancestral tomb. Its forms resemble the Saint Volodymyr Cathedral in Kyiv, which was also built with the participation of the Tereshchenko family.

The project in the neo-Byzantine style was developed by architect Andriy Hun. Famous artists Svedomski, Pymonenko, Vereshchahin, Zhuravlyov, who also designed the Sain Volodymyr Cathedral, created masterpiece paintings based on sketches by Viktor Vasnetsov. A luxurious white marble iconostasis has been preserved.

In 2003, after a visit to the city by one of the descendants of the Tereshchenko family, a family crypt was discovered in the basement of the Three-Anastasies Cathedral. The founder of the family Artemiy Tereshchenko, his wife Yevfrosyniya, their sons Fedir and Mykola are buried here.

Today it is the cathedral church of the Konotop and Hlukhiv Diocese of the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Map pin icon Spaska Street, 2 Hlukhiv


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Башта водогону, Глухів
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Water tower

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The forty-meter water tower is a business card of Hlukhiv. It can be seen for many kilometers from the city, is an expressive element of its architectural silhouette.

The water tower was built in 1927 on the site of the Putivl Gate of the Hlukhiv Fortress after a decision was made to create a city water supply. Unique in architecture - the round cone-shaped trunk in the upper part gently transitions into an extended two-tiered cylinder with rectangular windows.

An internal spiral staircase of 186 steps leads to the upper level with an observation deck that offers a magnificent view of the city and its picturesque surroundings. Access to the observation deck is open in summer.

Map pin icon Tereshchenkiv Street Hlukhiv


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Краєзнавчий музей, Ямпіль
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Yampil Local Lore Museum

Museum / gallery

The Yampil Local Lore Museum was founded in 2009. The museum is located on the territory of the Yampil Botanical Garden of local significance.

The museum collection includes about 1,700 exhibits. These are household items, dishes, regional folk clothing (girls' and women's costumes of Eastern Polissya (Yampil region) and Dnipro region (Poltava region), men's embroidered shirts), interior embroidery of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, photos and audio library of the 20th century, household clocks of the second half of the 20th century, sculptural porcelain of the 1950s-1970s, etc.

The decoration of the folk clothing presented in the museum is the wedding costume of Yefrosiniya Popravko from the Deryazhnya farm, which is more than 100 years old. The exposition is complemented by a selection of photographs of residents of the Yampil region in national clothing of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century.

The pottery exhibit features a unique clay spark arrester - a device that was placed on a thatched roof to prevent it from catching fire.

Map pin icon Botanichna Street, 23 Yampil


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Глухівський педагогічний університет (музей), Глухів
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Pedagogical University (Museum of History)

Museum / gallery , Architecture

The complex of educational institutions was built in Hlukhiv in the second half of the 19th century.

In 1874, a teachers' institute was opened, which trained teachers for the Chernihiv and Poltava provinces. In 1914, the outstanding film director Oleksandr Dovzhenko graduated from it. The artist Heorhiy Narbut studied at the Hlukhiv men's gymnasium.

Currently, all buildings are occupied by the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Hlukhiv State Pedagogical University. It houses a historical and pedagogical museum.

Map pin icon Kyivska Street, 24 Hlukhiv


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Музей Родинна Пам'ять, Шостка
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"Family Memory" Museum

Museum / gallery

The Memorial and Educational Complex in Memory of the Victims of Totalitarianism and Armed Conflict "Family Memory" opened in 2015 in one of the buildings of the former production association "Svema" in Shostka.

Created as a basis for studying the history of Europe on the example of the stories of the inhabitants of Shostka and the area - victims of World War II. The initiator of the museum was the artist of the Krolevets weaving factory Ivan Dudar, who in the early 2000s began collecting materials about the forced labor of Shostka residents at the Nazi powder factory "Aibia" in Germany. The project partners are the Documentation Center for the Study of the History of the Libenau Powder Plant and the UNF "Mutual Understanding and Reconciliation".

The exposition is located on two floors, with an area of over 700 square meters. Krolevets towels and Shostka film became the basis for the artistic decision. The exposition tells about the pre-war industrial history of Shostka, Stalin's repressions in the Shostka region, the Nazi occupation of the city during the Second World War, the post-war reconstruction of the city.

The museum is dedicated to Holocaust victims, Soviet prisoners of war, Ostarbeiters, prisoners of Nazi and Stalinist concentration camps.

The Family Memory Memorial and Educational Complex is a department of the Shostka Museum of Local Lore.

Map pin icon Leonida Kadenyuka Street, 1/10 Shostka


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Центральний міський парк, Глухів
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Central City Park

Park / garden

The Central City Park of Hlukhiv is a small park area in the very center of the city.

On Cathedral Square, next to the park, there was a manor house, in which Dmytro Bortnyansky lived until 1758, a famous Ukrainian composer and the founder of spiritual choral singing. In 2002, a memorial sign with a bas-relief image of the composer, cast from bronze, was installed on the site of the Bortnyansky manor.

There is a monument to Bortnyansky in the park opposite the square. A monument to the composer Maksym Berezovsky, who was also born in Hlukhiv, was erected next to it.

Map pin icon Rudchenka Square Hlukhiv


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Музей історії євреїв Глухівщини, Глухів
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History of Jews Hlukhiv Region Museum

Museum / gallery

The History of Jews of Hlukhiv Region Museum was opened in 2003 on the initiative of the Hlukhiv Jewish community "Haverim".

Currently, the museum has more than 1,500 exhibits, of which 148 are original. Here you can trace the history of the famous Jewish families of the Tsveyfel, Dvoskiny and Yanposky.

The Torah scrolls from the Hlukhiv synagogue are considered the most valuable exhibits.

Map pin icon Tarasa Shevchenko Street, 10 Hlukhiv


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Глинська пустинь, Соснівка
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Hlynska Desert (Nativity of Virgin Monastery)

Temple , Architecture

The Nativity of the Holy Virgin (Hlynska Desert) Stauropygny Monastery is located in the village of Sosnivka near Hlukhiv, a few kilometers from the Russian border.

According to legend, the monastery was founded in 1557 at the place where a miraculous icon of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared on a pine tree to local beekeepers while collecting honey.

The name of the monastery comes from the estate of the Hlynskyi princes, on whose land the hermitage is based. Ivan Mazepa and Oleksiy Menshikov were the patrons of the Hlynsky monastery at different times. He flourished in the 19th century.

The desert, surrounded by a stone fence, had five separate and four domestic temples. The cathedral church in honor of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God with a bell tower was built in 1770-1781. Almost all buildings were destroyed after the monastery was closed by the Bolsheviks in 1922.

In 1994, the Hlynska Desert was reopened, and it was occupied by representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate. A new over-the-gate church was consecrated in the name of the icon of the Mother of God of Iver. In 2002, Saint Michael's Church was built on the site of the destroyed cathedral.

There is a holy spring on the territory.

Map pin icon Sosnivka


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Гамаліївський (Харалампіївський) монастир, Гамаліївка
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Kharlampiivskyi Monastery, Hamaliivka

Temple , Architecture

Hamaliivka (Kharalampiivskyi) monastery is a monastery-prison, one of the most negative examples of the use of historical and architectural heritage in Ukraine.

Founded in 1702 as a hermitage at the wooden church of Saint Harlampius. In 1713, Hetman of Ukraine Ivan Skoropadskyi issued a charter and allocated funds for the construction of a women's monastery. He was buried right there in the ancestral crypt of the Harlampius church (white stone tombstones have been preserved), and the monastery actually became an ancestral tomb.

In 1735, the construction of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin was finished, the territory was surrounded by walls with towers and a belfry over the gate, stone cells and farm buildings appeared.

In the 18th century, the monastery burned twice and was rebuilt. It existed until 1924, when a nursing home and a children's shelter were opened here, and the cathedral was transformed into a cultural center.

In 1961, correctional and labor colony No. 66 of strict regime was established on the territory, the crypts of the Skoropadskyi were walled up, and the graves of the monks were dug up. It was only in 1994 that the restoration of the Harlampi church was carried out, and religious services for prisoners began to be held in it. The cathedral is still used as a workshop. The issue of returning the monastery to the Orthodox Church has not been resolved.

Map pin icon Hamaliivka


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Церква Різдва Христового, Шостка
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Nativity of Christ Church

Temple , Architecture

The Church of the Nativity of Christ is the oldest building in Shostka. The construction of the city began in 1779 with its establishment. The construction lasted 6 years.

The Church of the Nativity of Christ was built on the private donations of workers and employees of the powder factory. In 1809, a bell tower was added.

All solemn events in Shostka were held on the Church Square near the Church of the Nativity of Christ: processions, military parades, solemn religious services.

Map pin icon Sadovy boulevard, 50A Shostka


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Тюремний замок, Глухів
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Prison Castle


The two-story building of the Hlukhiv prison castle was built in 1842 on the site of an earlier complex of buildings of the county prison, which existed in Hlukhiv already in the 17th century.

The wooden prison was located in the north-eastern corner of the Hlukhiv fortress. In 1708, the leaders of Baturyn's defense - Colonel Dmytro Chechel and General Fridrikh Kenihsen - captured by Menshikov were held here before their execution.

The stone prison castle was built according to the improved typical project of Andriyan Zakharov. It consisted of a main body and a wing in classical forms.

After World War II, the building housed a brewery. Now the castle is in ruins. Restoration is planned.

Map pin icon Spartaka lane, 5 Hlukhiv


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Михайлівська церква, Вороніж
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Saint Michael's Church

Temple , Architecture

The spectacular Saint Michael's Church in Voronizh is a masterpiece of the late Ukrainian Baroque. It was built in 1781-1786 according to the project of the architect Ivan Hryhorovych-Barsky (according to another version - Rastavelli).

According to the plan, it is close to the Holy Intercession Church built by Hryhorovych-Barsky on Podil in Kyiv. A distinctive feature of the architecture is the combination of architectural techniques used in the construction of Orthodox and Catholic churches, which is practically not found in religious buildings of the Left Bank of Ukraine. Thematic high-reliefs depicting the apostles were used to decorate the exterior surface of the church.

The interiors were painted by the outstanding Ukrainian artist Mykola Murashko.

Map pin icon Novhorod-Siverska Street, 2B Voronizh


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