
Travel guide online Lemeshi

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General information about Lemeshi

The village of Lemeshi is located on the highway Kyiv-Chernihiv, a few kilometers from Kozelets in the direction of Chernihiv.

The farm Lemeshi originated in the 18th century and belonged to the Cossack Hrihoriy Rozum. The last Hetman of the Left Bank of Ukraine, Kyrylo Rozumovskyi, was born here, as well as his older brother Oleksiy Rozumovskyi, a favorite of Empress Elizaveta Petrivna.

The Church of the Three Saints was built in 1755 according to the project of the architect Barsky at the expense of the Rozumovskyi brothers over the grave of his father. The Zemstvo school building in the Art Nouveau style was built in 1909-1910 in honor of Rozumikha - the mother of the Rozumovskyi brothers.

Село Лемеші розташоване на трасі Київ-Чернігів, в декількох кілометрах від Козельця в бік Чернігова.

Хутір Лемеші виник в XVIII сторіччі, належав козакові Григорію Розуму. Тут народився останній гетьман Лівобережної України Кирило Розумовський, а також його старший брат Олексій Розумовський, фаворит імператриці Єлизавети Петрівни.

Трьохсвятительська церква побудована в 1755 році за проєктом архітектора Барського коштом братів Розумовських над могилою батька. Будівлю земської школи в стилі модерн побудували в 1909-1910 роках на честь Розумихи - матері братів Розумовських.

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What to see and where to go in Lemeshi

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Tourist attractions and museums of Lemeshi

Three Saints Church, Lemeshi
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Three Saints Church

Architecture , Temple

The Church of the Three Saints in Lemeshi, clearly visible from the highway, was built in 1755 by the Rozumovsky brothers on the grave of their father - Hryhoriy Rozum.

The architectural details of the facades of the church indicate a gradual departure from the baroque style and the predominance of classicism. In 1865, a two-story belfry was added to the Three Saints church, which was connected to it by a one-story building.

On the walls of the Church of the Three Saints, a fragment of painting from the 18th-19th centuries has been preserved.

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Zemska School, Lemeshi
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Zemska School Building


Zemska school in Lemeshi was built in honor of Nataliya Rozumovska (Rozumykha), the mother of the Hetman of the Left Bank of Ukraine.

It was at this place that the parents' house of the famous Rozumovsky brothers - Oleksiy and Kyrylo - was located. Their descendant Kamil Rozumovsky provided the funds for the construction.

The building is one-story, with a 2-column porch. For the first time in Ukraine, reinforced concrete technologies (columns and profiles of window frames) were used during construction. The author of the project was Ivan Yakubovych.

The Zemska school building in Lemesh is a vivid example of Ukrainian folk style architecture of the beginning of the 20th century.

Since the beginning of the 2010s, the building has been closed and abandoned.

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