The city of Kitsman is located 20 km northwest of Chernivtsi, on the E-85 (M-19) "Chernivtsi - Ternopil" highway.
It was mentioned for the first time in 1413 as Velikiy Kits in a deed of the Moldavian master Oleksandr Dobriy. The name could come from the Bukovyna word "kots" (blanket, rug), since carpet-making masters lived here.
In 1497, the 80,000-strong army of the Polish king Yan Albrekht stood in Kitsman before the Battle of Shypynets. Economic development was facilitated by the location of the settlement at the intersection of the roads that connected the valley between the Dniester and the Prut, but this also made Kitsman an object of frequent attacks. After the accession ...
The city of Kitsman is located 20 km northwest of Chernivtsi, on the E-85 (M-19) "Chernivtsi - Ternopil" highway.
It was mentioned for the first time in 1413 as Velikiy Kits in a deed of the Moldavian master Oleksandr Dobriy. The name could come from the Bukovyna word "kots" (blanket, rug), since carpet-making masters lived here.
In 1497, the 80,000-strong army of the Polish king Yan Albrekht stood in Kitsman before the Battle of Shypynets. Economic development was facilitated by the location of the settlement at the intersection of the roads that connected the valley between the Dniester and the Prut, but this also made Kitsman an object of frequent attacks. After the accession of Bukovyna to Austria-Hungary, the residence of the governor-general of the region, Count Habriel fon Spleni, was located in Kitsman.
Many administrative and residential buildings of the 19th and 20th centuries have been preserved from the Austrian times, including an unusual miniature one-story town hall with a balcony on the tower, the coat of arms of the city and the date "1890" on the weather vane. The Church of the Mother of God Queen (1826) lost its bell tower during the Soviet rule, but the Saint Nicholas Church (1876) was preserved in its original form. The former magistrate's building (now the house of folk art), the county administration (now the RVVS and the court), the former post office (now the local history museum), the county court (boarding school), the state gymnasium (technical school) have also been preserved.
In 1949, the future composer Volodymyr Ivasyuk was born in Kitsman. A museum has been opened in the building where he spent his childhood, and a monument has been erected on the square.
Місто Кіцмань розташоване в 20 км на північний захід від Чернівців, на трасі Е-85 (М-19) "Чернівці - Тернопіль".
Вперше згадується в 1413 році як Великий Кіц в грамоті молдавського господаря Олександра Доброго. Назва могла походити від буковинського слова "коц" (ковдра, килимок), оскільки тут жили майстри килимарства.
В 1497 році в Кіцмані стояло 80-тисячне військо польського короля Яна Альбрехта перед Шипинецькою битвою. Економічному розвитку сприяло розташування населеного пункту на перетині шляхів, які пов'язували долину між Дністром і Прутом, однак це ж робило Кіцмань об'єктом частих нападів. Після приєднання Буковини до Австро-Угорщини в Кіцмані розмістилася резиденція г ...
Місто Кіцмань розташоване в 20 км на північний захід від Чернівців, на трасі Е-85 (М-19) "Чернівці - Тернопіль".
Вперше згадується в 1413 році як Великий Кіц в грамоті молдавського господаря Олександра Доброго. Назва могла походити від буковинського слова "коц" (ковдра, килимок), оскільки тут жили майстри килимарства.
В 1497 році в Кіцмані стояло 80-тисячне військо польського короля Яна Альбрехта перед Шипинецькою битвою. Економічному розвитку сприяло розташування населеного пункту на перетині шляхів, які пов'язували долину між Дністром і Прутом, однак це ж робило Кіцмань об'єктом частих нападів. Після приєднання Буковини до Австро-Угорщини в Кіцмані розмістилася резиденція генерал-губернатора краю графа Габріеля фон Сплені.
З австрійських часів збереглося безліч адміністративних і житлових будівель XIX-ХХ століть, зокрема незвична мініатюрна одноповерхова ратуша з балкончиком на вежі, гербом міста і датою "1890" на флюгері. Костел Матері Божої Королеви (1826 рік) в роки радянської влади втратив дзвіницю, але Свято-Миколаївська церква (1876 рік) збереглася в первісному вигляді. Також збереглися колишня будівля магістрату (зараз - будинок народної творчості), повітова адміністрація (тепер - РВВС і суд), колишня пошта (нині - краєзнавчий музей), повітовий суд (школа інтернат), державна гімназія (технікум).
В 1949 році в Кіцмані народився майбутній композитор Володимир Івасюк. В будинку, де пройшло його дитинство, відкрито музей, на площі встановлено пам'ятник.
Kitsman City Hall
The city hall building in Kitsman was built in 1890, as evidenced by the date on the weather vane.
The Kitsman town hall is distinguished by its small size and a balcony on a small tower. The city coat of arms is placed on the facade.
The building of the town hall is still used for its intended purpose - it houses the Kitsman City Council.
Kitsman Historical and Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The Kitsman Historical and Local Lore Museum was established on a non-profit basis in 1969. Since 1982 it has been a department of the Chernivtsi Regional Museum of Local Lore.
The museum collection has almost three thousand exhibits, presented in four departments. The exposition "Life and Culture of the Kitsman Region from Ancient Times to the Present" presents archaeological monuments of many cultures discovered on the territory of the region, some of the materials tell about the victorious struggle of the local population for Ukrainian statehood.
In the hall "Ethnography of the Region" a collection of embroidered shirts, which the residents wore more than a hundred years ago, attracts attention.
A separate hall is dedicated to the outstanding composer Volodymyr Ivasyuk, a native of the region. Here you can see his personal belongings, stage costume, awards, workbooks, report cards, diaries, self-portraits and portraits of his father Mykhaylo, scripts written by himself, photographs, many exhibits tell about the composer's school years. Part of the exposition became the basis of the Volodymyr Ivasyuk Memorial Museum in Chernivtsi.
The last hall introduces the literary and artistic life of the region. Here is a collection dedicated to outstanding personalities - natives of Bukovyna: writer, composer, conductor, folklorist, teacher and public figure Sydir Vorobkevych; corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences physicist Korniy Tovtyuk; Hero of Ukraine, singer Dmytro Hnatyuk; People's Artist of Ukraine Mariya Mykolaychuk; writer Mykhaylo Ivasyuk, etc.
The museum also has a separate exhibition hall, where works by local craftsmen are periodically exhibited.
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