The small village of Vikno near the Dniester is located 10 kilometers northeast of Zastavna.
A small swamp located in the center of the village, from which flows a stream that flows into the Dniester, was called "Vikno".
In the 18th-19th centuries, the village belonged to the Kantakuzyn princes, who built the church of John the Baptist. At the beginning of the 19th century, Baron de Zotti built the palace in the romantic style, which has survived to this day.
In 1902, a school (now a kindergarten) was built on the initiative of the educator, writer and cultural figure Ivan Bazhanskyi.
There are several karst caves in the vicinity.
Невелике село Вікно поруч з Дністром розташоване в 10 кілометрах на північний схід від Заставної.
"Вікном" називалося маленьке болітце, що знаходиться в центрі села, з якого витікає струмок, який впадає в Дністер.
В XVIII-XIX сторіччях село належало князям Кантакузинам, які побудували церкву Іоанна Богослова. На початку XIX століття барон де Зотті звів палац у романтичному стилі, що зберігся дотепер.
В 1902 році за ініціативи просвітителя, письменника і культурного діяча Івана Бажанського побудована школа (зараз дитячий садок).
В околицях є кілька карстових печер.
Palace de Zotte
Palace / manor , Architecture
The palace in the romantic style was built in the village of Vikno in 1809 by the Austrian Baron de Zotte, who owned the village.
A massive two-story building with columns and a 17-meter-high crenellated tower resembles medieval European castles.
Around the palace there is a park with the Alley of Lovers (28 species of rare trees).
Since Soviet times, a children's music school has been located here, and a library is located in the tower. Partial restoration has been carried out.
Saint John the Theologian Church
Temple , Architecture
The one-nave stone church of Saint John the Theologian without a dome was built in the 19th century as the ancestral burial place of the Counts of Kantakuzyn, who owned the village.
Part of the relics of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleymon, brought from Mount Athos by Count Oleksandr Kantakuzyn, who is considered a descendant of the Byzantine emperor Ioann VI Kantakuzyn, is preserved here. The box with relics was miraculously preserved during Soviet times, and now it is the main relic of the temple.
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