The historic city of Nizhyn on the river. Oster is famous for the products of the cannery - Nizhyn cucumbers (a monument to a cucumber is installed at the central entrance to the plant).
For the first time the city was mentioned in the annals of 1078 as Nezhatyn, in 1147 as Unenezh. In 1625, a new city was built on the site of a settlement destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols.
In 1663, the "Black Rada" took place in Nizhyn, at which I. Bryukhovetskyi was elected hetman, who gave Ukraine under the rule of the Moscow Tsar.
In the XVIII century. the Greek community was strong, which is reflected in the architectural and cultural heritage. The city of churches - 20 places of worship have survived.
In 1805, the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko was ...
The historic city of Nizhyn on the river. Oster is famous for the products of the cannery - Nizhyn cucumbers (a monument to a cucumber is installed at the central entrance to the plant).
For the first time the city was mentioned in the annals of 1078 as Nezhatyn, in 1147 as Unenezh. In 1625, a new city was built on the site of a settlement destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols.
In 1663, the "Black Rada" took place in Nizhyn, at which I. Bryukhovetskyi was elected hetman, who gave Ukraine under the rule of the Moscow Tsar.
In the XVIII century. the Greek community was strong, which is reflected in the architectural and cultural heritage. The city of churches - 20 places of worship have survived.
In 1805, the Gymnasium of Higher Sciences of Prince Bezborodko was founded, which laid the foundation for higher education in the entire Left-Bank Ukraine. Now it is Nizhyn State University named after Mykola Hohol, who studied here. The world's first monument to Hohol was also erected in Nizhyn.
In the only in Ukraine almost completely preserved complex of buildings of the post office of the 18th century Museum "Postal Station" was opened.
Історичне місто Ніжин на річці Остер відоме продукцією консервного заводу - ніжинськими огірками (пам'ятник огірку встановлений біля центрального входу на завод).
Вперше місто згадується в літописі 1078 року як Нежатин, в 1147 році як Уненеж. У 1625 році на місці зруйнованого татаро-монголами городища було побудовано нове місто.
У 1663 році в Ніжині відбулася "Чорна Рада", на якій гетьманом було обрано Івана Брюховецького, який віддав Україну під владу московського царя.
У XVIII столітті в місті була сильна грецька громада, що відображено в архітектурній та культурній спадщині. Місто церков - збереглося 20 культових споруд.
У 1805 році була заснована Гімназія вищих наук князя Безбородька, що поклала початок вищій освіті у всій Лівобережній Україні. ...
Історичне місто Ніжин на річці Остер відоме продукцією консервного заводу - ніжинськими огірками (пам'ятник огірку встановлений біля центрального входу на завод).
Вперше місто згадується в літописі 1078 року як Нежатин, в 1147 році як Уненеж. У 1625 році на місці зруйнованого татаро-монголами городища було побудовано нове місто.
У 1663 році в Ніжині відбулася "Чорна Рада", на якій гетьманом було обрано Івана Брюховецького, який віддав Україну під владу московського царя.
У XVIII столітті в місті була сильна грецька громада, що відображено в архітектурній та культурній спадщині. Місто церков - збереглося 20 культових споруд.
У 1805 році була заснована Гімназія вищих наук князя Безбородька, що поклала початок вищій освіті у всій Лівобережній Україні. Зараз це Ніжинський державний університет, що носить ім'я Миколи Гоголя, який тут навчався. У Ніжині встановлено і перший в світі пам'ятник Гоголю.
В єдиному в Україні комплексі будівель поштової контори XVIII століття, який майже повністю зберігся, відкрито музей "Поштова станція".
Nizhyn Cucumber Monument
Nizhyn cucumbers, which made the city of Nizhyn famous, became popular during the reign of Empress Catherine II, who ordered to supply them to the imperial court, which was carried out until 1917.
In Soviet times, the products of the Nizhyn cannery also enjoyed constant popularity due to the special crunch and characteristic taste of local cucumbers, which is explained by the properties of the local soil and a special pickle, the recipe of which, according to legend, was brought to Nizhyn by the Greeks. Currently, Nizhyn pickles are exported to 70 countries around the world. 2
In 2005, a monument to the Nizhyn cucumber was erected in front of the central entrance to the Nizhyn Cannery. The vegetable sculpture is made of green Italian granite. He is depicted lying on a salting barrel standing in a cellar for preserving.
All Saints Church
Architecture , Temple
The All Saints Cathedral is the main church of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine in Nizhyn, the spiritual center of the city's Greek community. Located in the territory of the "Greek Quarter" next to the Greek Church of Saint Michael.
The All Saints Church was built in 1782 by the Nizhyn Greek brotherhood on the site of an earlier wooden Greek church. It was originally made in the archaic Balkan style. At the end of the 19th century, it was partially rebuilt, the facades were supplemented with classical porticos, which gave the church features of classicism.
The Church of All Saints stands on a basement, the vault of which rests on a central pillar. In the interior, you can see a carved linden iconostasis, made by modern Nizhyn masters based on sketches by the artist Oleksandr Koshel.
Art Department of Nizhyn Museum of Local Lore
Architecture , Museum / gallery
The Art Department of the Nizhyn Museum of Local Lore named after Ivan Spassky was opened in 1991, and since 2021 it has been located in the former estate of the Makarov landowners of the 19th century.
A memorial plaque on the facade testifies that it was to this house in 1827 that Mykola Hohol read his first works. Taras Shevchenko, Yevhen Hrebinka, Marko Vovchok, and Mariya Zankovetska were also connected with the Makarov family. That is why the exposition of the museum demonstrates the transformation of the noble estate, its way of life in the period from the end of the XVIII to the beginning of the XX century.
There are plans to build a literary room, an exhibition of outstanding historical figures of Nizhyn.
The museum's art collection includes works by the outstanding Ukrainian artist Serhiy Shyshko, as well as Oleksandr Yakymchenko, Mykola Stratilat, Vadym Dobrolizh and others. Now the museum has an exhibition hall, which hosts exhibitions of contemporary Nizhyn artists.
Exaltation of Cross Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Maherka (former suburb of Nizhyn) was built in 1775 on the site of an old wooden church as a burial place for Colonel Petro Razumovskyi at the expense of his wife.
The church is tetraconch with four apses.
In 1860, a warm church with a two-story bell tower was completed from the west, connected to the main volume by a long hall, according to the project of the Falovych county surveyor.
In Soviet times, the temple premises were used as a cinema hall and film storage. In 1991, the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross was handed over to the UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Greek Quarter
Historic area
The complex of religious and civil buildings of the Greek community of Nizhyn is located to the left of the Saint Nicholas Cathedral.
The Greek churches of All Saints (1782), Saint Michael (1719-1729) and Trinity (1733) are located next to each other here. All three churches have been restored, services are held.
Next to them are the buildings of the former Greek Magistrate (1785), the Oleksandrivskyi College (1817) and the Women's Gymnasium (19th century). Opposite the bazaar is the oldest pharmacy in the city, founded in 1777 by a retired doctor of the Izyum hussar regiment, a Greek from Nizhyn Mykhaylo Lihda (active).
Many other public and residential buildings of the community have survived in the Greek Quarter of Nizhyn, some of which still bear inscriptions in Greek.
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