The ancient city of Izium is located on the Siverskyi Donets River, between Kharkiv and Donetsk.
It is believed that during the times of Kyivan Rus there was a crossing called "Iziumskyi perelaz". In 1111, the wives led by Prince Volodymyr Monomakh defeated the Polovtsy here, and in 1185, Prince Ihor Svyatoslavych camped before the campaign. Later, the "Izium road" passed here - one of the routes of the Tatar raids ("Izium kurgan" - a long mountain).
It is believed that the first guard post of the Muscovites appeared here in 1571, in 1663 the Cossacks of Colonel Yakiv Chernihivets built a fortification on the left bank of the Dinets, and in 1681 Colonel Hryhoriy Donets-Zakharzhevskyi built a new Izium fortress on the right bank. Since 1865, the ...
The ancient city of Izium is located on the Siverskyi Donets River, between Kharkiv and Donetsk.
It is believed that during the times of Kyivan Rus there was a crossing called "Iziumskyi perelaz". In 1111, the wives led by Prince Volodymyr Monomakh defeated the Polovtsy here, and in 1185, Prince Ihor Svyatoslavych camped before the campaign. Later, the "Izium road" passed here - one of the routes of the Tatar raids ("Izium kurgan" - a long mountain).
It is believed that the first guard post of the Muscovites appeared here in 1571, in 1663 the Cossacks of Colonel Yakiv Chernihivets built a fortification on the left bank of the Dinets, and in 1681 Colonel Hryhoriy Donets-Zakharzhevskyi built a new Izium fortress on the right bank. Since 1865, the Izyum Regiment, made up of Cossacks, was stationed here. One of the first buildings of the Izium Fortress is the Transfiguration Cathedral (1684). The Saint Nicolas Church (1809-1823) and the Ascension Church (1819-1826) were also preserved. Mount Kremyanets with the exposition of "Polovtsian women" is the highest point of the region (218 meters), here is located the Memorial of the Second World War "Attack".
During the first weeks of the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2022, the city was severely damaged by the invaders and was under temporary occupation. Liberated as a result of the offensive operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on September 10, 2022.
Старовинне місто Ізюм розташоване на річці Сіверський Донець, між Харковом і Донецьком.
Вважається, що за часів Київської Русі тут була переправа "Ізюмський перелаз". В 1111 році дружини на чолі з князем Володимиром Мономахом розгромили тут половців, а в 1185 році перед походом стояв табором князь Ігор Святославич. Пізніше тут проходив "Ізюмський шлях" – один із шляхів набігів татар ("Ізюм-курган" – довга гора).
Вважається, що перший сторожовий пост московитів з'явився тут у 1571 році, у 1663 році козаками полковника Якова Чернігівця споруджене укріплення на лівому березі Дінця, а 1681 року полковником Григорієм Донець-Захаржевським збудована нова Ізюмська фортеця на правому березі. З 1865 року тут розташовувався Ізюмський полк, ...
Старовинне місто Ізюм розташоване на річці Сіверський Донець, між Харковом і Донецьком.
Вважається, що за часів Київської Русі тут була переправа "Ізюмський перелаз". В 1111 році дружини на чолі з князем Володимиром Мономахом розгромили тут половців, а в 1185 році перед походом стояв табором князь Ігор Святославич. Пізніше тут проходив "Ізюмський шлях" – один із шляхів набігів татар ("Ізюм-курган" – довга гора).
Вважається, що перший сторожовий пост московитів з'явився тут у 1571 році, у 1663 році козаками полковника Якова Чернігівця споруджене укріплення на лівому березі Дінця, а 1681 року полковником Григорієм Донець-Захаржевським збудована нова Ізюмська фортеця на правому березі. З 1865 року тут розташовувався Ізюмський полк, сформований з козаків. Однією з перших споруд Ізюмської фортеці є Спасо-Преображенський собор (1684 рік). Також збереглася Миколаївська церква (1809-1823 роки) та Вознесенська церква (1819-1826 роки). Гора Крем'янець з експозицією "половецьких баб" – найвища точка області (218 метрів), тут розташований Меморіал пам'яті Другої світової війни "Атака".
Протягом перших тижнів російсько-української війни 2022 року місто зазнало сильних руйнувань з боку загарбників та опинилося під тимчасовою окупацією. Визволене в результаті наступальної операції ЗСУ 10 вересня 2022 року.
Cross of Ascension (Nicholas) Church
Temple , Architecture
The Cross of Ascension Church in Izium was built at the expense of the parishioners instead of two outdated wooden churches of the 18th century.
Initially, it was made in the style of classicism, but during its more than one and a half century history, it was rebuilt several times.
It was closed in Soviet times.
The paintings of the dome and the oil painting on the walls, made by the artists of Viktor Vasnetsov's school, have been preserved. Only the lower tier of the belfry adjoining from the west has been preserved.
The Church of the Ascension of Holy Cross (Nicholas) was heavily damaged by Russian shelling in March 2022 during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
History of Izium Optics Museum
Museum / gallery
The Museum of the History of Izium Optics was opened in one of the halls of the "Optics City" shopping center in Izium, opposite the upper passage of the famous Izium Optical and Mechanical Plant (IOMZ), whose products have been known for over a hundred years.
At one time, the Izium glassmakers held the fifth place among the world leaders in the production of optical glass. The exposition begins with the words of Mykhaylo Lomonosov: "I sing before you in delight the praise of neither precious stones nor gold, but glass."
The hall presents the products of IOMZ and IPO Izium factories: glasses, equipment, devices, various types of glass, photographs and other exhibits representing the history of production, unique characteristics and innovations.
Holy Ascension Cathedral
Temple , Architecture
The Holy Ascension Cathedral in Izium was built and consecrated in 1826 instead of the old church, which was located on the left bank of the Siversky Donets.
Even in the old church, a miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Pishchanska appeared to Saint Yosyp Horlenko of Belhorod. Now it is one of the most famous and revered shrines of Eastern Ukraine.
Nearby is the healing spring "Kyrychenkova krynytsia" with a small chapel-bath.
The Holy Ascension Cathedral was heavily damaged during the battles for Izium during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
Holy Transfiguration Cathedral
Temple , Architecture
The five-domed Holy Transfiguration Cathedral in Izium is one of the oldest stone buildings in the Slobozhanshchyna.
It was part of the city fortifications, and the architectural ensemble of the city center formed around it. It was built at the expense of Colonels Kostyantyna Donets-Zakharzhevskyi and Fedir Shydlovskyi in 1684 in the Ukrainian Baroque style by a team of craftsmen who later built the Intercession Cathedral in Kharkiv, erected churches in Nizhyn and Baturyn.
The architecture of the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral uses the traditional forms of a three-timbered wooden church with a separate bell tower. In 1903, the engineer Mykhaylo Lovtsov carried out a reconstruction in a neo-Russian style: new domes with bulbous heads were erected, kokoshniks were built on top of the walls.
In 1953-1955, the architectural monument was restored to its original form.
During the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Holy Transfiguration Cathedral was heavily damaged and partially lost its glazing due to shelling by the Russian army.
Izium Fire and Technical Exhibition
Museum / gallery
The Izium branch of the Kharkiv Fire and Technical Exhibition was founded in 1996.
The exposition is divided into thematic sections: "History of the development of fire protection in Ukraine and the city of Izium", "Automation of technological processes. Fire protection of materials and structures", "State fire supervision. Regulatory and technical work. Fire prevention propaganda", "Harvest protection", "Development of fire equipment in Ukraine. Modern fire engines", "Service, training and combat work of fire protection", "Automatic means of detecting and extinguishing fires", "Civil protection. Consequences of fires".
Ізюм - це Україна!!! Слава ЗСУ! Слава Україні!!!
10 вересня 2022 року місто Ізюм визволене від російських загарбників!
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