
Travel guide online Valky

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General information about Valky

The city of Valky is located on the Mzha River 50 kilometers from Kharkiv in the direction of Poltava.

The fortress of Valky on the Muravy route of Tatar raids was founded in the 17th century among other border fortifications. The foundation of the fortress was the ancient Perekop wall, built back in Scythian times. At first, the settlement was called Mozhayskt city on Valky.

In 1921, the Valky Uprising broke out here under the leadership of former military officers, directed against the Bolsheviks.

After the Second World War, the city actually had to be rebuilt.

Місто Валки розташоване на річці Мжа в 50 кілометрах від Харкова в бік Полтави.

Фортеця Валки на Муравському шляху набігів татар заснована в XVII сторіччі серед інших прикордонних укріплень. Основою фортеці став древній Перекопський вал, споруджений ще в скіфські часи. Спочатку поселення називалося Можайським містом на Валках.

В 1921 році тут спалахнуло Валківське повстання під керівництвом колишніх військових старшин, спрямоване проти більшовиків.

Після Другої світової війни місто довелося фактично відбудовувати наново.

Сплануй своє перебування у Valky

What to see and where to go in Valky

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Tourist attractions and museums of Valky

Valky Local Lore Museum
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Valky Local Lore Museum

Architecture , Museum / gallery

The museum in the city of Valky was founded in 1977 as a public history museum on the initiative of writers Petro Panch and Vasyl Mynko. In 1978, it received the status of a "People's Museum". In 1992, it was reorganized into the Valky Museum of Local Lore.

It is located in an architectural monument of local importance, built at the beginning of the 20th century.

The museum's collection includes over 12 thousand exhibits that introduce the nature, history and culture of the region. The Valky Local Lore Museum Museum became one of the centers for studying the Holodomor in Ukraine, initiating the creation of the first documentary collections about the events of 1932-1933 in the Valky and Kharkiv regions.

Currently, the museum structure includes departments of history, literature and art, and nature. Among the most valuable exhibits are excavation materials of the Merchyk archaeological expedition (antique dishes, tools, remains of weapons), pottery works by Fedir Hnidiy and Borys Tsybulnyk, personal belongings of Petro Panch, Vasyl Mynko, Viktor Kochevsky, Viktor Haman, Yuliya Bulakhovska, Mykola Chastiy, Mykola Andrusenko; testimonies of victims of the 1932–1933 famine; collections of manuscripts, numismatics, Ukrainian embroidery, stuffed birds and animals.

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