The village of Bilozerka is a western suburb of Kherson.
It was founded in 1780 as Ivanivka, the estate of General-Tehmeister Ivan Hannibal, who received 12,000 acres of land on the outskirts of the lake, from whose name the settlement was named. The first settlers were former Zaporozhians, who lived in a winter camp near Kebih's grave, as well as immigrants from Right Bank Ukraine.
In 1784, the estate became the property of Prince Oleksandr Bezborodko, then the rich landowner Baltazar Skadovskyi. Sheep breeding developed in the estate, horses of steppe breeds were bred at the stud farm founded in 1840.
Ukrainian artist Mykola Skadovskyi was born in the town - one of the founders of the Societ ...
The village of Bilozerka is a western suburb of Kherson.
It was founded in 1780 as Ivanivka, the estate of General-Tehmeister Ivan Hannibal, who received 12,000 acres of land on the outskirts of the lake, from whose name the settlement was named. The first settlers were former Zaporozhians, who lived in a winter camp near Kebih's grave, as well as immigrants from Right Bank Ukraine.
In 1784, the estate became the property of Prince Oleksandr Bezborodko, then the rich landowner Baltazar Skadovskyi. Sheep breeding developed in the estate, horses of steppe breeds were bred at the stud farm founded in 1840.
Ukrainian artist Mykola Skadovskyi was born in the town - one of the founders of the Society of South Russian Artists.
A monument to the heroes of the Second World War was installed - a self-propelled artillery installation, a combat vehicle of the 2nd Guards Mechanized Corps, which participated in the liberation of Bilozerka from the German invaders.
Селище Білозерка - західне передмістя Херсона.
Виникло в 1780 році як Іванівка, маєток генерал-цехмейстера Івана Ганнібала, який отримав 12 тисяч десятин землі на околицях озера, від імені якого і пішла назва населеного пункту. Першими поселенцями були колишні запорожці, що жили на зимівнику біля могили Кебіха, а також переселенці з Правобережної України.
В 1784 році маєток перейшов у власність князя Олександра Безбородька, потім багатого землевласника Балтазара Скадовського. В маєтку розвивалося вівчарство, на заснованому в 1840 році кінному заводі розводили коней степових порід.
В містечку народився український художник Микола Скадовський - один із засновників Товариства південноросійських худож ...
Селище Білозерка - західне передмістя Херсона.
Виникло в 1780 році як Іванівка, маєток генерал-цехмейстера Івана Ганнібала, який отримав 12 тисяч десятин землі на околицях озера, від імені якого і пішла назва населеного пункту. Першими поселенцями були колишні запорожці, що жили на зимівнику біля могили Кебіха, а також переселенці з Правобережної України.
В 1784 році маєток перейшов у власність князя Олександра Безбородька, потім багатого землевласника Балтазара Скадовського. В маєтку розвивалося вівчарство, на заснованому в 1840 році кінному заводі розводили коней степових порід.
В містечку народився український художник Микола Скадовський - один із засновників Товариства південноросійських художників.
Встановлено пам'ятник героям Другої Світової війни - самохідна артилерійська установка, бойова машина 2-го гвардійського механізованого корпусу, який брав участь у визволенні Білозерки від німецьких окупантів.
Bilozerka Museum
Museum / gallery
The Bilozerka Museum is located in the center of the village of Bilozerka. It was founded in 1969. The museum received a second life in 2021, changing the concept and updating the exposition.
Currently, the museum has four permanent interactive expositions, where visitors can interact with the exhibits - touch and understand them by touch, dress them, play with them, smell them and even drink. In the Bilozerka Museum, instead of the usual "Do not touch anything", they offer "Touch history with your own hands".
The exhibition "Culture by Touch" is dedicated to the life story of Olha Skorokhodova, a native of the village of Bilozerka, who, being blind and deaf, became an outstanding scientist and wrote a number of scientific works that are still used by defectologists around the world. The principle of constructing the exhibition is aimed at the tactile perception of objects. During interactive excursions, visitors "examine" exhibits with their hands, participate in activities at the "art table", during which you can learn to write in Braille, work with art materials blindly, get acquainted with objects using different senses, getting to know them from other sides.
The exhibition "Ukrainian Fitting Room" presents traditional Ukrainian clothing, which is in the museum's collection. In addition, visitors are offered to dress up in a fitting room in copies of the most interesting costumes and take a photo as a souvenir to feel how their ancestors lived 200-300 years ago, what they looked like had, what clothes were sewn then.
The exposition "Our Bondarchuk" is dedicated to the famous director, Oscar winner, native of Bilozerka Serhiy Bondarchuk. The museum houses an analog film projector "Ukraine" with little-known films, where Bondarchuk plays the roles of Taras Shevchenko and Ivan Franko. Visitors can "charge" the projector themselves and arrange film screenings for themselves and friends.
The exposition "Amazing Reed" tells about the use of reed (Southern Reed) in the everyday life of the inhabitants of the Dnipro region in past centuries.
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