The village of Vilshany is located 20 km west of Kharkiv, on the road to Bohodukhiv.
It was founded in the middle of the 17th century by emigrants from the village of the same name in the Bohuslav Region, led by the centurion Semen Kovalevskyi. As the centurion center of the Kharkiv regiment, Vilshan was first mentioned in 1673, when the centurion was commanded by centurion Hryhoriy Borisov. Soon a fortress was built here (not preserved).
Saint Nicolas Church, built in 1753, has a three-story composition typical of wooden churches in Central Ukraine. The building of the Land Bank (1903), which now houses the village council, is an architectural monument.
Селище Вільшани розташоване в 20 км на захід від Харкова, по дорозі на Богодухів.
Засноване в середині XVII сторіччя переселенцями з однойменного села на Богуславщині на чолі з сотником Семеном Ковалевським. Як сотенний центр Харківського полку Вільшана вперше згадується в 1673 році, коли сотнею командував наказний сотник Григорій Борисов. Незабаром тут було споруджено фортецю (не збереглася).
Миколаївська церква, збудована в 1753 році, має типову для дерев'яних храмів Центральної України трьохприватну композицію. Пам'яткою архітектури є будівля Земельного банку (1903 рік), в якій зараз розміщується селищна рада.
Land Bank
The building of the Land Bank in Vilshany was built in 1912 (according to other data - in 1903).
Architecture in the Art Nouveau style. Currently, the building houses the village council of Vilshany.
Saint Nicholas Church
Temple , Architecture
The Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in Vilshany is one of the oldest churches in the Kharkiv region.
The wooden Saint Nicholas church with a bell tower was built in 1753 (according to other sources - in 1741), reconstructed in 1793. The three-domed church has a typical three-part composition for wooden churches of Central Ukraine. Stone borders were added in 1911-1914.
At the end of the 20th century, the temple was sheathed with metal sheets, and a brick bell tower was added to it.
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