Krasna Poliana

Travel guide online Krasna Poliana

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Information on this page is translated from Ukrainian language automatically by machine translation and may not always accurately express the original. We nevertheless hope it will be of use to you and make it easier for you to plan your trip.

General information about Krasna Poliana

Village Krasna Poliana is located on the territory of Kharkiv region and is administratively part of Chuhuiv district of this region. According to the Codifier of Administrative Territorial Units and Territories of Territorial Communities of Ukraine, the settlement Krasna Poliana has the code UA63140030370073868.

The district center of Chuhuiv of the district is a city Chuhuiv. The distance from the district center to the settlement Krasna Poliana is 22 kilometers in a straight line (the length of the road route may be longer).

A detailed description of Krasna Poliana, including geographical location, date of foundation, history of the settlement of Krasna Poliana with main historical events and persons, main sights and interesting places of Krasna Poliana, not yet available ...

Село Красна Поляна розташоване на території Харківської області та адміністративно входить до складу Чугуївського району цієї області. Згідно з Кодифікатором адміністративно-територіальних одиниць та територій територіальних громад України, населений пункт Красна Поляна має код UA63140030370073868.

Районним центром Чугуївського району є місто Чугуїв. Відстань від райцентру до населеного пункта Красна Поляна становить 22 кілометрів по прямій (довжина маршруту автомобільними дорогами може бути більшою).

Детальний опис Красної Поляни, що включає географічне розташування, дату заснування, історію населеного пункта Красна Поляна з основними історичними подіями та персонами, основні пам'ятки та цікаві місця Красної Поляни, поки що відсутній.

What to see and where to go in Krasna Poliana

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Tourist attractions and museums of Krasna Poliana

Synyakov Manor (Mecca of Futurism), Krasna Poliana
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Synyakov Manor (Museum "Mecca of Futurism")

Palace / manor , Architecture , Museum / gallery

The "Mecca of Futurism" museum is being created in the village of Krasna Poliana in the former estate of the Kharkiv merchant Mikhaylo Synyakov and his five daughters, who at the beginning of the 20th century were friends with many famous avant-garde artists and hosted them in their home. It is believed that it was in the Sinyakov estate in the Kharkiv region that world futurism was born, the muses of which were the Synyakov sisters.

The most famous of the sisters is the Ukrainian artist, close to the avant-garde, graphic artist, illustrator Mariya Synyakova-Urechyna. In Ukrainian art of the 1910s-1920s, she represented the neo-primitivist trend. Her works are kept in the National Art Museum of Ukraine, the Museum of Modern Art (New York), and private collections in Ukraine and abroad.

In addition to its memorial value, the Synyakov estate has great architectural and artistic significance, as it is a model of wooden park estates of the late 19th century. Today it is the only building of this type that has survived in the Zmiiv region. The house itself has preserved stucco molding, a stove, a wooden floor, and red wallpaper on the wall.

The Museum "Mecca of Futurism" is a branch of the Zmiiv Museum of Local Lore.

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Geographical information about Krasna Poliana

Administrative status village
Latitude 49.7885
Longitude 36.38895
