The picturesque resort village of Koropove on the Siverskyi Donets River is located in the center of the Homilshanskyi Forests National Park. A popular country recreation area.
Koropovy (Korobovy) hamlets have been known since the 17th century, the first reserve of the ship's forest was organized here back in the times of Peter. The natural landscape is formed by hills, lakes and ancient oaks. The best panorama opens from Kozacha Hill, which rises 60 meters on the right bank of the river.
There are many recreation centers, entertainment complexes, restaurants, etc.
Мальовниче курортне село Коропове на річці Сіверський Донець розташоване в центрі національного парку "Гомільшанські ліси". Популярна зона заміського відпочинку.
Коропови (Коробови) хутори відомі з XVII століття, перший заповідник корабельного лісу був організований тут ще в петрівські часи. Природний ландшафт формують пагорби, озера і вікові дуби. Найкраща панорама відкривається з Козачої гори, яка височить на 60 метрів на правому березі річки.
Тут безліч баз відпочинку, розважальних комплексів, ресторанів тощо.
Cossack Mountain
Historic area
A high cliff above Siverskyi Donets on the southern outskirts of the village of Koropove, from its 60-meter height offers wonderful views of the surrounding area.
Nicknamed Cossack Mountain, because the Cossack Nicholas monastery was located nearby, the ruins of which have been preserved in the village. When Empress Catherine II liquidated the Zaporizhzhia Sich in 1788, the monastery in which many fugitive Cossacks were hiding was also destroyed.
According to legend, Cossacks in monastic robes broke through the ranks of Russian troops surrounding the monastery and threw themselves from the bank cliff into the river, trying to escape by swimming. Today, a memorial cross has been erected on the mountain.
National Natural Park "Homilsha Forests"
Natural object
The Homilsha Forests are a reserve massif of deciduous forest on the banks of the Siverskyi Donets River 40 kilometers south of Kharkiv, between the villages of Velyka Homilsha and Koropove.
The national nature park "Homilsha Forests" was created in 2004, but as early as the 18th century, Peter I drew attention to the natural value of local landscapes, issuing a decree on the allocation of protected ship groves near Homilsha. In the 1970s, the "Homilsha Forest Dacha" reserve was created, recreation centers began to appear around it.
The list of rare plants in the forest is 132 species. One of the areas is called a "branch of the taiga" because very tall silver fir trees grow here. About 500 hectares of 130-150-year-old oak forest have been preserved to this day, and there are some 300-year-old oaks.
Rare birds are found here, including the white-tailed eagle, the burying eagle, the blue kingfisher, the bee-eater, the white-tailed eagle, the vulture, and others. Waterfowl liked the picturesque Kosach Bay.
Archaeological monuments of the Stone and Bronze Age, hillforts and burial grounds of Scythian, Alanic and Slavic antiquity have been preserved.
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