The village of Petropavlivka is located at the confluence of the Byk River with Samara between Pavlohrad and Pokrovsk.
It was founded in 1775 as a military settlement of pikemen of the Luhansk regiment. In the Bakhmut fortress, from where they were transferred to a new settlement, the pikemen were parishioners of the Peter and Paul Church, in memory of which the new settlement was named Petropavlivka.
In 1910, a stone Peter and Paul church was built in the style of classicism, which has survived to this day.
Селище Петропавлівка розташоване при впадінні річки Бик в Самару між Павлоградом та Покровськом.
Засноване в 1775 році як військова слобода пікінерів Луганського полку. В Бахмутський фортеці, звідки вони були переведені на нове поселення, пікінери були прихожанами Петропавлівської церкви, в пам'ять про яку назвали нову слободу Петропавлівкою.
В 1910 році збудовано кам'яну Петропавлівську церкву в стилі класицизму, що збереглася донині.
Petropavlivka People's Historical and Local Lore Museum
Museum / gallery
The History and Local Lore Museum in Petropavlivka was founded in 1967 and is now located in the Cultural Center Kvitka.
The exposition consists of four sections: "Our region from the earliest times to the beginning of the 20th century", "Our region in 1900-1940", "Tests of war and reconstruction", "Development of the region" and the ethnographic hall "Ukrainian room".
In front of the entrance to the building is the exhibition "Stone witnesses of the history of the region", which presents stone idols of the Scythian-Sarmatian period.
Saint Peter and Paul Church
Temple , Architecture
The Saint Peter and Paul Church in Petropavlivka was built in 1910 on the site of the first wooden church that gave the village its name.
The stone one-domed three-throne temple was built in the style of classicism. The central throne is in honor of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the left one is in honor of the great martyr Kateryna, the right one is in honor of PrinceOleksandr Nevskyi.
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