
Travel guide online Orlivshchyna

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General information about Orlivshchyna

The resort village of Orlivshchyna is located in an ancient pine forest on the banks of the Samara River to the east of Samar.

It has been known since the 17th century as Orliv Kut near the Samar Cossack Monastery.

The Church of the Intercession was founded in the 18th century and restored at the end of the 20th century.

Orlivshchyna is a popular direction of suburban cottage construction in the vicinity of the Dnipro. There are traditional recreation centers and modern entertainment complexes with hotels and restaurants.

Курортне село Орлівщина розташоване у віковому сосновому лісі на березі річки Самара на схід від Самару.

Відоме з XVII століття як Орлів Кут біля козацького Самарського монастиря.

У XVIII столітті була заснована Покровська церква, відновлена в кінці XX століття.

Орлівщина - це популярний напрям заміського котеджного будівництва в околицях Дніпра. Є традиційні бази відпочинку та сучасні розважальні комплекси з готелями і ресторанами.

Сплануй своє перебування у Orlivshchyna

What to see and where to go in Orlivshchyna

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Tourist attractions and museums of Orlivshchyna

BMW Car Museum, Orlivshchyna
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BMW Car Museum

Museum / gallery

The Museum of German BMW, BMW M and Alpina cars is located on the territory of the Golden Beach Park-Hotel in the village of Orlivshchyna near the Dnipro. The official opening is planned for 2025.

The exhibition features more than 90 examples of exclusive cars, including modern BMW models, official BMW M sports modifications and tuned versions from Alpina.

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Intercession Church, Orlivshchyna
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Holy Intercession Church


The Church of the Holy Intercession in the village of Orlivshchyna was built at the end of the 20th century on the site of a destroyed wooden church founded in 1782.

In the 1920s, the Church of the Holy Intercession was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. In 1992, the revival began, and 6 years later, the solemn consecration of the new stone Holy Intercession Church took place.

Shrines: the ancient Athos icon of the Protection of the Mother of God, an image with a portion of the relics of the holy martyr Mykola Iskrivsky.

There is a parish Sunday school, the church takes care of orphans who live in the "Horobynochka" children's boarding school.

Map pin icon Pokrovska Street, 1H


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